Energy Consumption Optimization and User Comfort Maximization in Smart Buildings Using a Hybrid of the Firefly and Genetic Algorithms
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Proposed Approach
3.1. Proposed AI Algorithm
- An initial population is created for the GA using the standard FA population.
- The fitness function for user comfort is computed using Equation (13).
- The best individuals are selected using Roulette wheel, Rank, or tournament selection. In our work, rank-based selection was used.
- One-point crossover of the selected individuals is performed.
- Offsprings are generated after the crossover.
- The mutation operation is performed.
- The above steps are repeated for the specified number of iterations.
- When the termination criterion is met, the best-fitted chromosomes are selected.
- The best chromosomes obtained represent the value of the maximum comfort index.
3.2. Comfort Index
- = total required power,
- = power required for temperature comfort,
- = power required for illumination comfort, and
- = power required for air quality comfort.
3.3. Fuzzy Controllers
3.3.1. Temperature Fuzzy Controller
- If ( = = NH), then = PR1NH
- If ( = = NM), then = PR1NM
- If ( = = NL), then = PR1NL
- If ( = = ZE), then = PR1ZE
- If ( = = PL), then = PR1PL
- If ( = = PM), then = PR1PM
- If ( = = PH), then = PR1PH
3.3.2. Illumination Fuzzy Controller
- If ( = = HS), then = HS
- If ( = = MS), then = MS
- If ( = = BS), then PR2 =
- If ( = = OK), then PR2 =
- If ( = = SH), then PR2 =
- If ( = = H), then PR2 =
3.3.3. Air Quality Fuzzy Controller
- If ( = = LOW), then =
- If ( = = OK), then =
- If ( = = SH), then =
- If ( = = LH), then =
- If ( = = HIGH), then =
3.4. Coordinator
3.5. Actuators
4. Experimental Setup and Discussion
4.1. Parameter Optimizations
4.2. Temperature Control System
4.3. Illumination Control System
4.4. Air Quality Control System
5. Statistical Analysis of All Approaches
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Notation | Description |
T | Environmental Temperature |
Ts | User Set Temperature |
I | Environmental Illumination |
Is | User Set Illumination |
A | Environmental Air Quality |
As | User Set Air Quality |
CI | Comfort Index |
err1 | Error Difference between Environmental Temperature and User Set Temperature |
err2 | Error Difference between Environmental Illumination and User Set Illumination |
err3 | Error Difference Environmental Temperature and User Temperature |
Prr1 | Preference Parameters for Temperature |
Prr2 | Preference Parameters for Illumination |
Prr3 | Preference Parameters for Air Quality |
ETOTAL | Total Required Power |
ET | Power Required for Temperature |
EI | Power Required to Illumination |
EA | Power Required for Air Quality |
Emx | Maximum Supplied Power |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
FA | Firefly Algorithm |
ABC | Artificial Bee Colony |
ACO | Artificial Ant Colony |
DE | Differential Equation |
Algorithms | Parameters | Values |
FA | Iterations | 200 |
Population Size | 150 | |
Gamma | 1 | |
Beta | 2 | |
Alpha | 0.2 | |
GA | Iterations | 200 |
Population Size | 150 | |
Type of Crossover | One-Point Crossover | |
Probability of Crossover | 0.5 | |
Mutation Rate | 0.1 | |
Proposed Method | Iterations | 200 |
Population Size | 150 | |
Gamma | 1 | |
Beta | 2 | |
Alpha | 0.2 | |
Type of Crossover | One-Point Crossover | |
Probability of Crossover Mutation Rate | 0.5 0.1 |
Parameter | Unit | User Lower Limit | User Upper Limit | Central Point | Environment Lower Limit | Environment Upper Limit |
Temperature | Kelvin | 68.0 | 78.0 | 73.0 | 60.0 | 85.0 |
Illumination | Lux | 730.0 | 880.0 | 800.0 | 700.0 | 920.0 |
Air Quality | CO2 | 730.0 | 880.0 | 800.0 | 700.0 | 920.0 |
GA | FA | ABC | ACO | PSO | DE | FA-GA |
10.55 | 10.55 | 8.88 | 10.34 | 9.34 | 10.66 | 9.45 |
