Systematic Mapping Study on Remote Sensing in Agriculture
:1. Introduction
- Type of platform where the sensor is mounted: in-field systems, ground vehicles, aircraft or satellites.
- Wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that are captured; most frequently, they include visible, infrared, ultraviolet and microwaves.
- Number and width of the spectral bands captured: panchromatic (a single wide band), multispectral (a small number of broad bands), and hyperspectral (many narrow bands).
- Spatial resolution, measured in meters per pixel, which can be roughly classified in high (less than 1 mm for in-field cameras), medium, and low (around 1 km in some satellites and bands).
- Temporal resolution, i.e., capture frequency of the system, which can range from real-time (in-field cameras) to several weeks (in some satellites).
- Radiometric resolution, i.e., the number of bits per pixel and band (typically 8, 12, or 16 bits), and the source of energy (passive sensors or active sensors).
- Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). ANN models have shown great potential in various RS applications in PA. For example, Hassan-Esfahani et al. [66] used an ANN to compute surface soil moisture. Poblete et al. [67] developed an ANN system to predict vine water status. In [68], the authors used ANNs to separate maize plants from weeds.
- Support vector machines (SVM), naïve Bayes classifier, and k-mean clustering. These methods have also been applied in different areas of agricultural machine learning systems. Sannakki et al. [69] proposed a SVM classifier to detect diseases in pomegranate leaves at an early stage. Mokhtar et al. [70] presented a SVM-based technique for detecting diseases in tomato leaves. k-Nearest neighbors algorithm (kNN) was used in [71] to classify large agricultural land cover types. A system to discriminate weeds from crops using naïve Bayesian classifiers is presented in [72]. Moreover, in [73], Mondal et al. proposed a naïve Bayes classifier to detect gourd leaf diseases using color and texture features.
- Deep Learning (DL). The use of DL in agriculture is a recent and promising alternative to traditional methods [74,75]. It has been used in several applications in the domain of PA. For example, a fully convolutional neural network for mapping weed is used in [76]. Castro et al. [77] used a CNN model for the classification of crops using multitemporal optical and SAR data. Mortensen et al. [78] addressed the problem of segmenting mixed crops applying CNN methods. dos Santos Ferreira et al. [20] proposed a deep learning-based CNN algorithm to classify weeds from grass and broadleaf. Moreover, Kussul et al. [79] dealt with the crop mapping problem using a multi-level DL network.
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Formulation of the Mapping Questions
2.2. Definition of the Search Strategy
2.3. Study Selection
- EC1. Editorial papers, papers about colloquium and international meetings, and summer school papers.
- EC2. Papers that have a citation ratio of less than 6 citations per year.
2.4. Data Extraction Strategy
- MQ1. To answer this question, the publication source and channel for each paper should be identified. The channel can be classified in journals, books, and conferences. The source refers to the name of the corresponding journal, book, or conference.
- MQ2. In order to draw conclusions about the publication trends, articles should be classified per publication year. Therefore, this question extracts the year of each paper.
- MQ3. Research works can be of different types, for example, a paper can propose new methods and techniques, it can evaluate existing solutions in a new application, or it can describe a specific experience that could be useful for other researchers. According to the authors of [88], the types of research can be classified into the following categories.
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- Evaluation Research. In this case, the research consists of the evaluation of an approach in RSA. This class also includes identifying new problems in RSA.
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- Solution Proposal. Research works which involve proposing a new solution for an existing problem in RSA. The proposed approach must be new, or it can be relevant modification of some existing method. An extensive experimentation is not required.
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- Experience Papers. These articles describe the personal experience of the authors. The paper explains what has been done and how it has been done in practice, and the obtained results.
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- Other. Other types of research can include, for example, reviews, opinion papers, etc.
It is also possible to find some papers that can be classified into different categories, for example, an article can propose a new technique and perform an extensive experimental validation. - MQ4. Most of the research works are expected to have an empirical validation of the theoretical advances and proposals. These experimentation can be done in different ways. According to the authors of [89], the empirical research types can be classified into the following.
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- Case study. It is an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon in its real-life context. One or many case studies can be described.
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- Survey. A survey is a method for collecting quantitative information related to aspects in RSA research, for example, through a questionnaire.
