The multimedia articulation of answers in a natural language database query system
Pages 1 - 8
This paper describes a domain independent strategy for the multimedia articulation of answers elicited by a natural language interface to database query applications. Multimedia answers include videodisc images and heuristically-produced complete sentences in text or text-to-speech form. Deictic reference and feedback about the discourse are enabled. The interface thus presents the application as cooperative and conversational.
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- The multimedia articulation of answers in a natural language database query system
First-order under-approximations of consistent query answers
Consistent Query Answering (CQA) is a principled approach for answering queries on inconsistent databases. The consistent answer to a query q on an inconsistent database db is the intersection of the answers to q on all repairs, where a repair is any ...
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Association for Computational Linguistics
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Published: 09 February 1988
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