Process of Mathematical Representation Translation from Verbal into Graphic
Dwi Rahmawati, Purwantoa, Subanji, Erry Hidayanto, Rahmad Bustanul Anwar
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The ability to do translation from one form of representation to another representation form is a fundamental ability to build a conceptual and mathematical thinking. Related to the important of translation process, this study aimed to investigate the process of mathematical representation translation from verbal to graph. This research was a qualitative research. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan lembar tugas dan wawancara setelah subjek menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan.Collecting data was done through the assignment sheet and interviews after the subjects completed the task given. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mampu melakukan proses translasi dari representasi verbal ke grafik dengan baik pada tiap tahapan translasi.The result showed that the students were able to do the process of translation from verbal representation to graph well at every stage of the translation. The translation process was done in four stages: unpacking the source, preliminary coordination, constructing the targets, and determining equivalence. The translation process of verbal to graph representations required more than one translation process.Proses translasi dilakukan melalui empat tahap yaitu unpacking the source, preliminary coordination, constructing the target, dan determining equivalence . This process through the intermediary of some other representations like symbolic, schematic, equations, numerical. In general, students do the same activity except at preliminary coordination activity.  Dalam aktivitas preliminary coordination , dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu mahasiswa menentukan rumus hubungan antara jarak dan waktu dari kejadian yang diberikan, dan dengan menghubungkan antara jarak kedua mobil dan bertambahnya waktuPreliminary coordination activity can be done in two ways, namely students determined the formula of the relationship between distance and time, and by connecting the distance between the two cars and the increasing time. Semakin bertambah waktu semakin berkurang jarak kedua mobil.The more the time increased, the distance the two cars decreased.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 3, October 2017, 367-381

Publication date: 18 Jun 2017

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