Enabling the Orchestration of IoT Slices through Edge and Cloud Microservice Platforms
:1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Statement
1.2. Objectives
- Prove that it is possible to coordinate, in a real scenario, the deployment of functions composing a multi-tenant (sliced) IoT solution, despite its heterogeneity.
- Verify that the orchestration can be done through different locations and is hence compatible with edge and cloud computing, taking advantage of their benefits, i.e., the low latency provided by edge computing whenever quick response times are required, and the flexible and automated allocation of resources supported by cloud computing technologies.
- Demonstrate that it is possible to perform this orchestration even with constrained devices where IoT functions can be executed.
- Confirm that lightweight virtualization techniques are propitious to achieve these purposes.
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Cloud, Edge and Fog Computing
- Much better latency figures in solutions where a fast reaction is needed, like connected cars or autonomous vehicle use cases, since the computation is performed much closer to the device.
- Data can be processed at the edge, allowing it to send aggregated data, reducing overheads and redundant information and using bandwidth much more efficiently.
- Better utilization of resources. Nowadays, most edge nodes are not using all the available computation resources during their regular tasks (e.g., a home router might not be using all its resources to route packages to the Internet).
2.2. Microservice Based Architectures in IoT Environments
2.3. Network Slicing in IoT
- The industrial IoT slice is used, for instance, to connect robots and other devices to some applications with access to the network. This kind of services typically needs low latency communication, requiring the deployment of functions at the edge of the network (e.g., access network)
- The agriculture IoT slice might be used to monitor and deliver relevant information in smart farming applications, e.g., values of temperature or humidity in different regions of a crop field. In this case, functions able to process high volumes of data may be required in nodes allocated in cloud computing infrastructures that are close to the core network.
- The IoT slice devoted to the healthcare market segment may have devices requiring low latency communications, as well as application processes with high capacity demands, both in terms of computation and storage, which may be satisfied by a cloud computing infrastructure.
- Finally, the IoT slice for intelligent transportation systems may connect autonomous cars, as well as other types of connected vehicles, to automotive-specific applications. These applications may require the execution of specific functions at the edge, in order to guarantee the execution and actions with strict delay constraints, and/or at the cloud, to support non-sensitive computation tasks and the permanent storage of automotive-related data (e.g., maps, route calculations, etc.)
2.4. End-to-end Coordination of IoT Resources
3. System Design and Implementation
- The IoT gateway is deployed and configured using an edge or a cloud computing orchestrator, depending on where the gateway is finally deployed.
- The network slice at the access network, configuring the right Radio Access Technology (RAT) and reserving the required resources (e.g., radio channels).
- The network slice at the transport network, for instance using an SDN controller that defines the corresponding Virtual Private Network (VPN).
- The network slice in the core network, deploying or configuring the required Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) to provide this service (e.g., a specific User Plane Function (UPF) or Packet Data Network (PDN) gateway as defined by 3GPP [53] standardization body).
- The IoT server, analytics applications or other functions that are deployed in the cloud, using the corresponding cloud orchestrator.
3.1. Orchestration Information Model
- (1)
- The IoT-Device represents the information related to physical or virtual devices with sensing or actuation capabilities; that is, the configuration needed by sensors to provide measurements and by actuators to execute the proper actions. This information is directly mapped to the M2M device in or physical IoT resource in described by M2M [44] and HINC [46] models respectively. The data associated to the IoT-Device entity comprises the protocols used between the devices and the gateway (like MQTT [57], HTTP or CoAP [58]); the magnitude measured by the associated sensors (e.g., temperature or humidity); the address of the IoT-Gateway towards the IoT-Device will be connected; and, in the future, the actions to be executed by the associated actuators.
- (2)
- The IoT-Gateway includes the data associated to a gateway function deployed in an IoT intermediate node (i.e., M2M gateway in M2M model [44] or software defined gateway as proposed by the HINC project [46]) and that could be located at the edge of the network as specified by ETSI in one of its edge scenarios [59] or in the cloud. The information to be configured in those cases is the associated slice, the physical infrastructure where they are deployed (e.g., edge node) and the IoT server connected to this gateway.
- (3)
- The IoT-Server defines a virtualized M2M application [44] or cloud service [46] entity deployed in a network node that runs the business logic and whose main purpose is to collect data from IoT devices and to post-process it for its consumption by other applications like analytics functions (the IoT server may hold these functions). The information contained in this entity is the associated slice, the physical infrastructure (e.g., data center) where it is deployed, and the credentials used to connect to this server.
- (4)
- The IoT-Slice represents an end-to-end network slice [56], that is, a section or a partition of an end-to-end IoT application dedicated to a particular purpose (generally to a specific vertical or customer), including the networking part connecting the entities composing this IoT-Slice. Virtualization techniques (computation virtualization and network virtualization) are used to implement this concept. The information associated to this entity consists of the identifiers of the data centers (infrastructures) where this slice is implemented.
