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Computer algebra in the life sciences

Published: 01 December 2002 Publication History


This note (1) provides references to recent work that applies computer algebra (CA) to the life sciences, (2) cites literature that explains the biological background of each application, (3) states the mathematical methods that are used, (4) mentions the benefits of CA, and (5) suggests some topics for future work.


O. O. AALEN, Phase type distributions in survival analysis, Scand. J. Stat. 22 (4) 447--463, 1995.]]
O. O. AALEN, Phase type distributions: computer algebra and a simple mixing model, Technical report, Section of Medical Statistics, University of Oslo, 1999.]]
H. ANDERSSON AND T. BRITTON, Stochastic epidemic models and their statistical analysis, Lecture notes in statistics, 151, Springer, 2000.]]
D. ANDREWS, Asymptotic expansions of moments and cumulants, Stat. Comp. 11 (1) 7--16, 2001.]]
D. F. ANDREWS AND J. E. STAFFORD, Tools for the symbolic computation of asymptotic expansions, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B 55 (3) 613--627, 1993.]]
D. F. ANDREWS AND J. E. STAFFORD, Iterated full partitions, Stat. Comp. 8 (3) 189--192, 1998.]]
D. F. ANDREWS AND J. E. STAFFORD, Symbolic computation for statistical inference, Oxford University Press, 2001.]]
P. ARMITAGE AND T. KOLTON, Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 6 volumes, Wiley, 1998.]]
S. AUDOLY, L. D'ANGIÒ, M. P. SACCOMANI AND C. COBELLI, Global identifiability of linear compartmental models --- a computer algebra algorithm, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 45 (1) 36--47, 1998.]]
S. AUDOLY, G. BELLU, L. D'ANGIÒ, M. P. SACCOMANI AND C. COBELLI, Global identifiability of nonlinear models of biological systems, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 48 (1) 55--65, 2001.]]
J. BAGLIVO, M. PAGANO AND C. SPINO, Permutation distributions via generating functions with applications to sensitivity analysis of discrete data, J. Am. Stat. Assoc 91 (435) 1037--1046, 1996.]]
F. BALLOUX, H. BRÜNNER, N. LUGON-MOULIN, J. HAUSSER AND J. GOUDET, Microsatellites can be misleading: an empirical and simulation study, Evolution, 54 (4), 1414--1422, 2000.]]
M. P. BARNETT, The evaluation of molecular integrals by the zeta-function method, in B. ALDER, S. FERNBACH AND M. ROTENBERG, eds., Methods of Computational Physics, Academic Press, New York, vol 2, 95--153, 1963.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Molecular integrals over Slater orbitals, Chem. Phys. Letters 166 (1) 65--70, 1990.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Summing Pn(cosθ)/p(n) for certain polynomials p(n), Computers Math. Applic. 21 (10) 79--86, 1991.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Implicit rule formation in symbolic computation, Computers Math. Applic. 26 (1) 35--50, 1993.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Combining Mathematica and TeX, TUGboat, 19 (2) 147--158, 1998.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Symbolic calculation of auxiliary functions for molecular integrals over Slater orbitals, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 76 (3) 464--472, 2000.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Two-center non-exchange integrals over Slater orbitals, J. Chem. Phys. 113 (21) 9419--9428, 2000.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Digital erosion in the evaluation of molecular integrals, Theor. Chem. Accounts, 107 (4) 241--245, 2002.]]
M. P. BARNETT, Symbolic tabulation of overlap integrals over Slater orbitals, Theor. Chem. Accounts, in press, 2002.]]
M. P. BARNETT, T. DECKER AND W. KRANDICK, Power series expansion of the roots of a secular equation containing symbolic elements: computer algebra and Moseley's law, J. Chem. Phys. 114 (23) 10265--10269, 2001.]]
M. P. BARNETT AND K. R. PERRY, Hierarchical addressing in symbolic computation, Computers Math. Applic. 28 (8) 17--35, 1994.]]
