Human Retroviral Host Restriction Factors APOBEC3G and APOBEC3F Localize to mRNA Processing Bodies
Figure 5
Localization of Vif to P-Bodies Requires APOBEC3G
(A) Myc-AGO2 is not sensitive to Vif-mediated degradation in the absence or presence of APO3G-CFP. Total cell extracts from 293T cells expressing CFP or APO3G-CFP with Myc-AGO2 and either NL-A1Δvif or NL-A1 were analyzed by immunoblot with antibodies against CFP (α-GFP), c-Myc (α-Myc) and Vif (α-Vif). Numbers to the left indicate molecular mass in kDa.
(B) Subcellular localization images of 293T cells coexpressing a combination of Myc-AGO2 and VifC114S (a), APO3G-CFP, Myc-AGO2, and VifC114S (b), or APO3G-CFP, Myc-AGO2, and Vif following a 4-h incubation with the proteasome inhibition ALLN (d) or the equivalent DMSO vehicle control–treated cells (c). APO3G-CFP was detected by direct CFP fluorescence while Myc-AGO2 and Vif protein were detected by indirect immunostaining with antibodies against c-Myc and Vif, respectively. Arrows mark regions of colocalization or lack of colocalization between proteins.