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An explainable analysis of diabetes mellitus using statistical and artificial intelligence techniques



Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease prevalent worldwide, requiring a multifaceted analytical approach to improve early detection and subsequent mitigation of morbidity and mortality rates. This research aimed to develop an explainable analysis of DM by combining sociodemographic and clinical data with statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques.


Leveraging a small dataset that includes sociodemographic and clinical profiles of diabetic and non-diabetic individuals, we employed a diverse set of statistical and AI models for predictive purposes and assessment of DM risk factors. The statistical tests used were Student’s t-test and Chi-square, while the AI techniques were fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), and XGBoost.


Our statistical models facilitated an in-depth exploration of variable associations, while the resulting AI models demonstrated exceptional efficacy in DM classification. In particular, the XGBoost model showed superior performance in accuracy, sensitivity and specificity with values of 1 for each of these metrics. On the other hand, the FCM stood out for its explainability capabilities by allowing an analysis of the variables involved in the prediction using scenario-based simulations.


An integrated analysis of DM using a variety of methodologies is critical for timely detection of the disease and informed clinical decision-making.

Peer Review reports


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels because the body is unable to produce or use the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the regulation of glucose in the bloodstream [1, 2]. It has been associated with various disabling complications that increase the risk of mortality, such as kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, retinopathy, diabetic foot, and lower limb amputation [3].

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence and mortality of diabetic patients have been progressively increasing in recent years [4]. By 2021, there was a population of 529 million diagnosed with diabetes [5], estimating that by 2045 there will be an increase of 48% [6], with expected prevalence rates of 10% in several regions in the world such as North Africa, Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean [1, 5]. By 2021, an estimated 6.7 million adults aged 29–79 years died from DM or its complications, corresponding to 12.2% of deaths worldwide [1]. Each year, DM generates large economic losses, both for patients (loss of productivity, reduced quality of life, premature mortality) and health systems due to the high costs of care, diagnosis, and treatment [7]. The International Diabetes Federation estimates that health expenditures for 2021 resulted in US$966 billion worldwide, forecast to reach more than $1054 billion by 2045 [1]. Symptoms of type 2 DM can develop over years, people can live without realizing their health status [2], finding that about 50% of the population suffering from DM are not diagnosed in time [8]. Late diagnosis leads to numerous health problems and a large number of deaths each year, so the development of methods for early diagnosis and initiation of timely treatment is essential to improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the loss of productivity and healthcare costs.

In general, healthcare institutions are large generators of data, as led to an increase in research in the field of healthcare in recent years using computational techniques that exploit said data [9,10,11,12]. Specifically, several studies have been conducted to predict DM, involving artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, and datasets that include patients’ clinical and sociodemographic information. For instance, Islam et al. [8] developed several models such as Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Random Forest (RF), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The results showed that ANN was the best model classifying 99% of the instances correctly. Ergün et al. [13] used eight AI techniques, where the highest accuracy rate was obtained by using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with 99.04%, followed by XGBoost and RF with accuracies of 97.89% and 97.69%, respectively. Chaves et al. [14] developed a model for early diagnosis of DM and they found in their results that ANN represented the best model with a correct prediction of 510 out of 520 instances, with an accuracy of 98.08%. García-Ordás et al. [15] used deep learning combined with augmentation techniques to address DM prediction, and compared the original PIMA dataset with an oversampled dataset with a variational automatic encoder (VAE); the best single classical model corresponded to multilayer perceptron on the VAE set with an accuracy of 79.22%. On the other hand, Reddy et al. [16] reported the use of genetic learning and chaotic features for non-invasive diagnosis of DM. In addition, they reported the use of an improved hybrid version of the Extreme Learning Machine algorithm combined with an improved version of Particle Swarm Optimization (ELM-PSO) [17]. The results of these works showed good performance in detecting or diagnosing diabetes noninvasively. Finally, Swaroop et al. [18] used ensemble methods such as Ant Colony Optimization with Xgboost and Gray Wolf Optimization with Adaboost. The performance metrics showed that Ant Colony Optimization with Xgboost outperformed the other combinations tested.

Despite the great variety of articles reported in the literature on DM prediction, the works present some limitations. On one side, some studies did not use preprocessing techniques to improve data quality such as oversampling to balance classes; the use of unbalanced data can affect the quality of model results. On the other hand, several studies focus on the development of poorly understandable and complex models, which affect the interpretation by health professionals, who are the most interested in performing clinical follow-up of patients. The diagnosis of diseases such as DM is a complex process because it is a multifactorial problem where a professional must analyze all the factors to detect the disease early. The works reported in the literature focus on developing complex models that improve the accuracy to predict the disease sometimes sacrificing the interpretability of the results. The sole prediction of whether or not the patient has DM is insufficient for such a complex problem. Medical professionals are interested not only in tools that allow them to detect the disease with excellent predictive ability but also, in assessing the impact of each predictor variable on the presence of DM. In addition, the development of models that allow the behavior of each variable to be evaluated through simulated iterations is more useful for early detection of the disease. Also, another limitation of the studies reported in the literature is that they do not integrate different approaches of different nature for disease analysis. Using different modeling approaches could help to extract more complete information about the disease than if only one approach is used. The generation of knowledge from the data may be more complete when different approaches of different natures are integrated for the analysis of DM. Classical statistical techniques are excellent for analyzing linear relationships and simple patterns. However, DM is a complex disease with multiple interrelated factors. AI techniques can identify nonlinear and complex patterns in large datasets, providing a deeper understanding of the relationship between various variables. Nonetheless, a final limitation is that these approaches are data intensive. Thus, it is important to develop models on small datasets, because in many parts of the world data availability is low for this disease. Combining these two approaches on datasets with few or many data, depending on the context, can provide a more complete and accurate view of the variables related to DM, which is crucial for informed health and medical decision-making.