M. P. BARNETT AND K. R. PERRY, Symbolic computation for electronic publishing, TUGboat, 15 (3 ) 285--292, 1994.]]
L. BARROSO, G. CORDEIRO AND K. VASCONCELLOS, Improved score tests for von Mises regression models, Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods 30 (7) 1295--1315, 2001.]]
M. BAYRAM, J. P. BENNETT AND M. C. DEWAR, Using computer algebra to determine rate constants in biochemistry, Acta Biotheoretica, 41 (1--2) 53--62, 1993.]]
M. BAYRAM, Automatic analysis of the control of metabolic networks, Comput. Biol. Med. 26 (5) 401--408, 1996.]]
M. BAYRAM, Automatic derivation of steady state rate laws using a computer algebra system, Proc. Indian Natl. Sci. Acad., A. 63 (3), 241--249, 1997.]]
E. D. BECKER, High resolutionNMR, theory and chemical applications, 3rd ed. Academic Press, 2000.]]
D. BELLHOUSE, R. PHILIPS AND J. STAFFORD, Symbolic operators for multiple sums, Comput. Stat. Data Anal 24 (4) 443--454, 1997.]]
R. BELLIO AND A. BRAZZALE, A computer algebra package for approximate conditional inference, Stat. Comput. 11 (1) 17--24, 2001.]]
J. P. BENNETT, J. H. DAVENPORT, M. C. DEWAR, D. L. FISHER, M. GRINFELD AND M. SAURO, Computer algebra approaches to enzyme kinetics, Lect. Notes in Cont. Inf. Sci. 165, 23--30, 1991.]]
J. P. BENNETT, M. GRINFELD AND J. HUBBLE, Computer algebra techniques in affinity binding equations: the dimer case, J. Symb. Comp. 15 (1) 79--83, 1993.]]
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V. A. BRUMBERG, Analytical techniques of celestial mechanics, Springer, 1995.]]
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H. CASWELLMatrix population models: construction, analysis and interpretation, 2nd ed. Sinauer, 2001.]]
S.-M. CHANG AND M. D. RAUSHER, Frequency-dependent pollen discounting contributes to maintenance of a mixed mating system in the common Morning Glory Ipomoea purpurea, Am. Naturalist, 152 (5), 671--683, 1998.]]
M. J. CHAPPELL, K. R. GODFREY AND S. VAJDA, Global identifiability of the parameters of nonlinear systems with specified inputs: a comparison of methods, Math. Biosci. 102 (1) 41--73, 1990.]]
C. CHAUVIN, M. MÜLLER AND A. WEBER, An application of quantifier elimination to mathematical biology, in J. FLEISCHER, J. GRABMEIER, F. W. HEHL AND W. KÜCHLIN, eds. Computer Algebra in Science and Engineering, 287--298, World Scientific, 1995.]]
C. S. CHEN, M. MRKSICH, S. HUANG, G. WHITESIDES AND D. E. INGBER, Geometric control of cell life and death, Science, 276 (5317) 1425--1428, 1997.]]
G. CHRISTAKOS, Modern spatiotemporal geostatistics, Oxford University Press, 2000.]]
D. E. CLARK, Computational models for probabilistic decision trees, Comp. Biomed. Res. 30 (1) 19--33, 1997.]]
D. E. CLARK AND M. EL-TAHA, Generation of correlated logistic-normal random variates for medical decision trees, Methods Inf. Med. 37 (3) 235--238, 1998.]]
J. E. COHEN, Population-growth and the earth's human carrying-capacity, Science, 269, (5222) 341--348, 1995.]]
J. E. COHEN, M. LYNCH AND C. E. TAYLOR, ForensicDNAtests and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Science, 253 (5023) 1037--1038, 1991.]]
G. E. COLLINS, M. J. ENCARNACION, H. HONG, J. R. JOHNSON., W. KRANDICK, A. M. MANDACHE, A. NEUBACHER, AND H. VIELHABER, SACLIBUser's Guide, Technical Report 93--19, RISC--Linz, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 1993.]]
