Federated Causality Learning with Explainable Adaptive Optimization


  • Dezhi Yang Shandong University
  • Xintong He National University of Singapore
  • Jun Wang Shandong University
  • Guoxian Yu Shandong University
  • Carlotta Domeniconi George Mason University
  • Jinglin Zhang Shandong University




ML: Causal Learning, CSO: Constraint Optimization, DMKM: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis & Community, ML: Distributed Machine Learning & Federated Learning


Discovering the causality from observational data is a crucial task in various scientific domains. With increasing awareness of privacy, data are not allowed to be exposed, and it is very hard to learn causal graphs from dispersed data, since these data may have different distributions. In this paper, we propose a federated causal discovery strategy (FedCausal) to learn the unified global causal graph from decentralized heterogeneous data. We design a global optimization formula to naturally aggregate the causal graphs from client data and constrain the acyclicity of the global graph without exposing local data. Unlike other federated causal learning algorithms, FedCausal unifies the local and global optimizations into a complete directed acyclic graph (DAG) learning process with a flexible optimization objective. We prove that this optimization objective has a high interpretability and can adaptively handle homogeneous and heterogeneous data. Experimental results on synthetic and real datasets show that FedCausal can effectively deal with non-independently and identically distributed (non-iid) data and has a superior performance.



How to Cite

Yang, D., He, X., Wang, J., Yu, G., Domeniconi, C., & Zhang, J. (2024). Federated Causality Learning with Explainable Adaptive Optimization. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(15), 16308-16315. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i15.29566



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning VI