Based on this context, the aim of our research was to carry out an explainable analysis of DM using statistical and AI models. The novelty of our work lies in the use of two different approaches, such as conventional statistics and AI, to develop a comprehensive in-depth analysis of diabetes. To this end, in this work we carry out a descriptive analysis, an analysis of associations between variables of interest, predictive models to classify individuals with and without diabetes; and finally, an explanatory analysis using AI techniques. Specifically, the contributions of our research to the state of the art are: i) an explainable analysis of DM that integrates several approaches, such as statistical tests and AI techniques in a small dataset; ii) several AI models that predict with high accuracy the presence of DM using sociodemographic and clinical information; iii) an analysis of the explainability and interpretability of all the models developed; iv) a quantitative comparison to evaluate the capacity of our proposed models and compare them with those reported in the literature.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Material and methods section details the materials and methods, describing the dataset, preprocessing techniques, model development, and evaluation metrics. Results section shows the experimental results. Discussion section discusses the results and compares them with related work. Finally, Conclusions section concludes the paper, identifies limitations, and recommends future work.

Material and methods

This section describes the methodological framework of the research to meet the proposed objective. Figure 1 represents the outline of the main stages of the process from data collection to the evaluation of the proposed predictive models. We conducted a quantitative cross-sectional study, in which, we initially performed a descriptive analysis to analyze the distribution of the data [19]. Then, we performed an association analysis to find dependencies between each predictor variable and the presence of DM [12]. Subsequently, we used four AI techniques to develop DM prediction models with subsequent evaluation of the performance of each one. Finally, we performed an explainability analysis for each model using different methodologies such as SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values, feature importance, and scenario-based computational simulations.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Methodological framework of the research

Table 1 Description of the variables included in the dataset

Data source

An open-access dataset was used to develop several models to detect and analyze DM. We used the early stage DM risk prediction dataset, which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license [8]. This dataset contains signs and symptoms information of 520 patients from Sylhet Diabetes Hospital, Bangladesh, which was collected by direct survey application to patients under medical supervision. This group of individuals consisted of 320 diabetic patients and 200 individuals without DM. Table 1 shows the set of the 17 variables, including a class variable corresponding to the presence or absence of DM. All variables, with the exception of age, are binary variables (Yes/No). We chose this dataset because we wanted to develop predictive models on a small DM dataset using statistical and AI techniques. The goal was to demonstrate that AI models can recognize patterns in small datasets.

Descriptive analysis

A descriptive analysis of the dataset was performed to evaluate its distribution. Descriptive analysis was used to determine statistical values that later are used in the following analyses (for example, the frequency of categorical variables was used in dependence analysis). It was also used to assess the quality of the dataset (for example, whether it had outliers, among other things). For numeric variables, we used measures of central tendency such as the mean, and measures of dispersion such as the standard deviation. For categorical variables, we used the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies with respect to class (absence/presence of DM).

Association or dependence analysis

Dependence analysis allows determining the association of each predictor variable in the dataset with the presence of diabetes. In particular, variables associated with diabetes are identified using statistical tests. To verify the dependence of age on DM, we used Student’s t-test [20] to analyze significant differences between diabetics and non-diabetics. Previously, the Lilliefors test [21] was used to verify the normality of the data. For the comparison of age between the two study groups, we used the following hypotheses:

  • \(H_{0}: \bar{e}_{diabetes} = \bar{e}_{non-diabetes}\)

  • \(H_{1}: \bar{e}_{diabetes} \ne \bar{e}_{non-diabetes}\)

The previous hypothesis was used to evaluate whether the means of individuals with diabetes and those without diabetes are significantly different. For this, we used the p-value of the test and a significance level of 0.05. If the p-value is less than the significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected, which shows that there is evidence to say that the ages of the two groups are different. Otherwise, there are no significant differences between the two study groups.

