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Multimicrojoule GaSe-based midinfrared optical parametric amplifier with an ultrabroad idler spectrum covering 4.2–16 μm

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We report a multimicrojoule, ultrabroadband midinfrared optical parametric amplifier based on a GaSe nonlinear crystal pumped at 2μm. The generated idler pulse has a flat spectrum spanning from 4.5 to 13.3 μm at 3dB and 4.2 to 16 μm in the full spectral range, with a central wavelength of 8.8 μm. The proposed scheme supports a subcycle Fourier-transform-limited pulse width. A (2+1)-dimensional numerical simulation is employed to reproduce the obtained idler spectrum. To our best knowledge, this is the broadest 3dB spectrum ever obtained by optical parametric amplifiers in this spectral region. The idler pulse energy is 3.4μJ with a conversion efficiency of 2% from the 2μm pump to the idler pulse.

© 2019 Optical Society of America

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