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- Experiment. This case refers to an empirical method applied under controlled conditions to observe its effects and the results of certain processes or treatments.
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- Data-based experiments. This is a different case from the previous category, as the research does not involve new experiments, but the data available from previous experiments is used. It can be either a public or private database.
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- Other. Other types can include meta-analysis, history-based evaluation, etc. It is also possible that some papers do not report any empirical validation.
- MQ5. Another interesting aspect to analyze is the type of techniques that are used in the papers, that is, the computer vision or machine learning tasks that are addressed in [14]. Many different classifications can be found in the literature. Following the work in [82], in the present review, the techniques are classified as follows.
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- Image preprocessing and segmentation. Although they are different problems, the two are closely related since the input are images and the output are also images. Besides, they are typically the first steps of many computer vision systems. Image preprocessing includes the techniques whose purpose is to improve the quality of the images captured [90], e.g., to remove noise, enhance image contrast, correct geometric deformations, or remove artifacts. Image segmentation consists in separating image regions in different categories [78], e.g., separating plants and background, or detecting the regions of a crop of interest. Segmentation can be considered a result by itself, or it can be the input for further processing.
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- Feature extraction. Most frequently, after segmenting the regions of interest in the images, a set of features are extracted from them, although it can also be applied to the entire image. Feature extractors are a set of techniques to obtain relevant and high-level data from the images. The most usual types of features in RSA are color, texture, shape, and spectral features [91]. In many cases, the features are not explicitly predefined by the human experts, but they are given by a machine learning algorithm [75]. The extracted features can be used later for computing parameters of interest from the images, such as the water stress of the plants, or the crop yield.
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- Similarity measures and maximum likelihood. Most empirical research has been dedicated to find effective similarity measures on the extracted features. Then, the similarity values can be used in a maximum likelihood approach [92]. This can be used, for example, to predict the evolution of a certain crop from other previously observed cases with similar characteristics.
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- Classification systems. Given an image, or an image region, classification consists of determining the most likely class among a predefined set of classes [32,39,40]. For example, it can be used to classify a segmented region of plants in crop or weed, it can be used to classify a plot in dry land or irrigated, or to classify a fruit in unripe/ripe/overripe. Common classifiers used in RSA include support vector machines (SVM) [69,70], decision trees (DT), and artificial neural networks (ANN) [52], although they can also be used in the other problems.
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- Recognition systems. The purpose of a recognition system is to find the specific identity of the object of the given class. For example, a segmentation step can be used to separate an image in plant/background; then, a classifier is applied to find if a plant region is a tree, a grass or a weed; finally, the recognition step would determine the specific type of tree, grass, or weed [77]. Obviously, a recognizer should not be prepared to deal with all the instances from all the classes, but only for those species of interest that have been trained.
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- Other machine learning algorithms. In this category we include additional applications of machine learning algorithms [14]. These can include regression algorithms (e.g., for estimating the crop evapotranspiration), decision support systems (e.g., for deciding the fertirrigation schedules), or methods to automatize different processes (e.g., harvesting or fumigation machines).
A complete computer vision system in agriculture should include many (if not all) of these techniques. Therefore, the papers have been classified according to the area where the most important contributions are done, although they could be classified into different categories. - MQ6. The platforms typically used to capture the images in agriculture are highly diversified [93]. They can be classified according to different criteria, such as the type of information captured (spectral or depth maps), the spatial, spectral and photometric resolution, or the type of cameras. However, they are most commonly classified considering the type of vehicles or devices in which they are mounted [80]. The main categories are listed as follows.
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- Satellite imagery. They are characterized for offering images of very large areas, with lower temporal resolution compared to the other platforms [94,95]. The high cost of this kind of device places them beyond the reach of farmers, being controlled by governmental or international institutions. However, in many cases, these organizations provide free access to the obtained satellite images for research purposes. Another characteristic of satellites is that most of them are equipped with multispectral or hyperspectral cameras [96].
