Impact of VR on Learning Experience compared to a Paper based Approach
Abstract Different learning theories encourage different kinds of learning approaches. Following constructivist theories, learning experiences should be realistic in order to facilitate learning. Virtual Reality (VR) serious games could be a realistic learning approach without the challenges of the real situation. The serious game InGo allows a user to learn the intralogistics process of receiving goods. In this work we explore whether learning in VR is more effective concerning learning success and learning experience than traditional learning approaches. No significant difference between the two approaches concerning learning success is found. However, other factors that have a long term effect on learning, such as intrinsic motivation, flow and mood, are significantly higher for the VR approach. Thus, our research fits with past research which indicated the high potential of VR based learnig and educational games. This work encourages future research to compare VR based and traditional learning approaches in the long term.
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Allcoat, D., Hatchard, T., Azmat, F., Stansfield, K., Watson, D., & von Mühlenen, A., 2021. Education in the Digital Age: Learning Experience in Virtual and Mixed Realities. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(5),795–816.
Andersen, K., Gaab, S. J., Sattarvand, J., & Harris, F. C., 2020. METS VR: Mining evacuation training simulator in virtual reality for underground mines. In 17th International Conference on Information Technology–New Generations (ITNG 2020), pp. 325–332. Springer.
Arbaugh, J. B. & Duray, R., 2002. Technological and structural characteristics, student learning and satisfaction with web-based courses: An exploratory study of two on-line MBA programs. Management learning, 33(3), 331–347.
Armougum, A., Orriols, E., Gaston-Bellegarde, A., Joie-La Marle, C., & Piolino, P., 2019. Virtual reality: A new method to investigate cognitive load during navigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65, 101338.
Beier, M. E. & Ackerman, P. L., 2005. Age, ability, and the role of prior knowledge on the acquisition of new domain knowledge: promising results in a real-world learning environment. Psychology and aging, 20(2), 341.
Benbunan-Fich, R. & Hiltz, S. R., 2003. Mediators of the effectiveness of online courses. IEEE Transactions on Professional communication, 46(4), 298–312.
Birbara, N. S., Sammut, C., and Pather, N., 2020. Virtual reality in anatomy: a pilot study evaluating different delivery modalities. Anatomical Sciences Education, 13(4), 445–457.
Boyles, B., 2017. Virtual reality and augmented reality in education. Center for Teaching Excellence, United States Military Academy, West Point, Ny.
Bryan, D. T., Mathur, S., & Sullivan, K., 1996. The Impact of Positive Mood on Learning. Learning Disability Quarterly, 19(3), 153–162.
Campbell, A., Craig, T., & Collier-Reed, B., 2020. A framework for using learning theories to inform ‘growth mindset’activities. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51(1), 26–43.
Chan, J. Y. C., Chan, T. K., Wong, M. P. F., Cheung, R. S. M., Yiu, K. K. L., & Tsoi, K. K. F., 2020. Effects of virtual reality on moods in community older adults. A multicenter randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 35(8), 926–933.
Clark, D. B., Tanner-Smith, E. E., & Killingsworth, S. S., 2016. Digital games, design, and learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 86(1), 79–122.
Clarke, S. G. and Haworth, J. T., 1994. ‘Flow’experience in the daily lives of sixth-form college students. British Journal of Psychology, 85(4), 511–523.
Czernin, J. & Schocke, K.-O., 2016. Handlungsfelder der Personalarbeit in der Logistik. Studienbericht, Frankfurt University of Applied Science.
Dalgarno, B. & Lee, M. J. W., 2010. What are the learning affordances of 3-D virtual environments? Br. J. Educ. Technol., 41, 10–32.
Dużmańska, N., Strojny, P., & Strojny, A., 2018. Can simulator sickness be avoided? A review on temporal aspects of simulator sickness. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2132.
Fathema, N. & Akanda, M. H., 2020. Effects of instructors’ academic disciplines and prior experience with learning management systems: A study about the use of Canvas. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(4), 113–125.
Frederiksen, J. G., Sørensen, S. M. D., Konge, L., Svendsen, M. B. S., Nobel-Jørgensen, M., Bjerrum, F., & Andersen, S. A. W., 2020. Cognitive load and performance in immersive virtual reality versus conventional virtual reality simulation training of laparoscopic surgery: a randomized trial. Surgical endoscopy, 34, 1244–1252.
Georgiou, Y. & Kyza, E. A., 2017. The development and validation of the ARI questionnaire: An instrument for measuring immersion in location-based augmented reality settings. International Journal of Human- Computer Studies, 98, 24–37.
