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Integrating-sphere system and method for absolute measurement of transmittance, reflectance, and absorptance of specular samples

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An integrating-sphere system has been designed and constructed for multiple optical properties measurement in the IR spectral range. In particular, for specular samples, the absolute transmittance and reflectance can be measured directly with high accuracy and the absorptance can be obtained from these by simple calculation. These properties are measured with a Fourier transform spectrophotometer for several samples of both opaque and transmitting materials. The expanded uncertainties of the measurements are shown to be less than 0.003 (absolute) over most of the detector-limited working spectral range of 2 to 18 µm. The sphere is manipulated by means of two rotation stages that enable the ports on the sphere to be rearranged in any orientation relative to the input beam. Although the sphere system is used for infrared spectral measurements, the measurement method, design principles, and features are generally applicable to other wavelengths as well.

© 2001 Optical Society of America

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