Interactive gamification-flip-book for developing students' outcomes
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This research presents gamification-flip-books in education that can significantly improve students' conceptual understanding due to the actions involved in the learning. However, this approach also presents a problem for "slow learners" and other students who require individualized attention in their classroom's approach to teaching and learning. Many researchers have been drawn to the use of gamification in education as a way to boost engagement and improve learning outcomes. This study aims to show the empirical results of the most recent research on applying gamification in ability learning for slow learners. This research developed an interactive digital gamification-flip-book which meets the criteria for assisting students called slow learners. A 4-D design of research & development was applied, covering four stages: define, design, develop and disseminate. Since the percentage that was produced was more significant than 85%, the validity level of the generated media satisfied very valid requirements, and it could be used without any modifications because the standards were met. The implication proves that the integration with LMS was a practical approach for providing activities to slow learners to support them. This was demonstrated by the fact that the integration was successful. Therefore, the additional study should be encouraged to investigate the usefulness of a digital gamification-flip-book integrated into LMS for slow learners.
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