To perform the analysis of the association between the categorical variables (sex, polyuria, polydipsia, etc.) and the target variable (diagnosis of DM), the chi-square test was used [22]. For example, if we want to assess the association between sex and DM, we first constructed a contingency table that stores the observed frequencies of individuals classified by sex and the absence/presence of DM. Subsequently, the expected frequencies are calculated under the null hypothesis that there is no association between sex and the presence of DM. Thus, the Chi-square statistic is calculated using Eq. 1. Finally, statistical significance (p-value) was obtained, establishing the value of 0.05 as significant for the association between qualitative variables and the presence of DM. This same procedure was performed for each of the categorical variables in the dataset described in Table 1.

$$\begin{aligned} X^{2} = \sum _{i = 1}^{n} \frac{(X_{i} - E_{i})^{2}}{E_{i}} \end{aligned}$$

Where \(X_{i}\) is the observed frequency, \(E_{i}\) is the expected frequency and n is the number of categories in the contingency table. The hypotheses to be tested in the Chi-square test are as follows:

  • \(H_{0}\): There is no dependence or association between the evaluated variables.

  • \(H_{1}\): There is some kind of dependence or association between the evaluated variables.

Data preprocessing

Data preprocessing is an essential stage in data mining because different methods such as normalization or oversampling could improve data quality [23]. In this research, we used min-max normalization on the age variable (the only numerical variable) to sort the data between values of 0 and 1, in order to ensure faster model training. The formula for min-max normalization is expressed by the following equation [24]:

$$\begin{aligned} e_{norm} = \frac{e_{i} - e_{min}}{e_{max} - e_{min}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(e_{norm}\) is the normalized age, \(e_{i}\) is the age of each individual, \(e_{min}\) is the minimum age and \(e_{max}\) the maximum age.

In the dataset, the distribution of classes was unbalanced, initially containing 61.53% records of patients with DM and 38.47% records without DM. The use of unbalanced data can bias the performance of the classifiers toward the majority class, affecting the accuracy of the minorities. Faced with this problem, we used the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) [26], which consists of generating new instances from data of the minority class. SMOTE consists of a 4-stage process. First, the identification of instances of the minority class in the dataset is performed. Second, an instance and its nearest neighbors are selected using the Euclidean distance. Third, the algorithm generates new instances somewhere in the line connecting the identified instance and its selected neighbors. Finally, the fourth stage consists of adding the newly generated instances to the dataset. Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of the process performed by SMOTE. The instances of the minority class are represented by green circles. The circle with \(X_{1}\) represents the selected instance and \(X_{3}\) is the nearest neighbor. The red circle with \(X_{n}\) represents the new data generated. Thus, we increased the number of data for the minor label using SMOTE, obtaining a dataset with 640 records: 320 for DM and 320 without DM.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic representation of SMOTE. Green circles indicate the minority class. \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{3}\) represent the selected instance and the nearest neighbor, respectively. The red circle with \(X_{n}\) represents the new data generated (adapted from [25])

AI techniques

Fuzzy cognitive map

A Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) is an AI technique that simulates human reasoning, through the graphical representation or modeling of complex systems, using their concepts and the interrelation between them [27]. FCMs are effective in modeling the uncertainty and imprecision present in many datasets. In the context of structured data, where ambiguity can arise, FCMs can better capture complexity. In addition, FCMs allow for clearer interpretation and explanation of model decisions. This is crucial in applications where understanding the reasoning behind a prediction is as important, especially in medical environments. Figure 3 illustrates in a simple way the representation of an FCM, a graphical structure with five concepts (\(C_{1}\) to \(C_{5}\)). Each concept (C) represents a variable or characteristic of the system under study, for example, symptoms of a disease or laboratory tests. The influence of one concept on another is represented by a weight (W) on a directed edge [28].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example of an FCM with five concepts and six relationships. Adapted from [28]

Mathematically, the FCM in Fig. 3 can be represented by a matrix (see Eq. 3 [29]), called adjacency matrix [29], which contains information on the influences between concepts of an FCM:


FCM models can be constructed in three ways [30]. In the first one, a group of experts select the concepts of interest and assign relationships between those concepts. In the second one, the relationships between concepts are determined using datasets and optimization algorithms [28]. Finally, the third option is a combination of the first two options, where experts define the concepts with their relationships, and the weights are optimized using data and algorithms for this purpose [24]. The resulting FCM models can be used for the description, prediction, or evaluation of the behavior of variables using computational simulations. In the present work, we used the third option, where first, three experts assigned relationships between concepts, and using a dataset we optimized the matrix with the available data. For this objective, we used the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. This algorithm can be modeled with two equations, which represent the update of the velocity of a particle i and the position of the particle. Equation 4 allows the update of the velocity of particle i, which for our case is an FCM candidate, while Eq. 5 updates its position, which represents an optimal weight matrix for each FCM [24]:

$$\begin{aligned} v_{i}(t + 1) = v_{i}(t) + s_{1} \times r_{1} \cdot (W_{i}^{best} - W_{i}(t)) + s_{2}\times r_{2} \cdot (W_{i}^{gbest} - W_{i}(t)) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} W_{i}(t+1) = W_{i}(t) + v_{i}(t) \end{aligned}$$

where \(v_{i}\) is the particle velocity; \(r_{1}\) and \(r_{2}\) are random values with uniform distribution; \(s_{1}\) is the cognitive coefficient, responsible for the particle tending to move toward the position where it has obtained the best results so far; \(s_{2}\) is the social component, also known as collective behavior, responsible for the particle tending to move toward the best position found by the swarm so far; \(W_{i}^{best}\) is the best position obtained by a particular particle, while \(W_{i}^{gbest}\) is the best position obtained by any particle in the swarm. Recall that each particle is an FCM candidate, while the position is a weight matrix to construct each FCM [28].

