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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter February 17, 2017

Analysis of decreasing squared-sum of Gram–Schmidt lengths for short lattice vectors

  • Masaya Yasuda EMAIL logo , Kazuhiro Yokoyama , Takeshi Shimoyama , Jun Kogure and Takeshi Koshiba


In 2015, Fukase and Kashiwabara proposed an efficient method to find a very short lattice vector. Their method has been applied to solve Darmstadt shortest vector problems of dimensions 134 to 150. Their method is based on Schnorr’s random sampling, but their preprocessing is different from others. It aims to decrease the sum of the squared lengths of the Gram–Schmidt vectors of a lattice basis, before executing random sampling of short lattice vectors. The effect is substantiated from their statistical analysis, and it implies that the smaller the sum becomes, the shorter sampled vectors can be. However, no guarantee is known to strictly decrease the sum. In this paper, we study Fukase–Kashiwabara’s method in both theory and practice, and give a heuristic but practical condition that the sum is strictly decreased. We believe that our condition would enable one to monotonically decrease the sum and to find a very short lattice vector in fewer steps.

MSC 2010: 68R01; 06B99

1 Introduction

Given n linearly independent column vectors 𝐛1,,𝐛nm, the set of all integral linear combinations of the 𝐛i’s defines a lattice of dimension n. The matrix 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n]m×n is called a basis of the lattice. Given a lattice basis, the shortest vector problem (SVP) is to find a non-zero shortest lattice vector, and it has been a landmark problem in complexity theory for a long time. No efficient algorithm is currently known to find very short vectors in high dimensional lattices. Ajtai [1] proved that SVP is NP-hard under randomized reduction (see [13] for the NP-hardness of approximate SVP). In cryptography, the computational hardness of SVP assures the security of lattice-based cryptography such as [9, 10], to which has recently been paid attention as a candidate of post-quantum cryptography. There are four main approaches for solving SVP: lattice reduction, enumeration, sieving, and finally random sampling. Given a basis of a lattice L, lattice reduction finds a basis with short and nearly orthogonal vectors; e.g., the Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász (LLL) [11] and the block Korkine–Zolotarev (BKZ) [18] algorithms. Enumeration performs to enumerate all lattice points within a sphere S around a target vector; e.g., Schnorr–Euchner’s enumeration [18] and Gama–Nguyen–Regev’s pruned enumeration [8]. Sieving aims to do a randomized sampling of LS while enumeration performs an exhaustive search of LS; e.g., the Ajtai–Kumar–Sivakumar algorithm [2]. Random sampling randomly enumerates a number of short lattice vectors until a very short lattice vector is found.

We focus on random sampling. Schnorr [17] first proposed a random sampling algorithm, called random sampling reduction (RSR). Given a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n], the sampling algorithm (SA) in RSR generates a number of short lattice vectors to find 𝐯 with 𝐯2<0.99𝐛12. Buchmann and Ludwig [4] proposed simple sampling reduction (SSR) to make RSR practical. In 2015, Fukase and Kashiwabara [5] proposed a method for SVP. Their method has been applied to solve Darmstadt SVP problems of dimensions 134 to 150 by Kashiwabara and Teruya (see http://www.latticechallenge.org/svp-challenge/). Their method is based on RSR, but their preprocessing is different from others. Before describing their method, we define the following notation.

Definition 1.1

Given a lattice basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n], let [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*] denote its Gram–Schmidt vectors. Then we define by


the sum of the squared lengths of the Gram–Schmidt vectors [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*].

Fukase and Kashiwabara [5] decrease SS(𝐁) before executing random sampling. The smaller the squared-sum SS(𝐁) becomes, the shorter lattice vectors can be sampled. To decrease SS(𝐁), Fukase and Kashiwabara insert a short lattice vector 𝐯 into 𝐁 to obtain a new basis 𝐂, and then reduce 𝐂 by LLL to obtain a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n]. Then we sometimes have


By repeating the procedures, they attempt to decrease SS(𝐁) as much as possible. However, there is no guarantee to strictly decrease SS(𝐁).

In this paper, we analyze which lattice vectors 𝐯 can decrease the squared-sum SS(𝐁), and give a condition of 𝐯 such that the squared-sum SS(𝐁) is strictly decreased. Specifically, we consider the following: Given an LLL-reduced basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of a lattice L and a vector 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L with νn=1 and insertion index k, we consider

(1.2)𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n]insertion of 𝐯𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n]LLL reduction𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n],

where 𝐂=[𝐛1,,𝐛k-1,𝐯,𝐛k,,𝐛n-1]. Note that 𝐂 is a basis of the whole lattice L due to νn=1 (see Proposition 4.3 below). We focus on the LLL-reduction for 𝐂 as in [5]. Our main contributions are as follows:

  1. We compute the Gram–Schmidt vectors [𝐜1*,,𝐜n*] of 𝐂, and give their explicit lengths 𝐜i* for 1in. Thus we obtain the explicit gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐁) and SS(𝐂).

  2. We study the behavior of the LLL algorithm for a general basis 𝐒, and show that swaps of the LLL algorithms can strictly decrease SS(𝐒). In particular, we estimate how much SS(𝐒) is decreased by one time swap, and study the total number of swaps in the LLL algorithm.

  3. We estimate the gap between SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁), by applying the estimates of (ii) for the basis 𝐂. Specifically, we estimate the average of decreasing values of SS(𝐂) by one time swap in the LLL algorithm, and the number of swaps. We give a heuristic but practical condition of a candidate lattice vector 𝐯 satisfying condition (1.1). We call such 𝐯 a mutant vector.

  4. We also verify our analysis by experiments. Our experimental results imply that the condition of mutant vectors gives a good criterion to strictly decrease SS(𝐁). Thereby we expect that mutant vectors could help to monotonically decrease SS(𝐁), and it would make it easier to find a very short lattice vector.

The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we review lattices and lattice reduction. In Section 3, we review random sampling algorithms and present some results by Fukase and Kashiwabara [5]. In Section 4, we compute the Gram–Schmidt vectors of the basis 𝐂, and give the explicit gap between SS(𝐁) and SS(𝐂). In Section 5, we review some basic properties of the LLL algorithm for a general basis 𝐒, and study the behavior of the LLL algorithm for 𝐒. In Section 6, we analyze the LLL-reduction for 𝐂 by using results obtained in Section 5. In Section 7, we estimate the gap between SS(𝐁) and SS(𝐁), and define mutant vectors to strictly decrease SS(𝐁). In Section 8, we verify our analysis by experiments. In Section 9, we conclude this work and outline some future issues.