Gopalan, V., Bakar, J. A. A., Zulkifli, A. N., Alwi, A., & Mat, R. C., 2017. A review of the motivation theories in learning. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1891, p. 020043. AIP Publishing LLC.
Grassini, S. & Laumann, K., 2021. Immersive Visual Technologies and Human Health. In European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021, ECCE 2021. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
Hayes, A. F., 2014. Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression- Based Approach. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Journal of Educational Measurement, 51(3), 335–337.
Jerald, J., 2015. The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality. San Francisco: Morgan & Claypool Publishers-ACM.
Johnson, A. M., Ozogul, G., & Reisslein, M., 2015. Supporting multimedia learning with visual signalling and animated pedagogical agent: moderating effects of prior knowledge. J. Comput. Assist. Learn., 31, 97–115.
Johnson, D. M., 2005. Introduction to and Review of Simulator Sickness Research. Fort Rucker,. AL: United States Army Research Institute.
Kannegieser, E., Atorf, D., & Matrai, R., 2020. Improving Emotion Detection for Flow Measurement with a High Frame Rate Video based Approach. In CSEDU.
Kardes, F., Kim, J., & Lim, J.-S., 1994. Moderating effects of prior knowledge on the perceived diagnosticity of beliefs derived from implicit versus explicit product claims. Journal of Business Research, 29, 219–224.
Kennedy, G., Coffrin, C., De Barba, P., & Corrin, L., 2015. Predicting success: how learners’ prior knowledge, skills and activities predict MOOC performance. In Proceedings of the fifth international conference on learning analytics and knowledge, pp. 136–140.
Kiili, K., De Freitas, S., Arnab, S., & Lainema, T., 2012. The design principles for flow experience in educational games. Procedia Computer Science, 15, 78–91.
Kirschner, P. A., 2002. Cognitive load theory: Implications of cognitive load theory on the design of learning.
Korbach, A., Brünken, R., and Park, B., 2017. Measurement of cognitive load in multimedia learning: a comparison of different objective measures. Instructional Science, 45, 515–536.
Lamb, R. L., 2016. Examination of the Effects of Dimensionality on Cognitive Processing in Science: A Computational Modeling Experiment Comparing Online Laboratory Simulations and Serious Educational Games. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(1), 1–15.
Lave, J., 1988. Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life. Cambridge University Press.
Le, D. T., Sutjipto, S., Lai, Y., and Paul, G., 2020. Intuitive virtual reality based control of a real-world mobile manipulator. In 2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), pp. 767–772. IEEE.
Ledermüller, K. & Fallmann, I., 2017. Predicting learning success in online learning environments: Self- regulated learning, prior knowledge and repetition. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 12(1). 79–99.
Lee, E. A.-L. & Wong, K. W., 2014. Learning with desktop virtual reality: Low spatial ability learners are more positively affected. Computers & Education, 79, 49–58.
Mackinnon, A., Jorm, A. F., Christensen, H., Korten, A. E., Jacomb, P. A., & Rodgers, B., 1999. A short form of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule: evaluation of factorial validity and invariance across demographic variables in a community sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 27(3), 405–416.
Marks, R. B., Sibley, S. D., & Arbaugh, J. B., 2005. A structural equation model of predictors for effective online learning. Journal of management education, 29(4), 531–563.
Martens, R., Gulikers, J., & Bastiaens, T., 2004. The impact of intrinsic motivation on e-learning in authentic computer tasks. Journal of computer assisted learning, 20(5), 368–376.
Mazza, G. L., Enders, C. K., & Ruehlman, L. S., 2015. Addressing Item-Level Missing Data: A Comparison of Proration and Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(5), 504–519.
Mitchell, T. J., Chen, S. Y., & Macredie, R. D., 2005. Hypermedia learning and prior knowledge: domain expertise vs. system expertise. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(1), 53–64.
Moroney, W., Biers, D., Eggemeier, F., & Mitchell, J., 1992. A comparison of two scoring procedures with the NASA task load index in a simulated flight task. In Proceedings of the IEEE 1992 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference@m_NAECON 1992, pp. 734–740 vol. 2.
Moss, J. D. & Muth, E. R., 2011. Characteristics of head-mounted displays and their effects on simulator sickness. Human factors, 53(3), 308–319.
Muilenburg, L. & Berge, Z. L., 2005. Student barriers to online learning: A factor analytic study. Distance Education, 26, 29- 48.