P. COOK AND L. BROEMLING, Bayesian statistics usingMATHEMATICA, Am. Stat. 49 (1) 70--76, 1995.]]
R. M. CORLESS, HIV and antiviral therapy, accessed from {242}.]]
C. J. CRAMER, Essentials of computational chemistry: theories and models, Wiley, (in press) 2002.]]
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A. C. CULLEN AND H. C. FREY, Probabilistic Techniques in Exposure Assessment: A Handbook for Dealing with Variability and Uncertainty in Models and Inputs, Plenum, 1999.]]
I. CURRIE, Maximum-likelihood-estimation andMATHEMATICA, Appl. Stat.-J. R. Stat. Soc 44 (3) 379--394, 1995.]]
S. CYGANOWSKI, AMAPLEpackage for stochastic differential equations, in R. L. MAY AND A. K. EASTON, eds. Proceedings of the seventh biennial computational techniques and applications conference: CTAC95, 223--230, World Scientific, 2006; download from {247}, page 2, item 2.]]
S. CYGANOWSKI, L. GRÜNE AND P. E. KLOEDEN, MAPLEfor stochastic differential equations, in J. F. BLOWEY, J. P. COLEMAN AND A. W. CRAIG eds. Theory and numerics of differential equations, 127--178, Springer, 2001; download from {247}, page 1, maplesde.pdf.]]
S. CYGANOWSKI, P. E. KLOEDEN AND J. OMBACH, From elementary probability to stochastic DEs withMAPLE, Springer, 2001.]]
A. DAVISON AND J. STAFFORD, The score function and a comparison of various adjustments of the profile likelihood, Can. J. Stat.-Rev. Can. Stat 26 (1) 139--148, 1998.]]
C. DENNISTON, Equivalence by descent, Ann. Hum. Genet. 64 (1) 61--82, 2000.]]
P. DIACONIS AND B. STURMFELS, Algebraic algorithms for sampling from conditional distributions, Annals Stat. 26 (1) 363--397, 1998.]]
A. DRESS AND W. TERHALLE, The tree of life and other affine buildings, Documenta Mathematica, extra vol. ICM (III) 565--574, and http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/documenta/xvol-icm/16/16.html, 1998.]]
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P. FORWALTER-FRIEDMAN, Hopf bifurcation in a predator-prey model, accessed from {242}.]]
R. FREEMAN, Spin choreography: basic steps in high resolutionNMR, Oxford University Press, 1998.]]
O. D. FRIEDRICHS, A. W. M. DRESS, D. HUSON, J. KLINOWSKI AND A. L MACKAY, Systematic enumeration of crystalline networks, Nature, 400 (6745) 644--647, 1999.]]
D. J. GALAS, Making sense of the sequence, Science, 291 (5507) 1257--1260, 2001.]]
F. GARVAN, The Maple book, Chapman and Hall, London, 2001.]]
C. GASPAROVIC, M. CABAÑAS AND C. ARÚS, A simple approach to the design of a shielded gradient probe for high-resolution in vivo spectroscopy, J. Mag. Res. B 109 (2) 146--152, 1995.]]
J. VON ZUR GATHEN AND J. GERHARDT, Modern computer algebra, Cambridge University Press, 1999.]]
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R. GEIL, Determination of rate law for enzyme kinetics, accessed from {242}.]]
J. GITTINS AND H. PEZESHK, A behavioral Bayes method for determining the size of a clinical trial, Drug Inf. J. 34 (2) 355--363, 2000.]]
A. G. GLEN, L. M. LEEMIS AND D. R. BARR, Order statistics in goodness-of-fit testing, IEEE Trans. Reliability, 50 (2) 209--213, 2001.]]
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A. G. GLEN, L. M. LEEMIS AND D. L. EVANS, APPL: A probability programming language, Am. Stat 55 (2) 156--166, 2001.]]
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C. GOUTIS AND G. CASELLA, Explaining the saddlepoint approximation, Am. Stat. 53 (3) 216--224, 1999.]]
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M. GRINFELD, J. BENNETT AND J. HUBBLE, Application of computer algebra techniques to affinity binding equations, IAM J. Math. App. Bus. Ind. 8, 157--166, 1997.]]
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ACM SIGSAM Bulletin  Volume 36, Issue 4
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