For the construction of the FCM model, we first selected the variables described in Table 1. These variables define concepts within the FCM (e.g., C1: age; C2: sex, C3: Polyuria, etc.), which must be connected by arrows indicating the influence of one concept to another. Three experts then proposed a preliminary connection of the concepts. Subsequently, using the PSO algorithm (see Eqs. 4 and 5), the relationships between the concepts are optimized from the data through a training process. In the case of PSO, a particle position is a weight matrix to build an FCM, such that it seeks to find the weight matrix that optimizes the learning error. After the FCM is built, it can be used to perform scenario-based simulations and thus evaluate the behavior of the variables used in the prediction. A grid search-based hyperparameter tuning was used to find the best combination of hyperparameters to generate the FCM with the best predictive performance. For each configured combination, the model was implemented and evaluated. In this way, the evaluation metrics were obtained allowing us to choose the model with the highest accuracy. Table 2 describes the different parameters, and their values, used in the adjustment of the hyperparameters in each of the developed models according to the technique used for their development.

Table 2 Configuration of hyperparameters to tune in the developed models

To give more details, in the case of FCM, there are two types of parameters to optimize. Those linked to PSO, which is used in the learning phase of the FCM weights (in this case, the values of \(r_1\), \(r_2\); \(s_1\), \(s_2\) and the initial population are required to be determined), and those related to the behavior of the FCM (the activation function that determines the activation level of each concept and the inference function that describes its reasoning process). All these parameters were tuned using a grid search-based hyperparameter optimization approach to find their best combination.


An ANN is an AI technique that aims to mimic the functions of the human brain to solve complex problems. ANNs are especially effective for modeling nonlinear relationships in structured data. They can learn complex patterns and hierarchical representations, which is beneficial when interactions between variables are not simple or straightforward. In more complex problems, deep learning architectures, such as deep neural networks, can automatically extract features and patterns from structured data, improving the predictive capability of the model. ANNs have the ability to generalize well from limited training data, making them suitable for predicting structured datasets of different sizes and complexities. Their applications are focused mainly on image and voice recognition and automatic translation [31]. The first neural model developed was the Perceptron, which consists of a fully interconnected direct-feed neural network, in which data are transmitted from the input to the hidden layer and from there to the output layer [32].

Figure 4 shows an example of an ANN. This neural network (MLP) integrates an input layer (visible layer) with n neurons (\(x_{1}, \dots x_{n}\)), a hidden layer (\(h_{1}, \dots h_{o}\)), and an output layer, which are the output variables of the model [33]. To define the final output, the model uses the fitted values of weights and biases, thus achieving a relationship between inputs and outputs [34]. We used an MLP with different numbers of neurons in the hidden layer and learning of two types, constant and adaptive. All the hyperparameters used for optimization can be seen in Table 2.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Schematic representation of an ANN, specifically an MLP. Source: own elaboration


The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an AI technique that is suitable for relatively small datasets with few outliers [35]. SVMs are particularly useful in environments with high-dimensional structured data, as they can efficiently handle datasets with many predictor variables. SVMs are less prone to overfitting, making them suitable for problems where relatively small datasets are available. This is relevant in many real-world scenarios where data may be limited. SVMs tend to generalize well, providing robust predictions even on unseen data. This is crucial for the practical applicability of predictive models in real-world situations. Figure 5 shows a schematic representation of an SVM to classify instances. This strategy defines a cutting hyperplane, a line that separates categories of data and will divide the space into different domains containing each category of data [36]. This model was built using multiple combinations of the parameters to identify the best configuration for addressing the DM classification problem. The hyperparameter configurations used for this technique are shown in Table 2.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Schematic representation of an SVM with a hyperplane of separation. Adapted from [37]


XGBoost, or EXtreme Gradient Boosting, is a very effective AI technique, which is an end-to-end scalable gradient-boosted tree system modified from the Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) technique [38]. XGBoost is widely used for prediction, classification, and regression [39]. Figure 6 shows the schematic representation of XGBoost, which is an iterative algorithm with multiple decision trees. Each tree learns from the residuals of all previous trees (\(f_{k}\)). In the end, the predicted output of XGBoost is the sum of all the results (\(\hat{y}\)) [39].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Schematic representation of an XGBoost algorithm. Adapted from [39]

The XGBoost algorithm was used in the present study because of its performance characteristics. Initially, we can say that it is a fast classifier, with a high degree of learning and training speed, because of its parallel processing capability and optimization of new trees each time they are attached, it is effective in solving classification and data preprocessing problems, which increases accuracy [40]. The hyperparameters used to tune this model can be seen in Table 2.