For a vector 𝐚=(a1,,an)n, let 𝐚 denote its Euclidean norm defined by 𝐚2=i=1nai2. For two vectors 𝐚=(a1,,an) and 𝐛=(b1,,bn)n, let 𝐚,𝐛 denote the inner product i=1naibi.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we briefly review lattices and lattice reduction.

2.1 Lattices

For two positive integers m and n, let 𝐛1,,𝐛n be n column vectors of m (we only consider integral vectors). Set 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n]m×n, and let

L=(𝐁):={i=1nxi𝐛ixi, 1in}

denote the set of all integral linear combinations of the 𝐛i’s. The set L gives a subgroup of m. We say that L is a lattice of dimension n if all the 𝐛’s are linearly independent over . When n=m, the lattice L is called full-dimensional or full-rank (in this paper, we only consider full-rank lattices). In this case, the matrix 𝐁 is called a basis of L. Every lattice has infinitely many bases. If 𝐁1 and 𝐁2 are two bases, then there exists a unimodular matrix 𝐕GLn() such that 𝐁1=𝐁2𝐕. The volume of L, denoted by vol(L), is defined as


where (𝐛i,𝐛j)1i,jn denotes the n×n Gram-matrix of a basis 𝐁. The volume vol(L) is independent of the choice of the bases.

The Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization of a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] is the orthogonal family [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*], recursively defined by

(2.1)𝐛i*=𝐛i-j=1i-1μi,j𝐛j*,where μi,j=𝐛i,𝐛j*𝐛j*2 for 1j<in.

Let 𝐁*=[𝐛1*,,𝐛n*]m×n and 𝐔=(μi,j)1i,jnn×n, where μi,i=1 for all i and μi,j=0 for all j>i. Then 𝐁=𝐁*𝐔T and


2.2 Lattice reduction

Given a basis of a lattice L, lattice reduction outputs a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of L with short and nearly orthogonal vectors 𝐛1,,𝐛n. Lattice reduction gives a powerful tool to break lattice-based cryptosystems such as [9, 10]. The Hermite factor γ of a lattice reduction algorithm is defined by


with the output basis [𝐛1,,𝐛n] (we assume 𝐛1𝐛2). This factor is a good index to measure the output quality of a lattice reduction algorithm. Note that the output quality becomes better as γ is smaller.

Here we introduce two practical algorithms: LLL is a polynomial-time algorithm [11]. Gama–Nguyen’s experimental results [7, Figure 4] show that the Hermite factor of LLL is practically 1.022n on average in high dimension n100. BKZ is a blockwise generalization of LLL with sub-exponential complexity [18]. No good upper bound on the complexity is currently known. BKZ uses a blockwise parameter β, and larger β improves the output quality but increases the running time. In practice, β20 can achieve the best time/quality compromise. It follows from [7, Section 5.2] that the Hermite factor with β=20 is 1.0128n on average. Currently, BKZ 2.0 is known as the state-of-the-art implementation of the BKZ algorithm.

Geometric Series Assumption (GSA).

Except when a lattice has a special structure, practical reduction algorithms output a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] such that

𝐛i*𝐛i+1*qfor any 1in-1

(i.e. 𝐛i*q1-i𝐛1 for 1in), where the constant q depends on algorithms (this assumption was first introduced in [17]). Under GSA, the values log2(𝐛1/𝐛i*) are on a straight line (see, e.g., [17, Figure 1]). According to [11], we have q1.0221.04 (resp. q1.025) for LLL (resp. BKZ with β=20) for random lattices in practice.

3 Random sampling of short lattice vectors

In this section, we mainly present some results by Fukase and Kashiwabara [5]. Before presenting their work, let us review previous work on random sampling.

3.1 Review of previous work

For a lattice L of dimension n, fix a constant u of search space bound with 1u<n. Let a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of L be given. As a main subroutine of Schnorr’s RSR [17], SA samples 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L satisfying

(3.1)νi{(-12,12]if 1i<n-u,(-1,1]if n-ui<n,{1}if i=n.

Let Su,𝐁 denote the set of 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i* satisfying condition (3.1). Since the number of candidates for νi with |νi|12 (resp. |νi|1) is 1 (resp. 2), there are 2u lattice vectors in Su,𝐁. By calling SA up to 2u times, RSR generates 𝐯 satisfying 𝐯2<0.99𝐛12 (see [17, Theorem 1]). In [4], Buchmann and Ludwig proposed SSR to get rid of two RSR assumptions, namely, the randomness assumption (RA)[1] and GSA (they claim that both RA and GSA do not hold strictly in practice). Ludwig [12] gave a more detailed view about the behavior of SSR. Schneider and Göttert [16] presented a GPU implementation of SSR with the BKZ algorithm.

In 2015, Fukase and Kashiwabara [5] proposed a method for SVP. Their method is based on Schnorr’s RSR, and it has two extensions: The first one is to represent a lattice vector by a sequence of natural numbers via the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, and to sample lattice vectors on an appropriate distribution of the representation. The second one is to decrease the sum of the squared lengths of Gram–Schmidt vectors to make it easier to sample very short lattice vectors. The effectiveness of their extensions is guaranteed by their statistical analysis on lattices, which we shall describe in the next subsection.

3.2 Statistical analysis of Fukase and Kashiwabara on lattices

In [5, Definiton 3], Fukase and Kashiwabara extend Schnorr’s search space Su,𝐁 to define a wider search space V𝐁(𝐬,𝐭) for 𝐬,𝐭c with some c. Given 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*V𝐁(𝐬,𝐭), they first assume


(see [5, Assumption 2]). Under this assumption, they apply the generalized central limit theorem to obtain the following assumption on the distribution of 𝐯2 (see [5, Assumption 3]).

Assumption 3.1

The distribution of the length v2=i=1nνi2bi*2 with vVB(s,t) follows the normal distribution N(μ,σ2) with


Assumption 3.1 shows that shorter lattice vectors are sampled as the squared-sum SS(𝐁) becomes smaller. Fukase and Kashiwabara verified Assumption 3.1 by experiments, and showed that it does not hold strictly, but it is close enough for finding very short vectors (see [5, Figure 1]). Their experiments were performed over a random lattice of dimension 120. Assumption 3.1 enables one to estimate the probability of finding a lattice vector shorter than a given constant η. Specifically, the probability of finding 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*V𝐁(𝐬,𝐭) shorter than η is


where erf(x)=2π0xexp(-t2)𝑑t is the error function.