Munafo, J., Diedrick, M., & Stoffregen, T. A., 2017. The virtual reality head-mounted display Oculus Rift induces motion sickness and is sexist in its effects. Experimental brain research, 235, 889–901.
Nadler, R. T., Rabi, R., & Minda, J. P., 2010. Better Mood and Better Performance: Learning Rule-Described Categories Is Enhanced by Positive Mood. Psychological Science, 21(12), 1770–1776.
Oezhan, S. C. & Kocadere, S. A., 2020. The Effects of Flow, Emotional Engagement, and Motivation on Success in a Gamified Online Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(8), 2006–2031. doi:10.1177/0735633118823159.
Olmos-Raya, E., Ferreira-Cavalcanti, J., Contero, M., Castellanos, M. C., Giglioli, I. A. C., & Alcañiz, M., 2018. Mobile virtual reality as an educational platform: A pilot study on the impact of immersion and positive emotion induction in the learning process. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(6), 2045–2057.
Omelicheva, M. Y. & Avdeyeva, O., 2008. Teaching with Lecture or Debate? Testing the Effectiveness of Traditional versus Active Learning Methods of Instruction. PS: Political Science & Politics, 41(3), 603–607.
Ozuru, Y., Dempsey, K., & McNamara, D. S., 2009. Prior knowledge, reading skill, and text cohesion in the comprehension of science texts. Learning and instruction, 19(3), 228–242.
Park, S. H., Han, B., & Kim, G. J., 2022. Mixing in reverse optical flow to mitigate vection and simulation sickness in virtual reality. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1–11.
Perttula, A., Kiili, K., Lindstedt, A., & Tuomi, P., 2017. Flow experience in game based learning–a systematic literature review. International Journal of Serious Games, 4(1).
Ray, A. B. & Deb, S., 2016. Smartphone Based Virtual Reality Systems in Classroom Teaching — A Study on the Effects of Learning Outcome. In 2016 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E), pp. 68–71.
Reid, D., 2004. A model of playfulness and flow in virtual reality interactions. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 13(4), 451–462.
Rheinberg, F. & Engeser, S., 2018. Intrinsic Motivation and Flow, pp. 579–622. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Ruvimova, A., Kim, J., Fritz, T., Hancock, M., & Shepherd, D. C., 2020. “Transport Me Away”: Fostering Flow in Open Offices through Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1–14.
Sattar, M. U., Palaniappan, S., Lokman, A., Hassan, A., Shah, N., & Riaz, Z., 2019. Effects of Virtual Reality training on medical students’ learning motivation and competency. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 35(3), 852.
Scavarelli, A., Arya, A., & Teather, R. J., 2021. Virtual reality and augmented reality in social learning spaces: a literature review. Virtual Reality, 25(1), 257–277.
Schlüter, C. & Kretschmer, V., 2020. Next level training in logistics: evaluation of a virtual reality-based serious game for warehouse logistics. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2020), pp. 138–145.
Shaw, L. A., Wuensche, B. C., Lutteroth, C., Buckley, J., & Corballis, P., 2017. Evaluating sensory feedback for immersion in exergames. In Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, pp. 1–6.
Shou, Y. & Olney, J., 2020. Attitudes toward risk and uncertainty: The role of subjective knowledge and affect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 34(3), 393–404.
Tauscher, J.-P., Witt, A., Bosse, S., Schottky, F. W., Grogorick, S., Castillo, S., & Magnor, M. A., 2020. Exploring neural and peripheral physiological correlates of simulator sickness. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 31.
Tyng, C. M., Amin, H. U., Saad, M. N. M., and Malik, A. S., 2017. The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Varma, S. & Marler, J. H., 2013. The dual nature of prior computer experience: More is not necessarily better for technology acceptance. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1475–1482.
Wan, Z. & Fang, Y., 2006. The role of information technology in technology-mediated learning: A review of the past for the future. AMCIS 2006 Proceedings, 253.
Wenger, E., 1999. Communities of practice: Learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge university press.
Wilde, M., Bätz, K., Kovaleva, A., & Urhahne, D., 2009. Überprüfung einer Kurzskala intrinsischer Motivation (KIM).
Yeh, Y.-c., Chen, S.-Y., Rega, E. M., & Lin, C.-S., 2019. Mindful learning experience facilitates mastery experience through heightened flow and self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1593.
Yörük Açıkel, B., Turhan, U., & Akbulut, Y., 2018. Effect of multitasking on simulator sickness and performance in 3D aerodrome control training. Simulation & Gaming, 49(1), 27–49.