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- Drones, UAVs, and manned aircraft. The use of these types of devices in agriculture has experienced a huge growth in the last decade [18]. In general, an aircraft is any vehicle which is able to fly. When they include a human pilot, they are referred as manned aircraft, while the term Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is used when the vehicle can fly remotely (controlled by a human) or autonomously (without human control) [81]. The term drone is normally used as a synonym of UAV; however, it can also be used for other types of aquatic or land vehicles. Thus, all UAVs are drones, but not all drones are UAVs. The use of the term Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) is also frequent [97], which refers not only to the flying vehicle, but also to the ground control, communication units, support systems, etc. Compared to manned aircraft, UAVs are normally less expensive, less invasive, and safer tools, so they can be used in sensitive areas such as the polar regions [98]. The most common type of operation is the so-called visual line of sight (VLOS), where the pilot can directly see the UAV at all times; however, some systems are prepared to operate beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) [99] allowing to cover larger extensions.
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- Other types of vehicles. In many cases, remote capture systems can be incorporated into the existing farm machinery [41], such as trucks, tractors, combine harvesters, etc. In this case, the images are typically used in real-time during the agricultural processes of plowing, irrigation, planting, weeding, or harvesting, more than for out-of-line analysis. We also include in this category other types of autonomous vehicles that can not be considered as UAVs, such as aerial balloons.
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- In-field installations. Remote image capture systems in agriculture also include field installations of fixed cameras. They can be considered remote in the sense that they are used and controlled remotely, not in the capture distance. They are usually based on inexpensive cameras communicating wirelessly, which are able to perform a real-time monitoring of the crops [13]. In counterpart, they have lower resolution than the other modalities, they only capture a small portion of the plots, and normally only RGB images are used. In some cases, they can be integrated into a wider Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) installed in the farms; these include other types of sensors (thermometers, barometers, lysimeters, etc.) that are out of the scope of the present review.
- MQ7. To date, a large number of different problems have been addressed with the RSA techniques listed above [83]. However, this fact does not limit the possibility that other new topics and areas of application will appear in the future. According to the recent reviews [17,100], the main applications of interest can be classified as follows.
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- Agricultural parameters estimation. In this case, remote images are used to estimate parameters of large plots that would be difficult or expensive to be obtained using in-field methods. These parameters of interest can include crops or cropland parameters [45], for example, the height of the plants, the leaf area index (LAI), the percentage of green cover (PGC), the total biomass, the depth of the roots, or the surface roughness can be estimated.
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- Drought stress, irrigation, and water productivity. Due to the great importance of water in agriculture, this category includes all applications related to water and irrigation (although some of them could also be understood as parameter estimation) [91,101]. Optimization of water resources is an essential aspect of global sustainability due to the great water shortage in many regions. A key parameter is water balance, which measures the water incomes and outcomes, including the crop evapotranspiration (ET).
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- Nutrient status. Nutrient efficiency and avoiding nutrient losses are other topics that have received much attention in the literature of RSA. The proper use of nutrients can also be aimed at reducing pollution of the environment. It is particularly relevant the use of nitrogen (N), which has proved to affect the leaf and plant reflectance signatures [17].
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- Growth vigor. Monitoring plant vigor during the different stages of growth is another of the principal applications of RSA [23]. It can be based on different parameters such as the growth of the plant height, the total biomass, and the PGC. We distinguish this category from the parameter estimation in that these works perform a temporal analysis of the images.
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- Detection of pathogens, diseases, and insect pests. Early detection of these problems can help reduce losses. Precision agriculture systems are able to reduce pesticide use by performing site-specific spraying [102]. Thus, the effectiveness of these systems is related with the obtained quality, yield and sustainability of the crops.
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- Weed detection. The appearance of weeds is another problem that can appear during the cultivation process, leading to a reduction in the water and nutrients available for the crops of interest [103]. As weeds are also plants, the distinction between crops and weeds must be done using color, texture, shape, or spectral features.
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- Yield prediction. Regarding the last stages of the cultivation process, remote sensing images have been used to predict the yield before the actual harvesting [58]. These systems are usually based on regression models using parameters extracted from the images, although the most precise methods use accumulated temporal information and crop growth models.
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- Automatic crop harvesting. Intelligent harvesting machinery and picking robots have emerged in the last years as a feasible alternative to traditional harvesting methods [80], although the first experimental systems for automatic harvesting using machine vision date back to the 1980s.
- MQ8. Computer vision systems in agriculture are not exclusively based on the use of visible light; a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum has shown to be effective in different RSA applications, normally is frequencies lower than the visible wavelengths. Several reviews have analyzed the suitability of spectral information in different RSA problems [17,80,104]. The main types can be classified as follows.