Experimental configuration

Training, validation and testing

For training, validation and testing, we have used the DM dataset described in the previous sections. We have used a 5-fold cross-validation method for training and validation of our AI models [14]. This method was executed using three subsets of data for training, validation, and testing of the model. 70% of the data was used for training and validation, and 30% for testing the model. Figure 7 shows a schematic representation of the 5-fold cross-validation. First, we divided the training and validation data (70%) into five subsets, of which four were used for training and one for validation. The validation phase consists of applying the trained model on the validation set. Next, the process was repeated with a different subset from the previous one, and in the same proportion, i.e., four for training and the remaining subset for validation. After five-fold, the best model and its hyperparameters are selected to evaluate its performance by applying it to 30 percent of the test dataset.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Schematic representation of 5-fold cross-validation. Adapted from [24]

Evaluation metrics

The developed models were evaluated using metrics to determine the ability to detect DM. Below, we briefly describe the estimation of each of these metrics:

  • Accuracy: percentage of correctly classified examples among the total number of classified examples [41].

    $$\begin{aligned} Accuracy = \frac{TP + TN}{TP + FN + FP + TN} \end{aligned}$$

    where TP are the true positives, FN are false negatives, FP are false positives and TN are true negatives.

  • Sensitivity: measures the ability of the classifier to predict positive cases from those really positive [41].

    $$\begin{aligned} Sensitivity: \frac{TP}{TP + FN} \end{aligned}$$
  • Specificity: measures the ability of the classifier to predict negative cases from those really negative [41].

    $$\begin{aligned} Specificity: \frac{TN}{TN + FP} \end{aligned}$$

Explainability analysis

To analyze the interpretability of the models, we used different methodologies. For the FCM-based model, computational simulations allow us to explore how certain changes in variables might affect the prediction of DM. This is crucial for assessing the impact of potential interventions. Additionally, since DM can be influenced by a variety of factors, the simulations allow to consider diverse scenarios and to evaluate personalized prevention strategies. For ANN and SVM-based models, we use Shapley values, which provide a measure of the individual contribution of each variable to the prediction. In the case of DM, this could help identify which specific factors are influencing the prediction of a particular risk. In addition, Shapley values not only allow an understanding of the overall impact of variables but also how they affect the prediction for individual cases. This is crucial for tailoring treatment strategies to specific patient needs. Finally, for XGBoost-based models, we use feature importance, which helps to identify the most influential variables in DM prediction. This is essential for prioritizing efforts in disease management and prevention.

The importance of using different approaches for DM explainability analysis lies in the complementarity of their strengths. While Shapley values and feature importance provide a detailed understanding of the importance of variables, computational simulations allow the exploration of model behavior in hypothetical situations. By combining these approaches, a comprehensive analysis is achieved that not only highlights key variables but also provides valuable information on how the model reacts to changes in the environment and specific scenarios. This is essential to ensure that AI models applied to DM are not only accurate but also interpretable and useful in a clinical and decision-making context. The analysis of the variables in each model is shown in Discussion section.

Finally, we have carried out an ablation study to analyze the most important variables in the prediction of diabetes. This sensitivity analysis allows knowing the importance of each of the variables in the diagnosis by eliminating one by one the most important variables according to the previously performed explainability analysis. After the elimination of each variable, the performance of the model is observed. In this way, the impact of each characteristic on the performance of the model is evaluated.


In this section, we present the results of exploratory data analysis, association tests, and the implementation of four AI techniques on the DM dataset described in the previous section.

Descriptive analysis

Table 3 shows the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies (percentages) for the characteristics concerning diagnosis. Regarding sex, it was observed that the frequency of DM is higher in women at 33.3%, while in non-diabetic patients men are found in higher frequency. Age was the only numerical variable within the dataset. The results showed that individuals ranged in age from 16 to 90 years. The mean age of all individuals was 48 years with a standard deviation of 12 years. About the study group, patients with DM had a higher mean age (mean = 49.1±12.1) than patients without DM (mean =46.4±12.1). Of all the clinical variables included in the dataset, we found that polyuria, polydipsia, sudden weight loss, weakness, polyphagia, visual blurring, and partial paresis were more frequent in individuals with DM.

Table 3 Distribution of absolute and relative frequencies (%) of the characteristics present in the dataset

Association results

To analyze the association between the predictor variables and the diagnosis of DM, we used the Chi-square test. Table 3 shows the statistical significance (p-value) for the dependence between the characteristics and the presence of the disease. The results show that there is a dependence between all variables and the presence of DM, except itching, delayed healing, and obesity with p-values of 0.829, 0.326, and 0.127, respectively. Regarding age, there were significant differences between the ages of patients with DM and those without DM (p = 0.013). In this case, the average age of diabetics is higher than in non-diabetics.