Zhai, K., Dilawar, A., Yousef, M. S., Holroyd, S., El-Hammali, H., and Abdelmonem, M., 2021. Virtual Reality therapy for depression and mood in long-term care facilities. Geriatrics, 6(2), 58.
Zhao, X., Lynch, J. G., & Chen, Q., 2010. Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and Truths about Mediation Analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, 37, 197–206.
Allcoat, D., Hatchard, T., Azmat, F., Stansfield, K., Watson, D., & von Mühlenen, A., 2021. Education in the Digital Age: Learning Experience in Virtual and Mixed Realities. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(5),795–816.
Andersen, K., Gaab, S. J., Sattarvand, J., & Harris, F. C., 2020. METS VR: Mining evacuation training simulator in virtual reality for underground mines. In 17th International Conference on Information Technology–New Generations (ITNG 2020), pp. 325–332. Springer.
Arbaugh, J. B. & Duray, R., 2002. Technological and structural characteristics, student learning and satisfaction with web-based courses: An exploratory study of two on-line MBA programs. Management learning, 33(3), 331–347.
Armougum, A., Orriols, E., Gaston-Bellegarde, A., Joie-La Marle, C., & Piolino, P., 2019. Virtual reality: A new method to investigate cognitive load during navigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65, 101338.
Beier, M. E. & Ackerman, P. L., 2005. Age, ability, and the role of prior knowledge on the acquisition of new domain knowledge: promising results in a real-world learning environment. Psychology and aging, 20(2), 341.
Benbunan-Fich, R. & Hiltz, S. R., 2003. Mediators of the effectiveness of online courses. IEEE Transactions on Professional communication, 46(4), 298–312.
Birbara, N. S., Sammut, C., and Pather, N., 2020. Virtual reality in anatomy: a pilot study evaluating different delivery modalities. Anatomical Sciences Education, 13(4), 445–457.
Boyles, B., 2017. Virtual reality and augmented reality in education. Center for Teaching Excellence, United States Military Academy, West Point, Ny.
Bryan, D. T., Mathur, S., & Sullivan, K., 1996. The Impact of Positive Mood on Learning. Learning Disability Quarterly, 19(3), 153–162.
Campbell, A., Craig, T., & Collier-Reed, B., 2020. A framework for using learning theories to inform ‘growth mindset’activities. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51(1), 26–43.
Chan, J. Y. C., Chan, T. K., Wong, M. P. F., Cheung, R. S. M., Yiu, K. K. L., & Tsoi, K. K. F., 2020. Effects of virtual reality on moods in community older adults. A multicenter randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 35(8), 926–933.
Clark, D. B., Tanner-Smith, E. E., & Killingsworth, S. S., 2016. Digital games, design, and learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 86(1), 79–122.
Clarke, S. G. and Haworth, J. T., 1994. ‘Flow’experience in the daily lives of sixth-form college students. British Journal of Psychology, 85(4), 511–523.
Czernin, J. & Schocke, K.-O., 2016. Handlungsfelder der Personalarbeit in der Logistik. Studienbericht, Frankfurt University of Applied Science.
Dalgarno, B. & Lee, M. J. W., 2010. What are the learning affordances of 3-D virtual environments? Br. J. Educ. Technol., 41, 10–32.
Dużmańska, N., Strojny, P., & Strojny, A., 2018. Can simulator sickness be avoided? A review on temporal aspects of simulator sickness. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2132.
Fathema, N. & Akanda, M. H., 2020. Effects of instructors’ academic disciplines and prior experience with learning management systems: A study about the use of Canvas. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(4), 113–125.
Frederiksen, J. G., Sørensen, S. M. D., Konge, L., Svendsen, M. B. S., Nobel-Jørgensen, M., Bjerrum, F., & Andersen, S. A. W., 2020. Cognitive load and performance in immersive virtual reality versus conventional virtual reality simulation training of laparoscopic surgery: a randomized trial. Surgical endoscopy, 34, 1244–1252.
Georgiou, Y. & Kyza, E. A., 2017. The development and validation of the ARI questionnaire: An instrument for measuring immersion in location-based augmented reality settings. International Journal of Human- Computer Studies, 98, 24–37.
Gopalan, V., Bakar, J. A. A., Zulkifli, A. N., Alwi, A., & Mat, R. C., 2017. A review of the motivation theories in learning. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1891, p. 020043. AIP Publishing LLC.
