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Longitudinal Study of Mobile Telepresence Robots in Older Adults’ Homes: Uses, Social Connection, and Comfort with Technology

Online AM: 11 July 2024 Publication History


Mobile telepresence robots can help reduce loneliness by facilitating people to visit each other and have more social presence than visiting via video or audio calls. However, using new technology can be challenging for many older adults. In this paper, we examine how older adults use and want to use mobile telepresence robots, how these robots affect their social connection, and how they can be improved for older adults’ use. We placed a mobile telepresence robot in the home of older adult primary participants (N = 7; age 60+) for 7 months and facilitated monthly activities between them and a secondary participant (N = 8; age 18+) of their choice. Participants used the robots as they liked between monthly activities. We collected diary entries and monthly interviews from primary participants and a final interview from secondary participants. Results indicate that older adults found many creative uses for the robots, including conversations, board games, and hide ‘n’ seek. Several participants felt more socially connected with others and a few had improved their comfort with technology because of their use of the robot. They also suggested design recommendations and updates for the robots related to size, mobility, and more, which can help practitioners improve robots for older adults’ use.


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Online AM: 11 July 2024
Accepted: 30 May 2024
Revised: 15 February 2024
Received: 31 August 2023

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  1. mobile telepresence robots
  2. older adults
  3. longitudinal study
  4. social connection


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