- (5)
- The Infrastructure refers to the location where the virtual functions are deployed. Typically, there will be locations at the edge, at some small offices in the middle of the network or in a data-center in the cloud. In the model shown in Figure 3, the data associated to this entity is an IP address to access the infrastructure. Real uses cases may extend this entity definition with additional fields, as needed.
- (6)
- (7)
- The Network Slice represents a list of network functions (including their resources) connected and arranged so that they can provide a logical network for a specific purpose. The proposed IoT slice is a specialization of a network slice containing specific IoT network functions (e.g., IoT gateway).
- (8)
- Network Function is an entity with some functional behavior provided by some external interfaces. These network functions can be virtual (VNF) or physical (PNF) and are deployed at the edge, in the middle of the network or in a cloud data center. The proposed IoT gateway and server are particularizations of network functions
- The infrastructure is specialized with some Kubernetes cluster information like Helm related data and the context information needed by the orchestrator to configure and connect to this cluster.
- IoT-Gateway and IoT-Server entities are specialized with the data related to the Helm charts used to install these containerized applications in the Kubernetes cluster.
3.2. Implementation
4. Validation of the Solution
4.1. Server and Gateway Software
4.2. Orchestration Software
- Creation, removal, retrieval, and list of Kubernetes clusters where the IoT gateway and server are deployed.
- Creation, removal, retrieval, and list of IoT slices associated to an edge and a cloud Kubernetes cluster.
- Creation, removal, retrieval, update, and list of IoT servers.
- Creation, removal, retrieval, update (attach to IoT server), and list of IoT gateways.
- Creation, removal, retrieval, and list of IoT devices attached to an IoT gateway.
4.3. Protocol and Message Formatting
4.4. Test Environment
- A three Kubernetes node cluster deployed in Google Compute Engine, with two virtual CPUs and 7.5 gigabytes of memory per node. A Network File System (NFS) server with 10 GB of disk in the Kubernetes cluster had to be deployed since Google Compute Engine Persistent Disks do not support writing operations from different containers and it is required by the Edge X Foundry framework. In this cluster two instances of Mainflux (two IoT slices) were deployed and one instance of Edge X Foundry (for one slice). This cluster was used to compare the latency and throughput figures when the IoT gateway is deployed at the edge and when it is deployed in the cloud.
- Another cluster composed by three Raspberry Pis 3B+ (cluster could have been created even in one board), all of them with one CPU core and 1 GB of RAM. The storage used in this case is provided through the file system of the Raspberry Pis. In this environment only one instance of the Edge X gateway was deployed for one of the slices. This cluster was also used to compare the latency and throughput obtained when IoT gateway is deployed at the edge and when it is deployed in the cloud. It is important to note that the number of Raspberry Pis in this cluster can be increased or reduced, according to the requirements of the IoT service to be deployed. In addition, the cluster can easily be onboarded on mobile units, such as small unmanned aerial vehicles, following the approach described by Nogales et al in [63] where a Raspberry Pi board is assembled in this type of vehicles. This enables a cost-effective solution to offer the functionality of an IoT gateway in IoT scenarios where network infrastructures are insufficient (or simply unavailable), to support data communications with IoT devices over a delimited geographic area (e.g., a remote area in smart farming applications).
- Finally, one custom Kubernetes cluster virtualized in four virtual machines (each one with 2 virtual cores and 4 GB of RAM) created in a server with an 8 core AMD processor and 32 GB of RAM. The storage used in this case is represented by the file system of the server. This environment provided a baseline platform to evaluate the time used by the IoT slice orchestrator to create and deploy one IoT slice and to verify that several slices can cohabitate and properly operate within the same cluster (see Appendix D). In this case, both an instance of the IoT Gateway and an instance of the IoT Server were executed on the same server for each slice.
- Real devices like Raspberry Pis (model 3B and model Zero) [78] and Arduino Yun boards [79] connected to a set of sensors widely used in connected home environments to measure temperature, humidity and barometric pressure (DHT11 [80], DHT22 [81], BMP180 [82], BMP280 [83] and BME280 [84]). As stated before, the code executed in Raspberry Pis and Arduino Yun board is based on Python [73, 77]. Those devices are used to validate the correct operation of the solution in a real setup.
- Emulated devices using JMeter Apache load tester application [85] with an MQTT plug-in [86] configured to send SenML formatted random temperatures. This application is used to send traffic to validate that the solution works and to stress the system in order to obtain latency and throughput figures.
4.5. Functional Validation Using Real Devices
4.6. Latency Measurements
4.7. Throughput Measurements
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. IoT Slice Orchestrator (Iotorch)
Appendix B. Mainflux IoT Server
- Users microservice, which allows IoT platform to create a user account that is used to configure the connection between Edge X Foundry IoT gateway to Mainflux server. It its connected to a PostgreSQL database [94] to store all the user information.
