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Hyperfine Paschen–Back regime in alkali metal atoms: consistency of two theoretical considerations and experiment

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Simple and efficient λ-method and λ/2-method (λ is the resonant wavelength of laser radiation) based on a nanometric-thickness cell filled with rubidium (Rb) are implemented to study the splitting of hyperfine transitions of an Rb85 and Rb87 D1 line in an external magnetic field in the range of B=0.50.7T. It is experimentally demonstrated from 20 (12) Zeeman transitions allowed at low B-field in Rb85 (Rb87) spectra in the case of σ+ polarized laser radiation, only 6 (4) remain at B>0.5T, caused by decoupling of the total electronic momentum J and the nuclear spin momentum I (hyperfine Paschen–Back regime). The expressions derived in the frame of completely uncoupled basis (J,mJ;I,mI) describe the experimental results extremely well for Rb85 transitions at B>0.6T (that is a manifestation of hyperfine Paschen–Back regime). A remarkable result is that the calculations based on the eigenstates of the coupled (F,mF) basis, which adequately describe the system for a low magnetic field, also predict reduction of the number of transition components from 20 to 6 for Rb85 and from 12 to 4 for Rb87 spectrum at B>0.5T. Also, the Zeeman transition frequency shifts, frequency intervals between the components and their slope versus B, are in agreement with the experiment.

© 2014 Optical Society of America

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