Grassini, S. & Laumann, K., 2021. Immersive Visual Technologies and Human Health. In European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021, ECCE 2021. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
Hayes, A. F., 2014. Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression- Based Approach. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Journal of Educational Measurement, 51(3), 335–337.
Jerald, J., 2015. The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality. San Francisco: Morgan & Claypool Publishers-ACM.
Johnson, A. M., Ozogul, G., & Reisslein, M., 2015. Supporting multimedia learning with visual signalling and animated pedagogical agent: moderating effects of prior knowledge. J. Comput. Assist. Learn., 31, 97–115.
Johnson, D. M., 2005. Introduction to and Review of Simulator Sickness Research. Fort Rucker,. AL: United States Army Research Institute.
Kannegieser, E., Atorf, D., & Matrai, R., 2020. Improving Emotion Detection for Flow Measurement with a High Frame Rate Video based Approach. In CSEDU.
Kardes, F., Kim, J., & Lim, J.-S., 1994. Moderating effects of prior knowledge on the perceived diagnosticity of beliefs derived from implicit versus explicit product claims. Journal of Business Research, 29, 219–224.
Kennedy, G., Coffrin, C., De Barba, P., & Corrin, L., 2015. Predicting success: how learners’ prior knowledge, skills and activities predict MOOC performance. In Proceedings of the fifth international conference on learning analytics and knowledge, pp. 136–140.
Kiili, K., De Freitas, S., Arnab, S., & Lainema, T., 2012. The design principles for flow experience in educational games. Procedia Computer Science, 15, 78–91.
Kirschner, P. A., 2002. Cognitive load theory: Implications of cognitive load theory on the design of learning.
Korbach, A., Brünken, R., and Park, B., 2017. Measurement of cognitive load in multimedia learning: a comparison of different objective measures. Instructional Science, 45, 515–536.
Lamb, R. L., 2016. Examination of the Effects of Dimensionality on Cognitive Processing in Science: A Computational Modeling Experiment Comparing Online Laboratory Simulations and Serious Educational Games. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(1), 1–15.
Lave, J., 1988. Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life. Cambridge University Press.
Le, D. T., Sutjipto, S., Lai, Y., and Paul, G., 2020. Intuitive virtual reality based control of a real-world mobile manipulator. In 2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), pp. 767–772. IEEE.
Ledermüller, K. & Fallmann, I., 2017. Predicting learning success in online learning environments: Self- regulated learning, prior knowledge and repetition. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 12(1). 79–99.
Lee, E. A.-L. & Wong, K. W., 2014. Learning with desktop virtual reality: Low spatial ability learners are more positively affected. Computers & Education, 79, 49–58.
Mackinnon, A., Jorm, A. F., Christensen, H., Korten, A. E., Jacomb, P. A., & Rodgers, B., 1999. A short form of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule: evaluation of factorial validity and invariance across demographic variables in a community sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 27(3), 405–416.
Marks, R. B., Sibley, S. D., & Arbaugh, J. B., 2005. A structural equation model of predictors for effective online learning. Journal of management education, 29(4), 531–563.
Martens, R., Gulikers, J., & Bastiaens, T., 2004. The impact of intrinsic motivation on e-learning in authentic computer tasks. Journal of computer assisted learning, 20(5), 368–376.
Mazza, G. L., Enders, C. K., & Ruehlman, L. S., 2015. Addressing Item-Level Missing Data: A Comparison of Proration and Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(5), 504–519.
Mitchell, T. J., Chen, S. Y., & Macredie, R. D., 2005. Hypermedia learning and prior knowledge: domain expertise vs. system expertise. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(1), 53–64.
Moroney, W., Biers, D., Eggemeier, F., & Mitchell, J., 1992. A comparison of two scoring procedures with the NASA task load index in a simulated flight task. In Proceedings of the IEEE 1992 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference@m_NAECON 1992, pp. 734–740 vol. 2.
Moss, J. D. & Muth, E. R., 2011. Characteristics of head-mounted displays and their effects on simulator sickness. Human factors, 53(3), 308–319.
Muilenburg, L. & Berge, Z. L., 2005. Student barriers to online learning: A factor analytic study. Distance Education, 26, 29- 48.
Munafo, J., Diedrick, M., & Stoffregen, T. A., 2017. The virtual reality head-mounted display Oculus Rift induces motion sickness and is sexist in its effects. Experimental brain research, 235, 889–901.
