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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) May 27, 2021

Evaluation of four point cloud similarity measures for the use in autonomous driving

Bewertung von vier Punktwolkenähnlichkeitsmaßen für die Anwendung im Autonomen Fahren
  • Felix Berens

    M. Sc. Felix Berens is doctoral candidate in the field of sensor fusion for autonomous driving at the Institue for Automation and Applied Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. Research Interests: Sensor fusion, sensor placement, machine learning, object detection.

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    , Stefan Elser

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Elser works as professor for autonomous driving at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. Research Interests: Machine learning, object detection, sensor fusion and their applications in autonomous driving.

    and Markus Reischl

    apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Reischl is head of the research group ”Machine Learning for High-Through put and Mechatronics” of the Institute for Automation and Applied Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Research Interests: Man-machine interfaces, image processing, machine learning, data analytics.


Measuring the similarity between point clouds is required in many areas. In autonomous driving, point clouds for 3D perception are estimated from camera images but these estimations are error-prone. Furthermore, there is a lack of measures for quality quantification using ground truth. In this paper, we derive conditions point cloud comparisons need to fulfill and accordingly evaluate the Chamfer distance, a lower bound of the Gromov Wasserstein metric, and the ratio measure. We show that the ratio measure is not affected by erroneous points and therefore introduce the new measure “average ratio”. All measures are evaluated and compared using exemplary point clouds. We discuss characteristics, advantages and drawbacks with respect to interpretability, noise resistance, environmental representation, and computation.


In vielen Bereichen ist es erforderlich, die Ähnlichkeit zwischen Punktwolken zu messen. Für das autonomen Fahren können Punktwolke zur 3D Umgebungswahrnehmung aus dem Kamerabild vorhergesagt werden, jedoch sind diese Vorhersagen fehleranfällig. Darüber hinaus fehlen Maße zur Qualitätsquantifizierung anhand der Ground Truth. In diesem Paper leiten wir Bedingungen ab, die ein Maß zum Punktwolkenvergleichen erfüllen muss und bewerten entsprechend die folgenden Maße: die Chamfer Distanz, eine untere Schranke der Gromov Wasserstein Metrik und das Ratio Maß. Wir zeigen, dass das Ratio Maß nicht durch fehlerhafte Punkte beeinflusst wird und stellen deswegen das neue Maß “average ratio” vor. Alle Maße werden anhand beispielhafter Punktwolken bewertet und verglichen. Wir diskutieren Charakteristiken, Vor- und Nachteile in Bezug auf Interpretierbarkeit, Geräuschbeständigkeit, Umgebungsdarstellung und Berechnung.

About the authors

Felix Berens

M. Sc. Felix Berens is doctoral candidate in the field of sensor fusion for autonomous driving at the Institue for Automation and Applied Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. Research Interests: Sensor fusion, sensor placement, machine learning, object detection.

Stefan Elser

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Elser works as professor for autonomous driving at the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences. Research Interests: Machine learning, object detection, sensor fusion and their applications in autonomous driving.

Markus Reischl

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Reischl is head of the research group ”Machine Learning for High-Through put and Mechatronics” of the Institute for Automation and Applied Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Research Interests: Man-machine interfaces, image processing, machine learning, data analytics.


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Received: 2020-08-28
Accepted: 2021-01-19
Published Online: 2021-05-27
Published in Print: 2021-06-25

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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