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Suppression of decoherence tied to electron–phonon coupling in telecom-compatible quantum dots: low-threshold reappearance regime for quantum state inversion

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We demonstrate suppression of dephasing tied to deformation potential coupling of confined electrons to longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons in optical control experiments on large semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) with emission compatible with the low-dispersion telecommunications band at 1.3 µm. By exploiting the sensitivity of the electron–phonon spectral density to the size and shape of the QD, we demonstrate a fourfold reduction in the threshold pulse area required to enter the decoupled regime for exciton inversion using adiabatic rapid passage (ARP). Our calculations of the quantum state dynamics indicate that the symmetry of the QD wave function provides an additional means to engineer the electron–phonon interaction. Our findings will support the development of solid-state quantum emitters in future distributed quantum networks using semiconductor QDs.

© 2020 Optical Society of America

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