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Scalable multi-query optimization for exploratory queries over federated scientific databases

Published: 01 August 2008 Publication History


The diversity and large volumes of data processed in the Natural Sciences today has led to a proliferation of highly-specialized and autonomous scientific databases with inherent and often intricate relationships. As a user-friendly method for querying this complex, ever-expanding network of sources for correlations, we propose exploratory queries. Exploratory queries are loosely-structured, hence requiring only minimal user knowledge of the source network. Evaluating an exploratory query usually involves the evaluation of many distributed queries. As the number of such distributed queries can quickly become large, we attack the optimization problem for exploratory queries by proposing several multi-query optimization algorithms that compute a global evaluation plan while minimizing the total communication cost, a key bottleneck in distributed settings. The proposed algorithms are necessarily heuristics, as computing an optimal global evaluation plan is shown to be NP-hard. Finally, we present an implementation of our algorithms, along with experiments that illustrate their potential not only for the optimization of exploratory queries, but also for the multiquery optimization of large batches of standard queries.


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  1. Scalable multi-query optimization for exploratory queries over federated scientific databases



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                        cover image Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
                        Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 1, Issue 1
                        August 2008
                        1216 pages


                        VLDB Endowment

                        Publication History

                        Published: 01 August 2008
                        Published in PVLDB Volume 1, Issue 1


                        • Research-article


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