- Things microservice, which is in charge of provisioning devices and configure communication channels used by these devices. This microservice is used to create the MQTT topic (channel) from Edge X Foundry IoT gateway to Mainflux server and provision Edge X Foundry IoT gateway as a “Mainflux thing” within the prototype. It its connected to a PostgreSQL database to store the provisioned device information, but not the events.
- Normalizer service, that is responsible for normalizing the events published by the connected things in the SenML format which are finally stored in the events databases.
- MQTT adapter, that includes an MQTT broker listening for events published by the provisioned devices. These devices are mainly the Edge X Foundry IoT gateway in the prototype.
- HTTP adapter, which offers an HTTP API that is used by the devices to send their measurements. There are other adapters for CoAP or WebSocket interfaces, but they are not used by this prototype yet.
- Database writers, which are in charge of storing normalized data into a database which is an InfluxDB time-series database [87] in the prototype.
Appendix C. Edge X Foundry IoT Gateway
- Configuration and Registry microservice which provides configuration information to the rest of the microservices when they boot-up is the configuration service is implemented using Consul [98]. When it is executed in a Kubernetes cluster, all the rest of microservices wait until this microservice is properly installed.
- Metadata microservice offers the REST interface that is used to provision devices. This is the interface used by IoT slice orchestrator to provision device information in Edge X gateway whenever a new device is created. This information is stored in the MongoDB database [99].
- Command microservice will be used in the future to send commands towards the devices (e.g., to send MQTT notifications to trigger an actuator).
- Export Client microservice offers a REST interface to configure external entities. Edge X gateway will forward collected measures to these entities. This is the interface used by IoT slice orchestrator to connect Edge X gateway with Mainflux using MQTT protocol. This interface is also used to send the received measurements to an external InfluxDB time-series database [87] for post-processing. Note this InfluxDB instance is not part of official Edge X Foundry, but it was deployed in the prototype to do the analysis shown in previous sections.
- MQTT Device Service, which is an MQTT client able to receive an generate MQTT publish and subscribe messages. This microservice is connected to a configured MQTT broker; it subscribes to the MQTT topic used by the devices and it receives messages published on this topic. In the future it will also publish MQTT messages that will trigger some event in an actuator. This microservice was updated to support receiving measurements in SenML format [72].
- Edge X Foundry platform relies on an external MQTT Broker; however, it is important that this broker is also part of the IoT Gateway in the prototype. For that reason, a container with a lightweight MQTT broker, the Mosquitto MQTT server, [101] is deployed. This broker receives MQTT publish messages from the devices and forwards them to MQTT Device microservice.
Appendix D. Service Creation Time
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- Grafana Documentation. Available online: http://docs.grafana.org/ (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Google Kubernetes Engine Web Page. Available online: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/ (accessed on 11 June 2019).
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- NATS Documentation. Available online: https://nats.io/documentation/ (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Docopt Language Description. Available online: http://docopt.org/ (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Go Language Documentation. Available online: https://golang.org/doc/ (accessed on 16 March 2019).
- PostgreSQL Documentation. Available online: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/ (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Mainflux Code GitHub. Available online: https://github.com/mainflux/mainflux (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Edge X Code GitHub. Available online: https://github.com/edgexfoundry/edgex-go (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Edge X MQTT Client Code GitHub. Available online: https://github.com/edgexfoundry/device-mqtt-go (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- Consul Documentation. Available online: https://www.consul.io/docs/index.html (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- MongoDB Documentation. Available online: https://docs.mongodb.com/ (accessed on 17 March 2019).
- ZeroMQ Documentation. Available online: http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all (accessed on 31 March 2019).
- Mosquitto Documentation. Available online: https://mosquitto.org/ (accessed on 31 March 2019).
Platform | Summary of Updates |
Edge X Foundry | Support for SenML format [72] over MQTT on incoming messages |
Edge X Foundry | Support for SenML format [72] on proxied messages |
Edge X Foundry | Updates on timestamp handling for time series storage (InfluxDB) |
Edge X Foundry | Integration with Kubernetes |
Edge X Foundry | Helm charts definition |
Mainflux | Updates on timestamp handling for time series storage (InfluxDB) |
Mainflux | Updates on the integration with Kubernetes |
Mainflux | Helm charts definition |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Fernandez, J.-M.; Vidal, I.; Valera, F. Enabling the Orchestration of IoT Slices through Edge and Cloud Microservice Platforms. Sensors 2019, 19, 2980. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19132980
Fernandez J-M, Vidal I, Valera F. Enabling the Orchestration of IoT Slices through Edge and Cloud Microservice Platforms. Sensors. 2019; 19(13):2980. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19132980
Chicago/Turabian StyleFernandez, Juan-Manuel, Ivan Vidal, and Francisco Valera. 2019. "Enabling the Orchestration of IoT Slices through Edge and Cloud Microservice Platforms" Sensors 19, no. 13: 2980. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19132980
APA StyleFernandez, J.-M., Vidal, I., & Valera, F. (2019). Enabling the Orchestration of IoT Slices through Edge and Cloud Microservice Platforms. Sensors, 19(13), 2980. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19132980