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- RGB (visible spectrum). The visible spectrum corresponds to the wavelengths between 380 and 740 nm, which are visible by the human eye [105]. RGB cameras do not capture a complete spectrum of these wavelengths, but only three bands corresponding to red, green, and blue color. The main advantage of this category is the high availability, high spatial resolution, and low cost of the cameras, with respect to the other types of sensors. For these reasons, it is the predominant class in computer vision in general.
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- Red edge spectrum. This class corresponds to a small part of the visible spectrum, located at the end of the lowest frequencies, approximately from 670 to 740 nm. It is particularly important in agriculture [104], as the chlorophyll contained in vegetation reflects most of these wavelengths, while it absorbs a great part of the rest of the visible spectrum. Therefore, several vegetation indices have been defined based on the relationship between the reflection of red edge and red.
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- Near-infrared (NIR) and Vis-NIR. NIR includes the part of the infrared spectrum nearest to the visible region, approximately from 740 to 1500 nm. This class is also characterized by a high reflectance by the plants. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) [23] is based on NIR and red bands, and is a very common parameter to study the amount and healthiness of vegetation. Consequently, most works include NIR and visible bands, being a typical range from 400 nm to 1500 nm; this is usually called visible-NIR or Vis-NIR.
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- Short-wave infrared. The term infrared refers to a broad slice of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 740 nm to 1 mm [93]. It is subdivided in near, short, mid, high, and far infrared, from lowest to highest wavelength. Short-wave infrared is located approximately from 1.5 to 3 m. This range is characterized by a high absorption from the water, so it is specially interesting for moisture analysis.
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- Long-wave infrared. This range corresponds to 8–15 m. It is also called thermal infrared [106], as it contains the wavelengths of the thermal emission of the objects. It is widely used in studies about soil moisture, crop evapotranspiration and water balance, which can be estimated from the relative temperatures [107].
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- Synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Unlike the previous passive sensing methods, SAR is an active sensing technique [45]. This means that the capture device emits some kind of radiation and receives the echo; normally, microwave radiations in different bands are used. This type of radar is called synthetic aperture because it takes advantage of the motion of the satellite or aircraft to simulate a large antenna, thus providing higher resolution images. Polarization properties of the waves are also used to provide more information of the land. The captured images are unaffected by the clouds, and it can be used in night-time operation. Although passive microwave capture is also possible, it is less used in RSA.
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- Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). This method also belongs to the category of active remote sensing, usually mounted on satellites and aircraft. In this case, the radiation is emitted by a laser beam, and the echo time is measured to calculate the distance to the objective. Unlike the other methods, which obtain radiation/absorption images in different wavelengths, the data obtained are depth images [108]. This type of images are also called digital elevation models (DEM). They can be used, for example, to estimate the height and volume of the plants.
In addition, two other related terms are multispectral and hyperspectral images. These categories do not correspond to specific wavelengths, but to the number of channels that are captured.- -
- Multispectral images (broad band). When the number of channels captured for each pixel is small, usually between three and 10 channels, we call them multispectral images [18]. Each channel corresponds to a broad range of the spectrum, which can have a descriptive name. For example, an RGB image can be understood as a multispectral image with three channels. In the review, this category has been used only when the paper cannot be classified in the previous classes. For example, satellite Lansat-8 ( is able to capture 11 different bands (although not all of them with the same spatial resolution).
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- Hyperspectral images (narrow band). These images are characterized by having a large number of channels, which can be some hundreds or even thousands [18]. For example, Hyperion imaging spectrometer is able to capture 224 bands with 10 nm wavelength intervals [109]. This high number of channels allows obtaining the spectral signature of the observed objects, in order to analyze their chemical composition. However, most computer vision techniques are designed for images with few channels. Specific methods should be applied when the spatial resolution of the images is small but the number of channels is very large.