Performance of the developed models

We applied four AI techniques to predict DM using sociodemographic and clinical information. Table 4 shows the performance results of each model expressed in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The model built with XGBoost presented the best predictive performance with an accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 1.00. Of the four models developed, the FCM-based model is the only one that can be visualized due to its simplicity. Figure 8 shows a schematic representation of the FCM-based model for prediction. The FCM allows visualization of the influence of the concepts or predictor variables on the presence of DM.

Table 4 Performance results of the models developed in this research
Fig. 8
figure 8

The FCM-based model developed to predict DM


Characterization of the individuals included in the dataset

DM has increased in recent decades and has become one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide [1], due to reasons that include inadequate dietary habits due to unhealthy food consumption and sedentary lifestyle [2, 14]. In the present study, it was observed that variables such as age, polyuria, polydipsia, sudden weight loss, weakness, polyphagia, visual blurring, and partial paresis occurred more frequently in people with a positive diagnosis of DM. This finding is consistent with the frequencies reported by other authors for the variables in the dataset [8, 34]. In relation to the study group, patients with DM presented a higher average age. According to Nurjahan et al. [42], DM and other chronic diseases are very frequent and widespread, especially among the elderly. This may be associated with the fact that advanced age predisposes to the development of DM due to factors such as, decreased physical activity, increased adipose tissue, and increased insulin resistance [1]. Indeed, the numbers of the aging population have increased in recent years [43], and several studies have related the risk of advanced age and associated complications [44, 45]. On the other hand, we have observed that there was a higher frequency of women with DM, according to Nipa et al. [34], gender, and other symptoms such as visual blurring, ictus, partial paresis, alopecia and weakness can be considered minor risk factors for DM, which increase if the person has a family history of the disease and habits such as, smoking [2]. Timely identification of these specific symptoms in patients can help the physician to detect DM more effectively.

Association analysis

Predicting the early onset of DM is a task that can be difficult due to the number of signs and symptoms to evaluate in each patient so that about 50% of these individuals are not diagnosed promptly [46]. The results showed that sex, polyuria, polydipsia, sudden weight loss, weakness, polyphagia, visual blurring, irritability, and partial paresis, presented significant statistical differences with respect to DM (p<0.001). Laila et al. [23] have stated that polyuria is the main indicator of DM risk. On the other hand, frequent urination during DM is generated because high blood sugar puts pressure on the kidneys, causing them to produce more urine to buffer the excess sugar, causing dehydration and a constant thirst signal [47]. Over time, these organs weaken moving towards progressive deterioration of their function, contributing to poor water and electrolyte compensation, given the sensitive losses during the disease and other over-aggravated causes (temperature, excessive sweating, diarrhea, fever, among others) [44]. For these reasons, Le et al. [33] have affirmed that polyuria and polydipsia are related characteristics, very important among patients with early manifestations of DM. Besides, symptoms such as sudden weight loss could also constitute an early signal for the onset of DM. This process is accompanied by an irrepressible and uncontrollable feeling of hunger (polyphagia) with a progressive reduction or gain of total body weight [48]. In this case, insulin insufficiency prevents glucose from reaching the body’s cells through the bloodstream, so the body has to start burning fat and muscle to meet the daily energy demand. During this phenomenon, there may also be episodes characterized by muscle weakness or paralysis of any part of the body [34]. Other authors have also considered irritability and alopecia as early indicators of DM [8, 33].

In our study, characteristics such as delayed healing (p=0.326), genital thrush (p=0.016), itching (p=0.829), muscle stiffness (p=0.007), and obesity (p=0.127) did not present significant statistical differences concerning DM. Observing the behavior of these variables, we cannot directly relate them to DM, especially when the appearance of several of these symptoms can be attributable to other conditions, such as the environment [49, 50], heredity [51], hormonal regulation [52] or related to sex [53]. However, Lai et al. found a strong association between body mass index (BMI) and the prediction of DM [54].

Analysis of performance of the developed models

In this study, four AI techniques were used to build predictive models of DM: FCM, ANN, SVM, and XGBoost. The results showed excellent performance in all models; however, XGBoost achieved a perfect accuracy of 1.0; ANN and SVM achieved an accuracy of 0.99, and FCM obtained a slightly lower, but still significant, accuracy of 0.95.

The high accuracy achieved by the prediction models in this study can be attributed to several reasons. First, the AI techniques used, such as FCM, ANN, SVM, and XGBoost, are known for their ability to extract complex patterns and capture nonlinear relationships in the data allowing for excellent predictive performance and higher generalizability [55]. Second, the normalization technique applied before model training may have contributed to better comparability of the data and thus an improvement in overall accuracy. In addition, the SMOTE technique used to balance the classes may have been instrumental in improving the predictive ability of the models. Class imbalance in medical datasets, as in the case of DM, can negatively affect the model’s ability to correctly recognize instances of the minority class.