3.3 Basic strategy of Fukase and Kashiwabara for finding short lattice vectors

Assumption 3.1 implies an importance of decreasing the sum of the squared lengths of Gram–Schmidt vectors to find a short lattice vector. Once we obtain a basis 𝐁 of L with smaller squared-sum SS(𝐁), we can generate a short vector 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L with higher probability. The basic strategy in [5] for finding a short vector consists of the following two steps:

  1. Step 1. Given a basis of a lattice L, we first decrease the sum of the squared lengths of its Gram–Schmidt vectors as much as possible, and obtain a basis 𝐁 of L with small SS(𝐁).

  2. Step 2. With such basis 𝐁, we find a short lattice vector by randomly sampling 𝐯=i=1νi𝐛i*V𝐁(𝐬,𝐭).

To decrease SS(𝐁) in Step 1, Fukase and Kashiwabara insert a certain lattice vector 𝐯 into a given basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] at a certain position k to obtain a new basis 𝐂, as in (1.2). The insertion index k is determined as follows (see [5, Definition 4]).

Definition 3.2

Definition 3.2 (Insertion index)

Let 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] be a basis of L. For a fixed constant 0<α1, the insertion index k of a vector 𝐯L is defined by


where for 2jn we let πj:nVj-1 denote the orthogonal projection over the orthogonal supplement of Vj-1=𝐛1,,𝐛j-1=𝐛1*,,𝐛j-1*. In particular, let π1 denote the identity map. If πj(𝐯)2α𝐛j*2 for all 1jn, we do not insert 𝐯 into 𝐁.

4 Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization for 𝐂

In this section, we compute the Gram–Schmidt vectors of the basis 𝐂 defined in (1.2) and their explicit lengths. Given a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of a lattice L, let [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*] be its Gram–Schmidt vectors. The basis 𝐁 is not necessarily LLL-reduced. Let 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L. At the beginning of this section, we do not assume νn=1. Let k be the insertion index of 𝐯. We consider the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization for the n+1 vectors [𝐛1,,𝐛k-1,𝐯,𝐛k,,𝐛n]. Let [𝐛1*,,𝐛k-1*,𝐜k*,𝐜k+1*,,𝐜n+1*] denote its Gram–Schmidt vectors. By formula (2.1), it is clear that the first k-1 vectors are the same as the first k-1 vectors of [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*].

Lemma 4.1

For the vectors ck*,ck+1*,,cn+1*, we have the following:

  1. The vectors [𝐜k*,𝐜k+1*,,𝐜n+1*] are the same as the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization for

  2. The Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization for [πk(𝐯),πk(𝐛k),,πk(𝐛n)] is the same as that for



Assertion (i) is clear from recursive formula (2.1). For (ii), we let


It is sufficient to show 𝐚i*=𝐚i* for any 0in-k+1. The case i=0 is clear since 𝐚0=𝐚0. The case i=1 is also clear since πk(𝐛k)=𝐛k*, and we have 𝐛k*𝐚0*,𝐚1*. For some 1n-k, we assume 𝐚i*=𝐚i* and 𝐛k+i-1*Wi for all 1i, where Wi=𝐚0*,,𝐚i* for each 0in-k+1. Now we consider the case i=+1. By the assumption, we have


Since πk(𝐛k+)-𝐛k+*𝐛k*,,𝐛k+-1* and 𝐛k*,,𝐛k+-1*W=𝐚0*,,𝐚*, we have


We also have 𝐚+1*-𝐚+1*W, and hence 𝐚+1*=𝐚+1* since WW={}. Furthermore, 𝐛k+*W+1, which completes the proof by induction. ∎

By Lemma 4.1, we obtain the following result on 𝐜k*,𝐜k+1*,,𝐜n+1*.

Proposition 4.2

Set m=max{kinνi0}. Then we have

𝐜j*={i=kmνi𝐛i*for j=k,DjDj-1𝐛j-1*-i=jmνiνj-1𝐛j-1*2Dj-1𝐛i*for k+1jm+1,𝐛j-1*for m+2jn+1,

where for 1m we set


In particular, we have cm+1*=0. Moreover, we have ck*2=Dk, and for k+1jm,



By Lemma 4.1, we have 𝐜k*=πk(𝐯)=i=kmνi𝐛i*. For the case m+2jn+1, since


the -vector space 𝐛m+1*,,𝐛n* is orthogonal to 𝐛k*,,𝐛m*. Therefore the vectors 𝐛m+1*,,𝐛n* are unchanged after the insertion of 𝐯. For the case k+1jm+1, let us begin with the simple case j=k+1. By Lemma 4.1, we have


This completes the proof of the case j=k+1. For each k+1jm+1, set


and we shall show 𝐜j*=𝐚j. For k+1m, we assume 𝐜j*=𝐚j for all k+1j. Now let us consider the case j=+1. Set W=𝐜k*,,𝐜* as in the proof of Lemma 4.1, and we begin to show that 𝐚+1 is orthogonal to W. Actually, we have


Furthermore, for any k+1j, we have


Therefore 𝐚+1 is orthogonal to W. On the other hand, since


by Lemma 4.1, we have


Since 𝐛i*W for any ki-1 by the proof of Lemma 4.1, we have 𝐜+1*-𝐚+1W. By the above arguments, we have 𝐜+1*-𝐚+1WW={} and hence 𝐜+1*=𝐚+1. This shows 𝐜j*=𝐚j for k+1jm+1 by induction. Finally, for k+1jm, we have


where the second equation is by Dj=i=jmνi2𝐛i*2, and the third by Dj-1=Dj+νj-12𝐛j-1*2. This completes the proof of Proposition 4.2. ∎

By inserting 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i* into 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] at the k-th position, the n vectors


give a basis of a sub-lattice of L (recall m=max{kinνi0}). In contrast, we have the following result on a basis of the whole lattice L.

Proposition 4.3

If νm=1, the vectors (4.2) give a basis of the whole lattice L.


Let L denote the sub-lattice with basis (4.2). By Proposition 4.2, we have


If νm=1, we have Dm=𝐛m*2 by definition. In this case, we have vol(L)=vol(L), and hence L=L. ∎

Henceforth, as in (1.2), we always take 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i* with νn=1. By Proposition 4.3, the n vectors [𝐛1,,𝐛k-1,𝐯,𝐛k,,𝐛n-1] give a basis of L. Then we take the basis 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] as in (1.2), namely, 𝐜i=𝐛i for 1ik-1, 𝐜k=𝐯, and 𝐜j=𝐛j-1 for k+1jn. By Proposition 4.2, we obtain the explicit gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐁) and SS(𝐂) as follows.

