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Fiber Fabry–Perot astrophotonic correlation spectroscopy for remote gas identification and radial velocity measurements

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We present a novel, to the best of our knowledge, remote gas detection and identification technique based on correlation spectroscopy with a piezoelectric tunable fiber-optic Fabry–Perot filter. We show that the spectral correlation amplitude between the filter transmission window and gas absorption features is related to the gas absorption optical depth, and that different gases can be distinguished from one another using their correlation signal phase. Using a previously captured telluric-corrected high-resolution near-infrared spectrum of Venus, we show that the radial velocity of Venus can be extracted from the phase of higher order harmonic lock-in signals. This correlation spectroscopy technique has applications in the detection and radial velocity determination of weak spectral features in astronomy and remote sensing. We experimentally demonstrate a remote ${{\rm{CO}}_2}$ detection system using a lock-in amplifier, fiber-optic Fabry–Perot filter, and single channel avalanche photodiode.

© 2021 Optical Society of America

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