This paper describes the specifications and usage of standard RGB color spaces promoted today by standard bodies and/or the imaging industry. As in the past, most of the new standard RGB color spaces were developed for specific imaging workflow and applications. They are used as interchange
spaces to communicate color and/or as working spaces in imaging applications. Standard color spaces can facilitate color communication: if an image is in ‘knownRGB,’ the user, application, and/or device can unambiguously understand the color of the image, and further color manage
from there if necessary. When applied correctly, a standard RGB space can minimize color space conversions in an imaging workflow, improve image reproducibility, and facilitate accountability.The digital image color workflow is examined with emphasis on when an RGB color space is appropriate,
and when to apply color management by profile. An RGB space is “standard” because either it is defined in an official standards document (a
Sabine Süsstrunk, Robert Buckley, Steve Swen, "Standard RGB Color Spaces" in Proc. IS&T 7th Color and Imaging Conf., 1999, pp 127 - 134,