2.5. Synthesis Procedure
3. Results of the Systematic Mapping Study
3.1. MQ1. What Publication Channels Are the Main Targets for RSA?
3.2. MQ2. How Has the Frequency of Approaches Related to RSA Changed over Time?
3.3. MQ3. What Are the Main Research Types of RSA Studies?
3.4. MQ4. Are RSA Studies Empirically Validated?
3.5. MQ5. What Types of Techniques Were Reported in RSA Research?
3.6. MQ6. What Are the Platforms Used to Capture the Images for RSA?
3.7. MQ7. What Are the Research Topics by RSA?
3.8. MQ8. What Are the Different Types of Spectral Information Used?
4. Discussion
4.1. Main Findings and Implications for Researchers and Practitioners
- The main publication channels of the selected papers are journals, at a great distance from books and conferences. This is caused by the introduction of the strict exclusion criterion EC2 of six citations per year. Publications in journals are known to be cited more than those in conferences. Although conferences are important publication venues for computer science researchers [205], the research community tends to prefer publishing in journals due to the tenure and promotion guidelines in many institutions which only consider publications in high-impact factor journals [206]. However, the role of conferences as a means of spreading new ideas, showing ongoing research and connecting researchers should not be dismissed.
- The research field of RSA has gained an increasing interest since the beginning of the millennium. This can be explained by the new technologies that appeared in this period (cameras, satellites, and UAVs) in addition to the improvements in telecommunications and data transmission. The decrease of publications observed in 2019 is a collateral effect of the review procedure and the minimum required number of citations. Thus, the increasing interest in RSA is expected to continue in the near future, favoring the appearance of new journals and conferences more specialized in the different areas of RSA.
- Most of the selected papers are evaluation research using data sets. Solution proposals represent almost one-third of the selected papers, which indicates that the field has reached a certain maturity and researchers are more interested in evaluating existing technologies rather than proposing new ones. This is also supported by the large number of reviews identified. On the other hand, this highlights the importance of creating public and comprehensive datasets where the results of different authors can be compared. It would be recommended that this effort be carried out by existing institutions and associations, rather than particular research groups. One example of these public resources is EuroSAT [40], a public dataset of 27,000 labeled and georeferenced images from Sentinel-2 satellite useful for the classification of land usages; the DeepSat Airborne Dataset [94], with 500,000 image patches in Vis-NIR range; or the Copernicus Programme, which offers satellite and in-situ images for land monitoring (
- The majority of the selected empirically evaluated publications were conducted through experiments. Only two case studies have been identified in the selected papers, which means that it is difficult to perform this type of studies in RSA, as normally the research is done under uncontrolled settings. The small number of meta-analysis papers that were found indicates that there is an interesting opportunity to apply this type of statistical analysis whose purpose is to combine the results of multiple previous scientific works to assess these results and derive conclusions.
- The computer vision task most frequently found in the selected papers is classification: given a image patch or region, classify it into a predefined set of classes of interest. This is an expected observation, as it is one of the most studied machine learning problems, it has a simple a clear definition, and its results can be used in different applications. Decision trees, support vector machines, classical neural networks, k-nearest neighbors. and Bayes classifiers are among the most frequent techniques. However, deep learning methods are gaining popularity [20,74,76,77,78,79], proving to overcome other techniques in many domains. It is recommended that it should be applied when it is really of interest and not as a fad. An interesting alternative could be the use of ensemble classification systems that have not been widely used in RSA research. Other problems that have been identified in the selected papers include feature extraction, maximum likelihood, image preprocessing and segmentation, and recognition systems. As a general recommendation, we advice to make use of free tools and libraries for machine learning and computer vision, taking advantage of the great effort done by the free software community, for example using Python with tools such as the scientific programming environment Scikit-Learn ( and deep learning ecosystem PyTorch (
- The main types of platforms employed in RSA to capture the images are satellites, UAVs, and manned aircraft. However, in-field cameras and ground vehicles have not been widely used in RSA. The reason these images are used instead of the ground-based ones could be explained by the fact that they provide a broader view of the land. In addition, the resolution of the cameras permits to go from a global perspective to a more detailed view of a specific area. The fusion of satellite and UAV imagery [207] is an emerging field that would be very useful to harness the power of both capture systems. It is interesting to observe that many satellite imagery is freely available for research purposes, so this would be a convenient source for beginners. Among the most cited satellites in the selected papers, NASA’s Landsat missions (, ESA’s Sentinel missions (, and ESA’s Envisat satellite ( can be mentioned. Other satellites that are referred in several papers include Proba-1/2, Spot, QuickBird, Ikonos, TerraSAR-X, and Radarsat-2. In the domain of UAVs, some research teams are specifically dedicated to the hardware development of capture systems that can be applied for different task, such as the system PhenoFly (, which has been used in many publications.