Theorem 4.4

The explicit gap between SS(B) and SS(C) is given by



By Proposition 4.2, we have


since Dn=𝐛n*2 by setting νn=1. ∎

Remark 4.5

To strictly decrease the squared-sum SS(𝐁), we may take 𝐯L satisfying E(𝐯,k)>0. However, in most cases, the value E(𝐯,k) is negative when the inserted vector 𝐯 is generated by Schnorr’s SA. Below, we shall consider only the case E(𝐯,k)0.

For the original basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n], let


be as in (2.1). For 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] with 𝐜k=𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L, we set

(4.4)ξi,j=𝐜i,𝐜j*𝐜j*2for i>j.

For simplicity, we set ξi,i=1 for all 1in.

Proposition 4.6

We have the following on ξi,j:

  1. For 1ik-1, we have ξi,j=μi,j for ij.

  2. For i=k, we have ξk,j=νj for 1jk-1.

  3. For ik+1, we have

    ξi,j={μi-1,jfor jk-1,=ki-1μi-1,ν𝐛*2Dkfor j=k,μi-1,j-1-=ji-1μi-1,ννj-1𝐛*2Djfor k<j<i.


Cases (i) and (ii) are trivial. Case (iii) is trivial for jk. For k<j<i, by Proposition 4.2, we have


This completes the proof of Proposition 4.6. ∎

5 LLL-reduction for general bases

Before analyzing the LLL-reduction for the basis 𝐂, we study the behavior of the LLL-reduction for general bases and give some basic properties in this section. Let 𝐒=[𝐬1,,𝐬n] be a basis of a lattice L. The LLL algorithm for 𝐒 consists of the following two steps (see, e.g., [15, Chapter 2, Algorithm 6]):

From i=2 to n, do:

  1. Step 1. Size-reduce 𝐒=[𝐬1,,𝐬n] (see, e.g., [15, Chapter 2, Algorithm 3]). Note that this procedure does not change the lengths of the Gram–Schmidt vectors [𝐬1*,,𝐬n*] by [6, Lemma 17.4.1].

  2. Step 2. Swap 𝐬i with 𝐬i-1 if the Lovász condition


    is not satisfied, where δ is the reduction parameter of LLL satisfying 14<δ<1 (we used δ=0.99 in our experiments) and

    ηi,j=𝐬i,𝐬j*𝐬j*2for i>j.

    In this case, set imax{2,i-1}. Otherwise set ii+1. Then go back to Step 1.

In the following, we give a key lemma [6, Lemma 17.4.3] on our analysis of the behavior of the LLL algorithm.

Lemma 5.1

Given a basis S=[s1,,sn] and an integer 1n-1, assume that the pair (s,s+1) does not satisfy the Lovász condition. Let T=[t1,,tn] be the new basis obtained by swapping s and s+1, namely, t=s+1 and t+1=s. Then the Gram–Schmidt vectors [t1*,,tn*] of T are as follows:

  1. For 1i< and +1<in, the vector 𝐬i* is unchanged (i.e. 𝐭i*=𝐬i*).

  2. The Gram–Schmidt vector 𝐭* and its squared-length are given, respectively, by


    where we set Si=𝐬i*2 and Ti=𝐭i*2 for 1in.

  3. The Gram–Schmidt vector 𝐭+1* and its squared-length are given, respectively, by


Moreover, if we set


then δ<δ since we assume that the pair (s,s+1) does not satisfy (5.1).

Now we consider the LLL-reduction for 𝐒. Recall that the size-reduce procedure does not change the lengths of the Gram–Schmidt vectors. By Lemma 5.1, we see that each swap in the LLL algorithm can strictly decrease the sum SS(𝐒). Specifically, the decreasing value of SS(𝐒)=i=1nSi by one time swap at the -th index is estimated as follows:

Lemma 5.2

Let S and T be as in Lemma 5.1. Then we have


by δ<δ<1. Namely, the squared-sum SS(S) strictly decreases by each swap in the LLL algorithm.


By Lemma 5.1, we have


This completes the proof of Lemma 5.2. ∎

In the following, let us give the definition of the loop invariant of a lattice basis [3, Definition 4.15].

Definition 5.3

Definition 5.3 (Loop invariant)

The loop invariant of a basis 𝐒=[𝐬1,,𝐬n] is defined as the quantity


The loop invariant plays an important role in estimating the number of swaps in the LLL algorithm. As in Lemma 5.1, for 1n-1, we consider a case of swapping (𝐬,𝐬+1) to obtain a new basis 𝐓=[𝐭1,,𝐭n] with 𝐭=𝐬+1 and 𝐭+1=𝐬. In this case, we clearly have


Then we have


Thus the loop invariant (𝐒) is reduced by the factor of δ by each swap in the LLL algorithm.

5.1 Whole LLL procedure

In this subsection, we consider the whole LLL procedure for a basis 𝐀. Now we assume the following on the whole LLL procedure for 𝐀, where we denote the output by 𝐀LLL(𝐀):

  1. In total, N swaps occur in the LLL procedure.

  2. For 0sN, by 𝐀(s)=[𝐚1(s),,𝐚n(s)] we denote the basis obtained by the s-th swap and size-reduced, and set 𝐀(0)=𝐀. Let Ai(s)=𝐚i(s)*2 for 1in, where 𝐚1(s)*,,𝐚n(s)* denote the Gram–Schmidt vectors of 𝐀(s). Then 𝐀=𝐀(0) and 𝐀=𝐀(N)LLL(𝐀).

  3. By (s) we denote the index where the s-th swap occurs, that is, the (s)-th vector 𝐚(s)(s-1) and ((s)+1)-st vector 𝐚(s)+1(s-1) is swapped. We call (s) the s-th swap index.

  4. For 1sN, we let


    We call ξ(s)+1,(s)(s) the normalized inner product of the swap vectors and δ(s)(s)the swap ratio at the s-th swap (see equation (5.2) for the swap ratio), and write ξ(s) and δ(s) for simplicity.

Lemma 5.4

For each 1sN and 1in, there exist indices m(s,i) and M(s,i) in the set {1,,n} such that


We have M(s,(s))=M(s,(s)+1)=M(s-1,(s)) and m(s,(s))=m(s,(s)+1)=m(s-1,(s)+1).


We use an induction argument on s. By setting m(0,i)=M(0,i)=i, the case s=0 is clear. We assume that Lemma 5.4 holds for the case s and now consider the case s+1. For i(s+1),(s+1)+1, we have Ai(s+1)=Ai(s) and hence m(s+1,i)=m(s,i) and M(s+1,i)=M(s,i). By Lemma 5.1, we clearly have


Thus, we may set


This completes the proof of Lemma 5.4 by induction. ∎

Recall that the basis 𝐀(s+1) is obtained by swapping the (s+1)-th and ((s+1)+1)-st vectors of 𝐀(s). We obtain the following result on the gap of squared-sums of Gram–Schmidt lengths of 𝐀(s) and 𝐀(s+1).

