In an increasingly digital world, intelligent systems support us in accomplishing many everyday tasks. With the proliferation of affordable sensing devices, inferring user states from collected physiological data paves the way to tailor-made adaptation. While estimating a user’s abilities is technically possible, such proficiency assessments are rarely employed to benefit the user’s task reflection. In our work, we investigate how to model and design for proficiency estimation as part of context-aware systems. In this paper, we present the definition and conceptual architecture of proficiency-aware systems. The concept is not only applicable to current adaptive systems but provides a stepping stone for systems which actively aid in developing user proficiency during interaction.
Funding source: European Research Council
Award Identifier / Grant number: 683008
Funding statement: Funded by the European Research Council (Horizon 2020 Programme, Grant No.: 683008 AMPLIFY).
About the authors
Jakob Karolus is a PhD student at the Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media lab at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Jakob received his master’s degree in Visual Computing from TU Darmstadt in 2015. As part of his PhD project, Jakob focuses on establishing guidelines and techniques for proficiency-aware systems based on ubiquitous sensing technologies. His key interests lie in investigating opportunities and the design of engaging experiences for users to understand their own proficiency. He also conducts research in employing electromyography for sensory augmentation and novel interaction paradigms in human-computer interaction.
tekn. dr. Paweł W. Woźniak is an assistant professor for Human-Centred Computing at Utrecht University. Previously, he was postdoctoral fellow at the Chair for Human-Computer Interaction and Socio-Cognitive Systems, University of Stuttgart. Paweł received his PhD degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Chalmers University of Technology in 2016. Since then, he has been actively conducting research and supervising students. Paweł’s key interests lie in the intersection of technologies, sport and wellbeing. His focus is on understanding the everyday experiences of physical activity to design better technologies that support wellbeing. He also conducts research in multi-surface interactions and augmenting sensory perception.
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