- The main research topics addressed by the RSA community were growth vigor, cropland parameter extraction, and water usage. From a general perspective, these problems have the potential to impact on the sustainability of agriculture. As a matter of fact, the better usage of the water together with an adequate knowledge on the cropland, the better growth vigor, crop quality, and efficiency is achieved. Indeed, sustainability is one of the main goals of precision agriculture, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. SDG14. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.). Sustainability was not a topic specifically addressed in the present mapping study, although all the problems are in some way related to it. The detection of pathogens, diseases, and insect pests attempts to reduce the amount of pesticides and insecticides; weed detection allows the use of site-specific spraying of herbicides, and nutrient analysis is related to the optimal use of fertilizers. On the other hand, yield prediction and automatic crop harvesting seek to optimize the productivity of farming. It cannot be discarded that new problems and applications appear in the future with the advance in technology, such as those involved in a completely automated cropping cycle.
- Concerning the types of the images used, standard RGB images continue to be the most frequently used image type. This can be explained by the low cost and high availability of RGB cameras, and the fact that they are the main source for computer vision in general. In this sense, RSA research is commonly observed as a sub-domain of computer vision and image processing. New methodologies should be developed more specific to the agricultural domain, for example considering the spectral, temporal, and phenotypic dimensions. In many works, NIR channel is added to RGB tuples, forming a 4-valued tuple for each pixel. Visible spectrum allows to validate the results from simple inspection, but important information may be lost or not detected with this type of images. For example, the temperature of the objects cannot be measured with Vis-NIR images, but this could be useful to estimate the water status of the plants. In these applications, hyperspectral images and thermal infrared were found in a second level of usage, and on a third group near infrared, red edge spectrum and multispectral images. When the spectral bands of interest can be known a priori, multispectral images can be more interesting than hyperspectral, focusing on the wavelengths of interest. In this way, an interesting domain of research in RSA that deserves much more work is the determination of the optimal spectral bands for each problem [208]. Ideally, new cameras could be made that are specific to the selected and reduced number of wavelengths for each problem.
4.2. Limitations of the Mapping Study
- Using only Scopus as a source of publications. Other relevant publications that are not indexed in Scopus could have impacted the final results. However, our focus was to provide an overview on the most highly cited papers. For this reason, we chose to focus on Scopus as it is one of the largest databases available. Moreover, it has one of the most complete searching methods allowing Boolean combinations and wildcards.
- Some missing terms in the search string might have impacted the results. In order to reduce this limitation, we formed the search string to include a broad range of terms of interest to this study. Besides, the search string was refine in several trials, by observing some papers that were not initially included. Therefore, we consider this threat is low.
- Other classification criteria not present in this study might have provided interesting views on the selected papers. The eight mapping questions included provide interesting findings to researchers and practitioners, although other questions could be also useful.