Lemma 5.5

The gap SS(A(s))-SS(A(s+1)) is greater than


where Am=am*2 with index m=m(s,(s+1)).


By Lemmas 5.2 and 5.4, the gap SS(𝐀(s))-SS(𝐀(s+1)) is given by


since δ(s+1)<δ by Lemma 5.1. ∎

Recall that each ξ(s) is reduced to the range [-12,12] in every time of the size-reducing procedure in the LLL algorithm. We let the symbol E[x] denote the expected value of x in the distribution. Let E[ξ(s)2] denote the expected value of ξ(s)2 for 1sN.

Assumption 5.6

We assume that the value ξ(s) for 1sN is uniformly distributed over the range [-12,12].

Under Assumption 5.6, we have


by [17, Lemma 1]. Although this may not hold strictly as pointed out in [4], we assume it for simple discussion. Under Assumption 5.6, we may estimate the average gap between SS(𝐀(s)) and SS(𝐀(s+1)) as follows: Let A0 be the minimum value among {A1,,An}. By Lemma 5.5, we have


and hence, for its average, we have


Note that A0 is very small compared to Am(s,(s+1)). To get more precise estimation, we will introduce other assumptions on distributions on (s) and m(s,(s+1)) when we analyze the LLL-reduction for the basis 𝐂 in Section 6 below.

5.2 Estimation of bounds for N

Recall that by equation (5.3), the loop invariant (𝐀) is reduced by each swap ratio δ(s) by the s-th swap in the LLL algorithm for 𝐀. Since δ(s)<δ<1 by Lemma 5.1, an upper bound of the total number N of swaps is given by -logδ((𝐀)) (see, e.g., [3, Theorem 4.19] for details). In contrast, we study a lower bound of N in this subsection.

Since by Lemma 5.1 each swap ratio δ(s) is defined as


we have to deal with the second term of (5.5) to estimate N in more detail. Since A(s)+1(s-1)<AM(s-1,(s)+1) and A(s)(s-1)>Am(s-1,(s)) by Lemma 5.4, we have


and it can be bounded by the minimal ratio


among the squared lengths Ai=𝐚i*2 of Gram–Schmidt vectors of 𝐀. Then we have δ(s)ξ(s)2+T, and we may consider ξ(s)2+T instead of δ(s) for an approximate lower bound for N. On the other hand, by equation (5.3), we have (𝐀(s))=(𝐀(s-1))×δ(s), and thus



Lemma 5.7

The total number N of swaps is not smaller than



By δ(s)T, we have Nlog(T)s=1Nlog(δ(s)). Then Lemma 5.7 follows by equation (5.7). ∎

By Lemma 5.7, if we calculated the difference log((𝐀))-log((𝐀)) and the value log(T), we could obtain an lower bound of N. Now we give a more precise estimate on the total number N of swaps. Under Assumption 5.6, the left-hand side of equation (5.7) can be expressed as N×E[log(δ(s))]. Thus, we estimate the expected value E[log(δ(s))]=E[log(ξ(s)2+T)] as


Now we set




Under Assumption 5.6, the total number N of swaps in the LLL algorithm for 𝐀 is roughly estimated as


where AB means AB or A>B.

Remark 5.8

The values of β can be calculated from T as in Table 1. In this remark, we assume that 𝐀 is LLL-reduced. As to an estimation of T, it follows from GSA that T could be very small for larger n, since T is expected as

1q2(n-1)0.962(n-1)when q=1.04.

For a more precise estimation of (5.6), the difference between m(s-1,(s)) and M(s-1,(s)+1) could not be so large. Thus, we may introduce a heuristic bound on the difference such as


for a small number a. In this case, the minimal ration Ta with parameter a could be


and it is expected as 1q2a0.962a.

Table 1

Values of T and β.


6 Analysis of LLL-reduction for 𝐂

In the previous section, we analyzed the behavior of the LLL-reduction for a general basis. In contrast, in this section, we analyze the LLL-reduction for the basis 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] defined in (1.2), by using the results in the previous section. We assume that 𝐁 is LLL-reduced. As in (1.2), let 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n]LLL(𝐂) denote the output basis of the LLL algorithm for 𝐂.

6.1 Initial swap of the LLL algorithm for 𝐂

In this subsection, we consider the initial swap in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂. We assume that the inserted vector 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L satisfies |νi|12 for i=1,,n-u as in (3.1), and for the insertion index k of 𝐯, it satisfies

(6.1){πi(𝐯)2𝐛i*2for i=1,,k-1,πk(𝐯)2<𝐛k*2,

where we set α=1 in Definition 3.2 for simple and practical discussion (see Remark 6.2 below). We assume k<n-u. Then we obtain the following:

Lemma 6.1

The first k-1 vectors of C=[c1,,cn] are unchanged at the beginning of the LLL algorithm.


By the assumption k<n-u, the first k vectors of 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] are unchanged by the size-reducing procedure since |ξi,i-1|=|μi,i-1|12 for i=2,,k-1 and |ξk,k-1|=|νk|<12 by Proposition 4.6 (recall that ξi,j is defined by (4.4)). Since the original basis 𝐁 is assumed to be LLL-reduced, the first k-2 vectors of 𝐂 are also unchanged at the beginning of the LLL algorithm. For the pair (𝐜k-1,𝐜k)=(𝐛k-1,𝐯), we have


since Dk-1=πk-1(𝐯)2𝐛k-1*2 by condition (6.1) and ξk,k-1=νk-1 by Proposition 4.6 (recall that D is defined by (4.1)). Hence the pair (𝐜k-1,𝐜k) satisfies the Lovász condition (5.1), and hence it cannot be swapped at the beginning of the LLL algorithm. ∎

Remark 6.2

While we set α=1 for our analysis, Fukase and Kashiwabara [5] set α=0.99 for their experiments. Note that it is harder to find a candidate vector for insertion as α is smaller than 1. Hence α1 seems to be useful in practice. In [5, Section 8], they also consider up to α=1.4 for the second candidate vectors for insertion (they call such vectors stock vectors, see [5, Algorithm 3] for details).

Proposition 6.3

The first k vectors of C cannot be swapped at the beginning of the LLL algorithm.


