Multi-Class Confidence Detection Using Deep Learning Approach
:1. Introduction
- One of the objectives of the proposed research is to design and construct a system to analyze the profile of someone who communicates by gestures. Mainly, we focus on video sequences of moving.
- The proposed architecture is trained and tested on a dataset of video clips collected and extracted from Web resources like YouTube.
- Another critical objective of our approach is the design of a model to integrate different Machine learning techniques like Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and optimize the performance of the recognition of hand gestures.
- First, it is a locally collected dataset from freely available open-source resources.
- Second, the chosen domain of confidence determination in a context is unique and helps effectively understand social, academic interviews or crime investigations.
- Third, a combination of two high-performing models, one is Customized CNN (GoogLeNet) with LSTM. The customized CNN consists of four major layers containing Conv2D and then applies a pooling in each layer for feature extraction.
2. Related Work
3. Collected Data-Set
4. Hand Gesture Classification
5. Proposed Architecture
- Visual data pre-processing
- Frame extraction contains human object
- Frame resizing according to human hand’s region
- Feature extraction and deep learning method learning
- Gesture classification through classifier.
Architecture of Customized Neural Network
6. Experiments & Results
7. Conclusions
- Detect gestures from a complex background which contains multiple objects and variant colored background.
- Enhance the number of human gestures for effective interaction, visualization, and estimation of particular contextual activities.
- The system can be extended by video and image sequence processing.
- Applications can be diverse considering different scenarios such as educational activities, and official working for automatic recognition.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Ref. | Type of Camera | Methods | Algorithm | Results | Application Area |
Skeleton Extraction | [37] | Kinetic Camera | Euclidean distance and geodesic distance | Extract Skeleton Pixels | Real-time Hand Tracking | |
[38] | RGB Video Sequence | Laplacian-based contraction | Skeleton Classifier | 80% | Gesture Recognition and Sign Language | |
[39] | Real sense depth camera | Analysis of Depth and Skeleton Extraction | SVM with Linear Kernal | 88.24% and 81.90% | Hand Gesture Application | |
[40] | Kinect V2 Camera | Analysis of Depth Metadata | SVM | 95.42% | Hand Gesture Recognition | |
[41] | Digital Camera | YUV and CAMShift Algorithm for skin and movement feature extraction | Naive Bayes Algorithm | 97.64% | Human and Machine Interaction Framework | |
Depth analysis | [40] | Kinet Camera | Threshold and near convex shape | Finger earth mover distance (FEMD) | 93.9% | Human Computer Interaction (HCI) |
[42] | Kinect Videos | Analysis of depth and infrared Images | Convex hull detection algorithm | 96% | Human Robotic Interaction with Natural Influence | |
[43] | Kinect Videos | Otsu’s global threshold Extraction | KNN Classifier and Eucladien Distance | 90% | Human Computer Interaction (HCI) | |
[44] | Kinet Camera | Threshold ranging analysis | Distance from device and shape based matching | hand rehabilitation system | ||
[16] | Kinect Videos | Integration and Processing of RGB and depth Information | SURF and Forward Recursion | 90% | virtual environment | |
[45] | Kinect Videos | Skeletal data processing and segmentation | SVM and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) | SVM 93.4% and ANN 98.2% | American Sign Language | |
[46] | Videos streams | range of detected hand and their depth analysis | KNN and Euclidean distance | 88% | Control of Electronic Home Appliance | |
3D CNN Model | [47] | RGB Camera | Detect and Predict Hand position and joints | Single shoot neural network | 94% | Understand Human Behavior and Object Interaction |
[48] | Depth Sensor Camera | 3D hand pose estimation | Pose Estimation neural network | 83% | design hand pose estimation using self-supervision method | |
[49] | RGB-D Camera | Direct feed to single RGB-D Camera | Train system with full supervision | 86.53% | Understand Handshape and movement analysis | |
[50] | Kinect V2 Camera | Segmentation Mask and Body Tracker | Customized Machine Learning Method | 76% | Interaction with Machine or Augmented World | |
[51] | Depth images | Predict heat maps of hand joints in detection based model | dense feature maps throughintermediate supervision in regression-based framework | HCI and Human Interaction with Machine | ||
Deep Learning | [52] | Mobile Camera (HD and 4K) | Feature Extraction by CNN | Adapted Deep Convolutional Neural Network (ADCNN) | Testing Acc: 99% | HCI for people suffered with Injuries |
[53] | webcam | Skin color detection, background subtraction and feature extraction | Deep Convolutional Neural Network | 95.61% | Smart home appliances | |
[54] | RGB Camera | Processing of images and direct feed to pre-defined method of CNN | Deep Convolutional Neural Network | Simple Background: 97.1% and Complex Background: 85.3% | Smart Electronic Devices | |
[55] | Kinect | skin color modeling combined with convolution neural network image feature | convolution neural network and support vector machine | 98.52% | Human Computer Interaction and Behavior Analysis |
Classes of Human Gesture | Training | Testing | Total Instances per Class |
Confidence | 814 | 368 | 1182 |
Co-operation | 841 | 352 | 1193 |
Uncomfortable | 567 | 248 | 815 |
Un-confident | 595 | 240 | 835 |
Total | 2817 | 1208 | 4025 |
Gesture Class | Precision | Recall | F-Score | Support |
Confidence | 96% | 92% | 94% | 814 |
Cooperation | 95% | 94% | 95% | 841 |
Uncomfortable | 88% | 90% | 89% | 567 |
Unconfident | 93% | 97% | 95% | 595 |
Gesture Class | Precision | Recall | F-Score | Support |
Confidence | 92% | 93% | 93% | 368 |
Cooperation | 91% | 90% | 91% | 352 |
Uncomfortable | 87% | 85% | 86% | 248 |
Unconfident | 90% | 93% | 92% | 240 |
Machine Learning Method | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F-Score |
KNN | 79% | 81.5% | 81.75% | 81.25% |
Naives Bayes | 43% | 37.5% | 50.5% | 35.75% |
SVM | 67% | 50.5% | 69.3% | 70% |
VGG-19 | 86% | 89.3% | 87.75% | 88.5% |
Proposed Method (CNN + LSTM) | 90.5% | 90.46% | 90.48% | 90.46 |
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Mujahid, A.; Aslam, M.; Khan, M.U.G.; Martinez-Enriquez, A.M.; Haq, N.U. Multi-Class Confidence Detection Using Deep Learning Approach. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5567.
Mujahid A, Aslam M, Khan MUG, Martinez-Enriquez AM, Haq NU. Multi-Class Confidence Detection Using Deep Learning Approach. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(9):5567.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMujahid, Amna, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan, Ana Maria Martinez-Enriquez, and Nazeef Ul Haq. 2023. "Multi-Class Confidence Detection Using Deep Learning Approach" Applied Sciences 13, no. 9: 5567.
APA StyleMujahid, A., Aslam, M., Khan, M. U. G., Martinez-Enriquez, A. M., & Haq, N. U. (2023). Multi-Class Confidence Detection Using Deep Learning Approach. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5567.