On the other hand, the superior performance of XGBoost compared to the other techniques evaluated may be due to its ability to build deeper and more complex decision trees, as well as its ability to effectively handle nonlinear features and complex relationships in the data. Particularly, XGBoost is a boosting algorithm that focuses on iteratively improving model performance and can combine multiple weak models into a stronger one. This may have led to a better capture of the relationships between the most relevant variables/features, leading to improved prediction accuracy. This flexibility and superior predictive power may explain why XGBoost achieved perfect accuracy in this study. In terms of sensitivity and specificity, consistent performance was observed across all models, although again the XGBoost model showed the best results. This suggests that XGBoost was able to detect both positive and negative cases more accurately compared to the other models. Due to the very good results of XGBoost, we evaluated the ability of the XGBoost model to generalize and avoid overfitting by examining the training and validation losses. Training loss evaluates how well the model fits the training dataset. In contrast, validation loss evaluates the model’s performance on the validation dataset. These two losses are usually visualized using curves to analyze the dynamics of these two metrics. Figure 9 illustrates the behavior of the training loss and validation loss, where we can observe a remarkable decrease in the losses as the epochs increase. This behavior is observed for both subsets, indicating that there is no overfitting to the training dataset and the model can generalize to unseen data. This finding is important for DM detection because it strengthens the ability of our model to detect disease in previously unseen data.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Training and validation losses for the Xgboost model to predict DM

Explanability analysis of the developed models

Model based on FCM

The results show that FCM can predict correctly DM in 95% of the cases. Despite the accuracy obtained by FCM, this model is simple to build, visualize and interpret. Additionally, it allows an evaluation of the variables involved in the prediction using scenario-based computational simulations. Figure 8 shows a graphical representation of the FCM developed where the predictor variables can be observed with their respective weights or influences on the class (presence or absence of DM). Due to the high complexity of the other models, it is not so easy to visualize them for the medical professional to analyze and interpret. In this case, FCM has an advantage over the other models.

Regarding the evaluation of factors over time, Fig. 10 shows an example of FCM simulations. The x-axis shows the simulated iterations and the y-axis shows the value of the variables or concepts. The simulation in Fig. 10 corresponds to a patient with polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. After several simulated iterations, the system achieves an equilibrium state indicating that the concepts do not change value after iteration 72 (orange dotted line). In this plot, we can see how the model activates non-active variables from the beginning such as genital thrush, visual blurring and delayed healing (purple curve). On the other hand, we can see that the concept related to the diagnosis of DM (red curve) is activated from the first iteration, which indicates that the symptoms are characteristic of the disease. In this way, the FCM model not only makes a prediction but also shows the behavior of the variables that lead to that prediction. In this way, FCM allows building models in a simple and explainable way that allows medical professionals to have an overview of the problem and not only a prediction. Although XGBoost allows the evaluation of the importance of the features on the prediction, it does not allow an evaluation of factors over time (simulated iterations).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Behavior of the variables for the prediction of DM using an FCM. The orange dotted line indicates when the system reaches equilibrium

ANN and SVM-based models

To evaluate the impact of features on prediction for both ANN and SVM we use Shapley values. The objective of this methodology is to explain the prediction of an instance x by calculating the contribution of each feature to the prediction. Figure 11 shows a scatter plot of the SHAP values for ANN (see Fig. 11a) and SVM (see Fig. 11b), respectively. The X-axis of the plot represents the SHAP value; if the value moves to the right (positive value), then it indicates that it increases the final prediction, while if the value moves to the left (negative value), then it decreases the final prediction. Each SHAP value is color-coded: red represents the highest value of the attributes while blue represents the lowest. These two figures show that the variables that most influence the prediction of DM are polyuria, polydipsia, and sex. Specifically, high values of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, delayed healing, and blurred vision increase the prediction value, so these variables increase the risk of DM. On the other hand, the female sex (sex = 0) has a higher risk of presenting DM. Of the variables that have the least impact on the prediction of DM are genital thrush and obesity, perhaps because these are generated after presenting the disease.

Fig. 11
figure 11

SHAP values for ANN and SVM

Model based on XGBoost

One of the advantages of XGBoost is that it is a technique that allows us to identify the importance of each of the variables in the prediction. In Fig. 12, we observe the graphical representation of this importance which revealed that the most influential variables in the prediction of DM were polydipsia, polyuria, sex, and age. These results are consistent with the existing medical literature, where it has been established that these factors are significant indicators of the presence of DM [33, 56]. Some variables such as weakness, visual blurring, polyphagia, obesity and genital thrush, presented feature importance equal to 0, which may have a limited capacity to reduce the error in the tree partitions, perhaps due to the low correlation with the target variable. This behavior can also be explained by redundant information already explained by other more influential variables, such as polydipsia or polyuria.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Feature importance to predict DM using XGBoost algorithm

Because Xgboost was the best model for predicting diabetes, we performed an ablation study to identify the most important features in the proposed classification model. We systematically eliminated one of the following characteristics: polyuria, polydipsia, sex, and age. These variables were chosen because they were the most important in the results according of the explainability analysis. The elimination of polydipsia and polyuria significantly reduces the accuracy of the model from 1.0 to 0.85 and 0.78, respectively. This suggests that polydipsia and polyuria are critical features for the prediction of DM in this dataset. Particularly, it is widely known in the literature that the presence of excessive thirst and excessive urine urination are strong indicators of the condition of patients with DM. On the other hand, removing sex and age has a moderate impact on accuracy, going from 1.0 to 0.90 and 0.91, respectively. This suggests that sex and age have a moderate relationship with the prediction of diabetes in this dataset. This could indicate that, in this particular case, polyuria and polydipsia are determining factors in the diagnosis of diabetes, however, age and sex are less so.