By Lemma 6.1, it is sufficient to consider the pair (𝐜k,𝐜k+1). If the pair (𝐜k,𝐜k+1)=(𝐯,𝐛k) is swapped, then we obtain a new basis 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] with (𝐜k,𝐜k+1)=(𝐛k,𝐯). Set Ci=𝐜i*2 and Ci=𝐜i*2 for 1in. Then Ck=𝐛k*2 and Ck+1=Dk+1. The gap SS(𝐂)-SS(𝐂) is given by


since Dk<𝐛k*2 by condition (6.1) and Dk-Dk+1=νk2𝐛k*2>0. This is a contradiction to Lemma 5.2. ∎

6.2 Swaps in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂

In this subsection, we consider all swaps in the LLL algorithm for the basis 𝐂. As in Section 5.1, we fix the following notations on the LLL-reduction for 𝐂:

  1. Let N be the total number of swaps.

  2. For 0sN, denote by 𝐂(s)=[𝐜1(s),,𝐜n(s)] the basis obtained by s times swaps and size-reduced, and set 𝐂(0)=𝐂. Let Ci(s)=𝐜i(s)*2 for 1in, where 𝐜1(s)*,,𝐜n(s)* denote the Gram–Schmidt vectors of 𝐂(s). Then 𝐁=𝐁(N)LLL(𝐂).

  3. By (s) we denote the index where the s-th swap occurs, that is, the (s)-th vector 𝐜(s)(s-1) and ((s)+1)-st vector 𝐜(s)+1(s-1) are swapped.

  4. For 1sN, we let


    As in Section 5.1, we write ξ(s) and δ(s) for simplicity.

By Proposition 6.3, the first swap index (1) should be larger than k+1. We assume the following for simple analysis (see Figures 1 and 2 for examples).

Assumption 6.4

For any 1sN, the s-th swap index (s) is not less than the insertion index k in the LLL algorithm for C (see also Assumption 6.6 below).

By Lemma 5.5, we obtain the following result on the decreasing value of the squared-sum SS(𝐂) by one time swap in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂.

Proposition 6.5

If a swap occurs at the -th index, then SS(C)=i=1nCi is reduced by at least


for m=m(s,(s+1)), where ξ+1,=ξ(s), =(s), and δ=δ(s) for some 1sN. Furthermore, by the proof of Lemma 5.4, we expect m= in most cases (sometimes m=+1, +2 or so on).

Figure 1 Example of swap indices in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂${\mathbf{C}}$ with insertion index k=5${k=5}$ in a lattice of dimension 100.
Figure 1

Example of swap indices in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂 with insertion index k=5 in a lattice of dimension 100.

Figure 2 Same as Figure 1, but k=10${k=10}$.
Figure 2

Same as Figure 1, but k=10.

6.2.1 Average of decreasing values by swaps

Here we estimate the average of decreasing values of the squared-sum SS(𝐂) by one time swap in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂. It follows by Proposition 6.5 that decreasing values of SS(𝐂) depend mainly on swap indices (s). In Figures 1 and 2, we show two examples of the number of swaps and the swap indices (s) in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] with insertion index k=5 and 10 (the inserted vector 𝐜k=𝐯 is generated by Schnorr’s SA). The lattice used for Figures 1 and 2 is a lattice of dimension 100, chosen from Darmstadt SVP challenge problems. It is hard to grasp all the swap indices (s) accurately. However, we see from Figures 1 and 2 that swap indices (s) are roughly distributed over the range from k to n-1evenly. Then we assume the following for simple analysis.

Assumption 6.6

We assume that swap indices (s) are distributed over the range from k to n-1 evenly (uniformly) and independently to the distribution of ξ(s).

Under Assumption 6.6, we obtain the following estimate on the average of decreasing values of SS(𝐂) by the LLL algorithm for 𝐂.

Proposition 6.7

Under Assumptions 5.6 and 6.6, the average of decreasing values of SS(C) by one time swap in the LLL algorithm for C is estimated to be greater than



Due to the independence of ξ(s) in Assumption 6.6, it follows from (5.4) and Proposition 6.5 that SS(𝐂)=i=1nCi is reduced at least by


by a swap at the -th index for some m with kmn-1. Moreover, under Assumption 6.6, the value E[Cm] is estimated as


by the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means and Proposition 4.2. Note that Dn=𝐛n*2 by setting νn=1 and


where πk(L) is the lattice of dimension n-k+1 with basis [πk(𝐛k),,πk(𝐛n)]. ∎

6.2.2 Expected number of swaps

The total number N of swaps in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂 is the most important to analyze the gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁). Here we give an estimate of the number N. For the two bases 𝐁 and 𝐂 defined in (1.2), let Bi=𝐛i*2 as Ci=𝐜i*2 for 1in. A relation between two loop invariants (𝐁) and (𝐂) is given as follows (recall that D is defined by (4.1)).

Lemma 6.8

We have



By Proposition 4.2, we have Ck=Dk and Cj=DjDj-1Bj-1 for k+1jn. By definition, the loop invariant is given by


Then we obtain


This completes the proof of Lemma 6.8. ∎

Recall that the loop invariant (𝐂) is reduced by the factor of the swap ratio δ(s) at the s-th swap for 1sN. For 𝐁LLL(𝐂), we have


By combining this with Lemma 6.8, we obtain


For simple analysis, we assume the following.

Assumption 6.9

Set R:=LI(B)LI(B). We assume 1R, that is, LI(B)LI(B).

This assumption is based on GSA for 𝐁 and 𝐁. Since both 𝐁 and 𝐁 are LLL-reduced, we roughly expect

BiBi+1BiBi+1q2for all 1in-1,

where we set Bi=𝐛i*2 for the Gram–Schmidt vectors [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*] of 𝐁 (see Section 2.2 for the q-value). Hence we can roughly expect that R would be approximately equal to 1 under GSA for 𝐁 and 𝐁. As Example 6.11 below implies, we expect that R would be much smaller than 1 in practice when we take a shorter lattice vector 𝐯 as the inserted vector into 𝐁.

By equation (6.3), we have


By Lemma 5.1, we have δ(s)<δ for any 1sN. However, the parameter δ gives just an upper bound of each factor δ(s). Since each δ(s) is defined as


we estimate that E[δ(s)]E[ξ(s)2]=112 for 1sN by (5.4). We take a constant 0<ϵ<1 satisfying E[log(δ(s))]log(ϵ). Then by equation (6.4), we obtain the following estimate on the number N.

Proposition 6.10

Under Assumption 6.9, the total number N of swaps in the LLL algorithm for the basis C is roughly estimated as


As discussed in Section 5.2, we may take ϵ as β defined in (5.8), and it satisfies β0.034 from Table 1. However, for simple analysis, we may take


to obtain a lower bound of N under Assumption 5.6 (this ϵ is experimentally chosen, see Example 6.11 below for details).

