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Adaptive sampling for rapidly matching histograms

Published: 01 June 2018 Publication History


In exploratory data analysis, analysts often have a need to identify histograms that possess a specific distribution, among a large class of candidate histograms, e.g., find countries whose income distribution is most similar to that of Greece. This distribution could be a new one that the user is curious about, or a known distribution from an existing histogram visualization. At present, this process of identification is brute-force, requiring the manual generation and evaluation of a large number of histograms. We present FastMatch: an end-to-end approach for interactively retrieving the histogram visualizations most similar to a user-specified target, from a large collection of histograms. The primary technical contribution underlying FastMatch is a probabilistic algorithm, HistSim, a theoretically sound sampling-based approach to identify the top-k closest histograms under 1 distance. While HistSim can be used independently, within FastMatch we couple HistSim with a novel system architecture that is aware of practical considerations, employing asynchronous block-based sampling policies. FastMatch obtains near-perfect accuracy with up to 35× speedup over approaches that do not use sampling on several real-world datasets.


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Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 11, Issue 10
June 2018
248 pages
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Published: 01 June 2018
Published in PVLDB Volume 11, Issue 10


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