Quantitative comparison with previous studies

In this study, four models were developed to predict DM, of which the XGBoost-based model obtained an accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 1. These results indicate an outstanding performance of the model in accurately classifying positive and negative cases of DM. However, it is important to contextualize these findings in comparison to other previous studies that have also used AI-based models to address the same issue. To be fair, we collected studies that used the same dataset to build the models.

Table 5 shows a quantitative comparison of the performance of our best model with the best model from each study reported in the literature. This table compares the performance of the XGBoost model with other AI approaches such as RF, ANN, and CNN. Our XGboost model demonstrated an excellent ability to predict DM with 100% accuracy, indicating that the model correctly classifies 100% of the instances in the test set (data not previously seen by the model). The sensitivity and specificity of the model were 100%, indicating that the model generates neither false negatives nor false positives. Our best model outperforms models reported in the literature that used the same dataset. This could be because some previous studies did not employ data preprocessing techniques such as normalization and class balancing, which could have influenced the results and the comparison with XGBoost. Normalization standardizes features to ensure similar weight in model learning, and class balancing, using techniques such as SMOTE, is essential to address imbalances in the dataset. These techniques are crucial to improve the model’s ability to correctly recognize and classify DM cases.

Table 5 Quantitative comparison of the best models reported in the literature for DM prediction using the same dataset


In this research, we set out to develop an explainability analysis of DM using statistical and AI techniques with a small dataset. We developed this analysis by combining these techniques with sociodemographic and clinical information related to DM. Initially, we carried out a descriptive analysis that allowed us to know the main characteristics of the individuals. Subsequently, an association analysis was performed to determine the association or relationship between the predictor variables and DM. Subsequently, prediction models built using AI techniques, such as FCM, ANN, SVM and XGBoost, showed excellent results in the prediction of DM. The XGBoost model stood out for superior performance in accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity compared to other works published in the literature. These results support the efficacy of AI techniques in the field of disease prediction and suggest their potential usefulness in clinical applications for DM. This work focused not only on disease prediction but also on a deep explainability analysis of the behavior of each of the variables used for prediction. Specifically, the four AI techniques used for building the models allowed studying the impact of the variables on the final prediction with different approaches to explainability analysis. Particularly, scenario-based computational simulations were used in the case of FCM, feature importance for XGboost, and SHAP values for ANN and SVM. In this way, we performed a deep explainability analysis of the MD, where we not only considered descriptive and inferential statistics but also the behavior of the variables involved in the prediction process.

This research has some limitations. First, only one dataset from a specific region was used. The results cannot be extrapolated to another region. Therefore, further research with larger and more varied datasets is recommended to confirm and validate these results. Second, only sixteen predictor variables were used, and no other variables of interest for the diagnosis of DM, such as physical exercise or laboratory test results. The development of models with these types of variables could provide a more robust analysis of DM. Finally, a limitation is that the data used for model construction were collected through a survey. Direct data collection with controlled measurements in patients with DM and in individuals without the disease would be interesting. Other future work derives from this work such as a deeper analysis of the explainability using different techniques existing in the literature. In addition, the development of hybrid models and the comparison of their performances and advantages with respect to the ML models used in this study. Of course, another future work is to use datasets with more data and variables as indicated above.

Data availability

The dataset used in this research is available at https://doi.org/10.24432/C5VG8H.



Diabetes mellitus


World health organization


Artificial intelligence


Random forest


Artificial neural networks


Convolutional neural networks


Variational automatic encoder


SHapley additive exPlanations


Synthetic minority oversampling technique


Fuzzy cognitive map


Multilayer perceptron


Support vector machine


Gradient boosting machine


Particle swarm optimization


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The authors are grateful to physicians for using their knowledge and experience to build the FCM and interpret the final results.


This work was supported by Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Grant No. INV3569).

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WH, KH, and RR conceived the idea. WH and JA developed the experiments and supervised the modeling results of this research. KH and RR interpreted the modeling results under the supervision of clinical experts. KH and RR drafted the manuscript under the supervision of WH and JA. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to William Hoyos.

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Hoyos, W., Hoyos, K., Ruiz, R. et al. An explainable analysis of diabetes mellitus using statistical and artificial intelligence techniques. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 24, 383 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-024-02810-x

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