Figure 3 The GSA behavior of three lattice bases 𝐁,𝐂,𝐁′${\mathbf{B},\mathbf{C},\mathbf{B}^{\prime}}$ with insertion index k=4${k=4}$ (the original basis 𝐁${\mathbf{B}}$ is given by LLL-reducing a lattice basis of dimension 100, chosen from Darmstadt SVP challenge problems).
Figure 3

The GSA behavior of three lattice bases 𝐁,𝐂,𝐁 with insertion index k=4 (the original basis 𝐁 is given by LLL-reducing a lattice basis of dimension 100, chosen from Darmstadt SVP challenge problems).

Example 6.11

As an example, we take a lattice L of dimension n=100, chosen from Darmstadt SVP challenge problems (using seed 0). Let 𝐁 be an LLL-reduced basis of L with reduction parameter δ=0.99. We also take a lattice vector 𝐯L with insertion index k=4, which is generated by Schnorr’s SA. Let 𝐂,𝐁 be two lattice bases constructed by (1.2) (note 𝐁LLL(𝐂)). In Figure 3, we give the GSA behavior of three lattices 𝐁,𝐂 and 𝐁. More specifically, for three lattice bases 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n], 𝐂=[𝐜1,,𝐜n] and 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n], the values log2(𝐛12/𝐛i*2), log2(𝐜12/𝐜i*2) and log2(𝐛12/𝐛i*2) for 1in=100 are plotted. We have


We give some numerical data related with our assumptions. In this example, we have (𝐁)4.99×1032973 and (𝐁)2.43×1032899 (cf. vol(L)25.0×10601), and


Note that we have R1 in most examples, which implies that Assumption 6.9 holds in practice. For our estimation (6.5), we have


Then our estimation (6.5) gives N54.96+68.86=123.82. In contrast, the actual total number of swaps in the LLL algorithm for 𝐂 is equal to 132, close to our estimation. On the other hand, if we take δ=0.99 as the base of logarithm, then


which are much larger than the actual total number of swaps. If we take the minimum value β=0.034 as the base of logarithm, then


which are about 1.36 times smaller than our estimation with ϵ=112.

6.3 Estimate of gap between SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁)

In this subsection, we give an estimate of the gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁). By Proposition 6.5, the gap is estimated as


for m=m(s,(s+1)). Gap (6.7) is approximately determined by both the average of decreasing values of SS(𝐂) and the total number N of swaps in the LLL algorithm for the basis 𝐂. By Propositions 6.7 and 6.10, we obtain the following estimate on gap (6.7).

Theorem 6.12

Under Assumptions 5.6, 6.6 and 6.9, the gap SS(C)-SS(B) is estimated to be greater than

(6.8)(1-δ12δvol(πk(L))2/(n-k))Average of decreasing valuesj=kn-1logϵ(BjDj)Estimation of N.

6.4 Alternative estimate for gap between SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁)

In this subsection, we give an alternative heuristic estimation for the gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁). In Theorem 6.12, although the total number N of swaps plays an important role, it is rather difficult to give its precise estimation. Moreover, the term 1-δδ in gap (6.7) seems much smaller than 1-δ(s)δ(s) in gap (6.6), that might cause our estimation of the gap very small. In order to overcome such defects, we use an approximation of s=1Nlog(δ(s)) directly. Specifically, we give a certain estimation of gap (6.6) under the following settings, where we assume that three distributions of ξ(s), Cm and δ(s) are independent:

  1. For estimation of each ξ(s)2, we use its average112 given in equation (5.4).

  2. For estimation of each Cm, we use its averagevol(πk(L))2/(n-k) given in equation (6.2).

  3. For estimation of each 1-δ(s)δ(s), we use its average1Ns=1N1-δ(s)δ(s).

Proposition 6.13

Proposition 6.13 (Alternative estimate)

Under Assumptions 5.6, 6.6 and 6.9, the gap SS(C)-SS(B) is estimated to be greater than (cf. equation (6.8))



Under the above settings, gap (6.6) can be estimated as


Since (1-x)x-log(x) for 0<x<1, we have 1-δ(s)δ(s)-log(δ(s)) with 0<δ(s)<δ<1. Under Assumption 6.9, we have


by equation (6.4). This completes the proof of Proposition 6.13. ∎

7 Estimated gap between SS(𝐁) and SS(𝐁) and mutant vectors

Let 𝐁, 𝐂 and 𝐁LLL(𝐂) as in (1.2). In this section, we estimate the gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐁) and SS(𝐁), and define mutant vectors in order to definitely decrease the squared-sum SS(𝐁) of the original basis 𝐁. By combining Theorems 4.4 and 6.12, we obtain the following estimate.

Theorem 7.1

Under Assumptions 5.6, 6.6 and 6.9, the gap SS(B)-SS(B) is estimated to be greater than


If the total value of (7.1) is positive, then the squared-sum SS(𝐁) can be strictly decreased (i.e. condition (1.1) is satisfied). However, we cannot find 𝐯L such that the total value of (7.1) is positive, due to that the constant term 1-δ12δlog(ϵ)<0 seems too small (see Section 8 below for our experimental results). Then we give the following definition of candidate lattice vectors 𝐯L which enable us to strictly decrease SS(𝐁) in practice.

Definition 7.2

Definition 7.2 (Mutant vectors)

Given an LLL-reduced basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of a lattice L, let 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L be a lattice vector sampled by Schnorr’s SA. Given a constant c>0, we call 𝐯 a mutant vector with factor c if

  1. the insertion index k of 𝐯 is smaller than n-u (where u is the constant of search space bound for SA), and

  2. the following condition is satisfied:


Remark 7.3

The alternative estimation in Proposition 6.13 may require us to set c=1120.083 in Definition 7.2. However, compared to the experimental constants in (8.1) below, the value c=112 is still 3 to 4 times smaller for practical use. This seems due to the ignorance of the value log(R). In fact, as Example 6.11 implies, the value logϵ(R) gives a valuable information about the number N of swaps. However, the value can be obtained after computing 𝐁LLL(𝐂). In this paper, we set logϵ(R)=0. We leave the analysis of logϵ(R) as our future work.