- The exclusion criterion of six cites per year could have rejected some interesting papers. This criterion was added to select only the most relevant works in the literature. This has shown to be very restrictive both for recent papers (only two papers from 2019 received more than six citations) and for older publications (e.g., the papers before year 2000 require more than 120 citations). However, as the purpose of the mapping study is to analyze the trends of the most relevant works, this is not a threat to the validity of the study.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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ID | Mapping Question | Rationale |
MQ1 | What publication channels are the main targets for RSA? | Identifying where RSA research can be found, and the most adequate publication channels for future works |
MQ2 | How has the frequency of approaches related to RSA changed over time? | Identifying publication trends over time related to RSA |
MQ3 | What are the main research types of RSA studies? | Exploring different types of research existing in the literature about RSA |
MQ4 | Are RSA studies empirically validated? | Discovering if research works on RSA has been validated with empirical methods |
MQ5 | What types of techniques were reported in RSA research? | Detecting the most important types of computer vision and machine learning techniques reported in the existing RSA literature |
MQ6 | What are the platforms used to capture the images for RSA? | Exposing the main types of devices employed to obtain the images in RSA |
MQ7 | What are the research topics addressed by RSA? | Studying what are the most prominent topics currently tackled in RSA research |
MQ8 | What are the different types of spectral information used? | Analyzing what types of images are the most frequently used in RSA research |
Journal Name | Total |
Remote Sensing | 20 |
Remote Sensing of Environment | 15 |
Journal of Experimental Botany | 6 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | 6 |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 5 |
Agricultural Water Management | 4 |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | 3 |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | 3 |
Journal of Stored Products Research | 2 |
Ecological Modelling | 2 |
International Journal of Digital Earth | 2 |
Techniques | Ref. | Total |
Classification systems | [101,104,106,108,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159] | 54 |
Feature extraction | [41,91,107,108,111,155,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169] | 16 |
Similarity and maximum likelihood | [92,117,118,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180] | 14 |
Preprocessing and segmentation | [108,112,113,114,115,181,182,183,184,185,186] | 11 |
Recognition systems | [96,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196] | 11 |
Other machine learning algorithms | [79,95,110,116,197,198,199,200,201,202,203] | 11 |
Research Topic | Ref. | Total |
Agricultural parameters extraction | [79,91,95,96,104,108,110,111,114,120,122,125,126,129,136,142,147,148,150,153,154,157,161,175,178,181,182,183,184,188,191,196,201,202] | 34 |
Growth vigor | [91,92,114,115,116,117,132,139,142,144,145,152,158,159,161,171,174,176,177,184,189,190,194,195,197,199] | 26 |
Drought stress, irrigation and water productivity | [91,101,106,107,119,124,127,128,130,131,135,138,151,155,162,163,165,166,167,172,180] | 21 |
Detection of pathogens, diseases and insect pests | [133,141,143,146,155,156,173,187,192,200,203] | 11 |
Yield prediction | [91,134,140,151,152,159,179,186] | 8 |
Weed detection | [113,137,149,169,170] | 5 |
Nutrient status | [118,121,151,198] | 4 |
Automatic crop harvesting | - | 0 |
Spectral Information | Ref. | Total |
RGB (visible spectrum) | [79,91,95,104,110,111,113,115,116,117,118,121,122,125,126,130,132,140,142,145,147,148,150,151,152,160,161,162,164,165,169,171,176,178,179,180,182,183,184,186,187,188,190,192,193,199] | 46 |
Hyperspectral (narrow band) | [91,96,104,108,112,118,123,127,134,137,141,143,144,146,153,155,156,157,168,170,187,194,195,196,198,200,201,203] | 28 |
Long-wave infrared (thermal) | [41,101,106,107,124,131,135,136,138,141,151,155,164,165,166,167,168,172,177,189,193,197] | 22 |
Near infrared (NIR) | [116,117,118,121,130,133,134,142,145,151,158,181,186,193] | 14 |
Multispectral (broad band) | [114,129,139,146,149,154,159,163,171,173,197,200,201] | 13 |
Red edge spectrum | [101,104,119,128,132,142,158,160,181,185,188,191] | 12 |
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) | [79,104,120,121,126,183,202] | 7 |
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) | [92,108,148,174] | 4 |
Short-wave infrared | [117,121] | 2 |
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García-Berná, J.A.; Ouhbi, S.; Benmouna, B.; García-Mateos, G.; Fernández-Alemán, J.L.; Molina-Martínez, J.M. Systematic Mapping Study on Remote Sensing in Agriculture. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3456.
García-Berná JA, Ouhbi S, Benmouna B, García-Mateos G, Fernández-Alemán JL, Molina-Martínez JM. Systematic Mapping Study on Remote Sensing in Agriculture. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(10):3456.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Berná, José Alberto, Sofia Ouhbi, Brahim Benmouna, Ginés García-Mateos, José Luis Fernández-Alemán, and José Miguel Molina-Martínez. 2020. "Systematic Mapping Study on Remote Sensing in Agriculture" Applied Sciences 10, no. 10: 3456.
APA StyleGarcía-Berná, J. A., Ouhbi, S., Benmouna, B., García-Mateos, G., Fernández-Alemán, J. L., & Molina-Martínez, J. M. (2020). Systematic Mapping Study on Remote Sensing in Agriculture. Applied Sciences, 10(10), 3456.