Nadler, R. T., Rabi, R., & Minda, J. P., 2010. Better Mood and Better Performance: Learning Rule-Described Categories Is Enhanced by Positive Mood. Psychological Science, 21(12), 1770–1776.
Oezhan, S. C. & Kocadere, S. A., 2020. The Effects of Flow, Emotional Engagement, and Motivation on Success in a Gamified Online Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(8), 2006–2031. doi:10.1177/0735633118823159.
Olmos-Raya, E., Ferreira-Cavalcanti, J., Contero, M., Castellanos, M. C., Giglioli, I. A. C., & Alcañiz, M., 2018. Mobile virtual reality as an educational platform: A pilot study on the impact of immersion and positive emotion induction in the learning process. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(6), 2045–2057.
Omelicheva, M. Y. & Avdeyeva, O., 2008. Teaching with Lecture or Debate? Testing the Effectiveness of Traditional versus Active Learning Methods of Instruction. PS: Political Science & Politics, 41(3), 603–607.
Ozuru, Y., Dempsey, K., & McNamara, D. S., 2009. Prior knowledge, reading skill, and text cohesion in the comprehension of science texts. Learning and instruction, 19(3), 228–242.
Park, S. H., Han, B., & Kim, G. J., 2022. Mixing in reverse optical flow to mitigate vection and simulation sickness in virtual reality. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1–11.
Perttula, A., Kiili, K., Lindstedt, A., & Tuomi, P., 2017. Flow experience in game based learning–a systematic literature review. International Journal of Serious Games, 4(1).
Ray, A. B. & Deb, S., 2016. Smartphone Based Virtual Reality Systems in Classroom Teaching — A Study on the Effects of Learning Outcome. In 2016 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E), pp. 68–71.
Reid, D., 2004. A model of playfulness and flow in virtual reality interactions. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 13(4), 451–462.
Rheinberg, F. & Engeser, S., 2018. Intrinsic Motivation and Flow, pp. 579–622. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Ruvimova, A., Kim, J., Fritz, T., Hancock, M., & Shepherd, D. C., 2020. “Transport Me Away”: Fostering Flow in Open Offices through Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1–14.
Sattar, M. U., Palaniappan, S., Lokman, A., Hassan, A., Shah, N., & Riaz, Z., 2019. Effects of Virtual Reality training on medical students’ learning motivation and competency. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 35(3), 852.
Scavarelli, A., Arya, A., & Teather, R. J., 2021. Virtual reality and augmented reality in social learning spaces: a literature review. Virtual Reality, 25(1), 257–277.
Schlüter, C. & Kretschmer, V., 2020. Next level training in logistics: evaluation of a virtual reality-based serious game for warehouse logistics. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2020), pp. 138–145.
Shaw, L. A., Wuensche, B. C., Lutteroth, C., Buckley, J., & Corballis, P., 2017. Evaluating sensory feedback for immersion in exergames. In Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, pp. 1–6.
Shou, Y. & Olney, J., 2020. Attitudes toward risk and uncertainty: The role of subjective knowledge and affect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 34(3), 393–404.
Tauscher, J.-P., Witt, A., Bosse, S., Schottky, F. W., Grogorick, S., Castillo, S., & Magnor, M. A., 2020. Exploring neural and peripheral physiological correlates of simulator sickness. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 31.
Tyng, C. M., Amin, H. U., Saad, M. N. M., and Malik, A. S., 2017. The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Varma, S. & Marler, J. H., 2013. The dual nature of prior computer experience: More is not necessarily better for technology acceptance. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1475–1482.
Wan, Z. & Fang, Y., 2006. The role of information technology in technology-mediated learning: A review of the past for the future. AMCIS 2006 Proceedings, 253.
Wenger, E., 1999. Communities of practice: Learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge university press.
Wilde, M., Bätz, K., Kovaleva, A., & Urhahne, D., 2009. Überprüfung einer Kurzskala intrinsischer Motivation (KIM).
Yeh, Y.-c., Chen, S.-Y., Rega, E. M., & Lin, C.-S., 2019. Mindful learning experience facilitates mastery experience through heightened flow and self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1593.
Yörük Açıkel, B., Turhan, U., & Akbulut, Y., 2018. Effect of multitasking on simulator sickness and performance in 3D aerodrome control training. Simulation & Gaming, 49(1), 27–49.
Zhai, K., Dilawar, A., Yousef, M. S., Holroyd, S., El-Hammali, H., and Abdelmonem, M., 2021. Virtual Reality therapy for depression and mood in long-term care facilities. Geriatrics, 6(2), 58.
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