As mentioned in Remark 4.5, we consider only the case E(𝐯,k)0. In this case, we expect from equation (4.3) that BjDj for most j=k,,n-1, and hence


with high probability. Then, in Definition 7.2, we estimate the gap between two squared-sums SS(𝐂) and SS(𝐁) as


If we set a suitable constant c>0, a mutant vector 𝐯 with factor c can definitely decrease SS(𝐁) (with high probability). In Section 8 below, we give a suitable constant c in practice. In this paper, we focus on Schnorr’s SA to generate a number of short lattice vectors 𝐯. Note that Definition 7.2 can be applied to more general short lattice vectors. Given a lattice vector 𝐯 sampled by Schnorr’s SA, we expect BjDj for j=k,,n-1 (it is verified by our experiments). Then we approximately have


since log(1+x)x if x is sufficiently close to 0. Therefore the right-hand side of (7.2) can be replaced with (cf. equation (4.3) for E(𝐯,k))

Remark 7.4

Given a basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of a lattice L, we have


Hence a theoretical lower bound of SS(𝐁)=i=1n𝐛i*2 is given by nvol(L)2/n. However, this lower bound seems considerably small in practice. On the other hand, if 𝐁 is reduced by LLL or BKZ, we approximately have


under GSA, where the q-value depends on the lattice reduction algorithm. In case of the LLL algorithm, we can estimate from Section 2.2 that q1.04 and 𝐛121.0222nvol(L)2/n in average for high dimension n100.

8 Experimental verification

In this section, we verify our analysis by experiments. Specifically, we verify that a mutant vector 𝐯 with certain factor c>0 (see Definition 7.2) can decrease the squared-sum SS(𝐁) for an LLL-reduced basis 𝐁. In our experiments, we used Schnorr’s SA with search space bound u=30 to generate a number of short lattice vectors (i.e. the search space size #Su,𝐁=230). We also used the PARI library (http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/) for the LLL algorithm with reduction parameter δ=0.99. We took three lattices of dimensions n=100,110 and 120 from Darmstadt SVP challenge problems. In particular, we set

(8.1)c={0.25for n=100,0.35for n=110,120.

Note that these constants are determined by our experiments. Given an LLL-reduced basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of a lattice L of dimensions n=100,110 and 120, we repeatedly performed the following procedures and computed i=1n𝐛i*2:

  1. Step 1. Randomly generate a vector 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L by Schnorr’s SA with u=30 (see Section 3.1), and compute the insertion index k of 𝐯 by checking πi(𝐯)2<𝐛i*2 for i=1,,n (see Definition 3.2). If πi(𝐯)2𝐛i*2 for all 1in, generate another lattice vector 𝐯.

  2. Step 2. Compute E(𝐯,k) from 𝐁 and 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i* (see equation (4.3) for E(𝐯,k)). If condition (7.2) is satisfied, insert 𝐯 into 𝐁 at the k-th position to obtain a basis 𝐂 as in (1.2). Otherwise, go back to Step 1.

  3. Step 3. Set 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n]LLL(𝐂), and compute the squared-sum SS(𝐁).

8.1 Experimental results

In Figures 46, we give our experimental results on the transition of SS(𝐁) and the value log2(𝐛12/𝐛i*2) for 1in, which represents the GSA behavior of 𝐁. Note that the value k in the left side figure denotes the insertion index of each mutant vector. From Figures 46, we see the following:

  1. Mutant vectors with factor c given by equation (8.1) can decrease SS(𝐁) in most cases. Since it requires small factor c, condition (7.2) gives a good criterion of choosing candidate lattice vectors 𝐯 to decrease SS(𝐁). In particular, mutant vectors with smaller factor c can decrease SS(𝐁) more greatly (but it is harder to generate mutant vectors with smaller factor c).

  2. By repeatedly inserting a mutant vector, we can obtain better GSA behavior of 𝐁. Namely, the values log2(𝐛12/𝐛i*2) for 1in become to lie on a straight line gradually.

  3. Moreover, there is a trade-off between the size of SS(𝐁) and the required number of sampling short lattice vectors 𝐯 to find a mutant vector. More specifically, as the squared-sum SS(𝐁) becomes smaller, it requires to sample more short lattice vectors by Schnorr’s SA to find a mutant vector. Note that we can easily find mutant vectors 𝐯 with small insertion index k after the latter half of vectors of 𝐁 are shortened (see [14] for such phenomenon).

8.2 Comparison to the RR algorithm by Fukase and Kashiwabara

Fukase and Kashiwabara [5] propose the RR algorithm in order to steadily decrease the squared-sum SS(𝐁). The strategy of the RR algorithm is similar to the strategy of the BKZ algorithm, and it restricts insertion positions. More specifically, given a restriction index 1rn, the RR algorithm does not insert a short lattice vector 𝐯 with insertion index kr. Different from the RR algorithm, our criterion (7.2) for mutant vectors does not enforce us to restrict insertion positions. Therefore we expect that our criterion (7.2) would enable us to search mutant vectors more flexibly and hence to decrease SS(𝐁) more efficiently.

Figure 4

Transition of the squared-sum SS(𝐁) and the GSA behavior by insertion of mutant vectors in a lattice of dimension n=100.

(a) Transition of the squared-sum SS⁢(𝐁)${\mathrm{SS}(\mathbf{B})}$.

Transition of the squared-sum SS(𝐁).

(b) The value log2⁡(∥𝐛1∥2/∥𝐛i*∥2)${\log_{2}(\|\mathbf{b}_{1}\|^{2}/\|\mathbf{b}_{i}^{*}\|^{2})}$ for GSA.

The value log2(𝐛12/𝐛i*2) for GSA.

Figure 5

Same as Figure 4, but for lattice dimension n=110.

Figure 6

Same as Figure 4, but for lattice dimension n=120.


9 Conclusion and future work

Given an LLL-reduced basis 𝐁=[𝐛1,,𝐛n] of a lattice L, we gave an attempt to estimate a lower bound of the total number of swaps in the LLL algorithm. In Definition 7.2, we also gave a condition of mutant vectors 𝐯=i=1nνi𝐛i*L. Our experiments showed that although the constant c should be determined experimentally, our condition of mutant vectors gives a good criterion to decrease the sum SS(𝐁)=i=1n𝐛i*2 of the squared lengths of the Gram–Schmidt vectors [𝐛1*,,𝐛n*] of 𝐁. Compared to the RR algorithm of [5], our condition enables us to search mutant vectors more flexibly, and hence we expect that we could decrease SS(𝐁) more efficiently.

Our future work is to study how to search and sample mutant vectors efficiently. Specifically, while in this paper we focused on Schnorr’s SA for sampling short lattice vectors, we would like to improve the method in [5] to efficiently sample a number of mutant vectors. With our condition, we also would like to try to solve SVP in lattices of high dimensions.

Communicated by Kristin Lauter

Award Identifier / Grant number: 16H02830

Funding statement: This work was supported by CREST, JST. A part of this work was also supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant number 16H02830.


The authors would like to thank Phong Nguyen and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.


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Received: 2016-2-1
Revised: 2016-12-7
Accepted: 2017-2-2
Published Online: 2017-2-17
Published in Print: 2017-3-1

© 2017 by De Gruyter

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