SUIT: A Supervised User-Item Based Topic Model for Sentiment Analysis


  • Fangtao Li Google Inc.
  • Sheng Wang University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
  • Shenghua Liu Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Ming Zhang Peking University



Probabilistic topic models have been widely used for sentiment analysis. However, most of existing topic methods only model the sentiment text, but do not consider the user, who expresses the sentiment, and the item, which the sentiment is expressed on. Since different users may use different sentiment expressions for different items, we argue that it is better to incorporate the user and item information into the topic model for sentiment analysis. In this paper, we propose a new Supervised User-Item based Topic model, called SUIT model, for sentiment analysis. It can simultaneously utilize the textual topic and latent user-item factors. Our proposed method uses the tensor outer product of text topic proportion vector, user latent factor and item latent factor to model the sentiment label generalization. Extensive experiments are conducted on two datasets: review dataset and microblog dataset. The results demonstrate the advantages of our model. It shows significant improvement compared with supervised topic models and collaborative filtering methods.




How to Cite

Li, F., Wang, S., Liu, S., & Zhang, M. (2014). SUIT: A Supervised User-Item Based Topic Model for Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 28(1).