4.55 | 5.87 | 5.54 | 4.54 | 4.45 | 4.66 | 3.8 |
2.965 | 2.65 | 2.665 | 1.996 | 3.023 | 1.998 | 1.75 |
4.564 | 4.453 | 3.301 | 4.454 | 3.576 | 4.343 | 2.96 |
3.564 | 3.132 | 2.665 | 3.564 | 3.343 | 2.554 | 1.45 |
6.564 | 6.665 | 5.795 | 7.476 | 7.342 | 7.554 | 6.32 |
8.665 | 8.178 | 8.276 | 7.665 | 7.4554 | 8.554 | 7.34 |
−5.24 | −4.35 | −5.11 | −2.01 | −3.21 | −4.32 | −3.2 |
−3.57 | −3.21 | −3.57 | −3.44 | −3.21 | −4.14 | −3.0 |
−4.68 | −4.32 | −5.33 | −4.11 | −4.55 | −4.11 | −3.4 |
−7.13 | −7.23 | −6.47 | −7.24 | −7.11 | −5.77 | −5.1 |
−3.44 | −3.22 | −4.10 | −3.78 | −3.546 | −4.13 | −3.1 |
−2.57 | −2.32 | −2.57 | −3.24 | −2.103 | −3.13 | −1.6 |
−5.55 | −6.01 | −5.67 | −5.35 | −5.446 | −5.13 | −4.5 |
−5.13 | −4.99 | −5.13 | −5.02 | −5.436 | −4.55 | −3.1 |
−4.24 | −3.54 | −3.76 | −3.13 | −4.103 | −3.35 | −2.5 |
4.54 | 4.675 | 3.554 | 3.76 | 3.453 | 4.554 | 2.87 |
7.43 | 6.43 | 7.132 | 7.45 | 5.95 | 7.55 | 5.45 |
3.554 | 3.546 | 4.44 | 3.45 | 2.69 | 3.65 | 2.5 |
4.235 | 3.443 | 3.99 | 3.34 | 3.56 | 2.965 | 2.12 |
10.55 | 10.55 | 8.88 | 10.3 | 9.3432 | 10.666 | 9.45 |
GA | FA | ABC | ACO | PSO | DE | FA-GA |
41.77 | 37.87 | 41.8 | 33.76 | 34.65 | 32.76 | 26.87 |
43.655 | 35.77 | 30.8 | 36.76 | 24.76 | 30.56 | 21.98 |
46.65 | 28.87 | 33.7 | 29.76 | 29.87 | 25.87 | 22.65 |
25.65 | 26.76 | 26.8 | 37.87 | 37.76 | 33.54 | 20.98 |
52.76 | 44.87 | 48.8 | 53.67 | 63.87 | 60.45 | 44.76 |
40.87 | 40.87 | 33.8 | 34.45 | 47.54 | 50.78 | 27.76 |
28.655 | 20.98 | 24.4 | 29.76 | 38.66 | 34.55 | 15.87 |
39.76 | 29.98 | 39.6 | 39.67 | 44.87 | 42.78 | 30.44 |
−57.22 | −58.1 | −60.3 | −62.3 | −67.3 | −68.2 | −46.3 |
−43.46 | −46.1 | −51.6 | −56.3 | −46.3 | −39.5 | −35.13 |
−45.33 | −39.3 | −39.2 | −46.5 | −43.2 | −41.3 | −28.13 |
−49.22 | −44.4 | −48.2 | −37.3 | −47.1 | −48.3 | −27.46 |
−52.23 | −45.2 | −47.4 | −53.6 | −53.4 | −51.4 | −40.43 |
−50.24 | −56.1 | −54.4 | −50.3 | −58.3 | −56.2 | −38.24 |
−58.12 | −51.1 | −60.3 | −51.2 | −49.1 | −55.5 | −45.56 |
−43.3 | −41.1 | −43.1 | −46.4 | −43.2 | −43.2 | −32.11 |
18.87 | 14.8 | 17.8 | 23.6 | 25.87 | 16.8 | 9.87 |
46.87 | 44.7 | 48.7 | 42.8 | 41.23 | 47.4 | 32.89 |
33.87 | 31.7 | 34.8 | 30.8 | 33.98 | 37.5 | 24.45 |
25.54 | 30.6 | 23.6 | 26.9 | 39.43 | 31.87 | 18.65 |
24.877 | 23.98 | 24.45 | 26.43 | 33.56 | 25.87 | 16.565 |
GA | FA | ABC | ACO | PSO | DE | FA-GA |
138.6 | 142 | 134.8 | 134.8 | 135.7 | 125.8 | 121.8 |
76.76 | 81.87 | 75.87 | 75.98 | 75.87 | 64.87 | 56.87 |
92.76 | 97.87 | 91.87 | 100.8 | 96.87 | 94.76 | 80.75 |
110.4 | 103.8 | 106.8 | 103.8 | 109.8 | 102.7 | 91.65 |
153.6 | 148.9 | 145.8 | 155.8 | 150.6 | 151.6 | 132.7 |
128.8 | 132.8 | 130.5 | 129.8 | 122.8 | 120.6 | 113.8 |
80.76 | 77.87 | 75.87 | 80.76 | 80.67 | 75.76 | 61.65 |
−73.1 | −66.1 | −69.1 | −69.1 | −74.1 | −68.2 | −57.2 |
−71.0 | −71.3 | −71.1 | −68.2 | −72.5 | −69.5 | −55.1 |
−122 | −107 | −103 | −103 | −108 | −106. | −94.2 |
−50.1 | −48.2 | −55.1 | −52.0 | −45.0 | −49.4 | −37.3 |
−78.1 | −81.2 | −78.2 | −89.1 | −81.5 | −76.1 | −66.3 |
−104 | −95.1 | −95.1 | −99.2 | −98.2 | −102 | −85.2 |
−106 | −110 | −109 | −116 | −115 | −119 | −98.2 |
−127 | −113 | −122 | −125 | −124 | −123 | −109 |
−74.2 | −79.1 | −83.1 | −78.1 | −76.1 | −71.1 | −63.2 |
131.7 | 137.8 | 132.8 | 140.7 | 136.8 | 128.8 | 121.8 |
77.87 | 74.87 | 77.98 | 80.87 | 79.87 | 66.87 | 60.76 |
118.9 | 111.7 | 116.9 | 113.8 | 120.5 | 115.8 | 102.8 |
96.8 | 96.87 | 108.8 | 105. | 103.9 | 97.87 | 86.6 |
97.8 | 100.7 | 104.8 | 95.8 | 102.7 | 100.87 | 82.87 |
Parameters | Features | GA | FA | ABC | ACO | PSO | DE | FA-GA |
Temperature Power Consumption | Minimum | 2.16543 | 1.86555 | 2.4365 | 2.5324 | 2.1543 | 2.2239 | 1.26734 |
Maximum | 8.43356 | 8.57644 | 10.265 | 9.5467 | 9.5654 | 8.4578 | 6.1734 | |
Average | 3.86755 | 4.59765 | 4.5431 | 5.3245 | 3.9786 | 4.1287 | 3.4167 | |
Total | 187.79866 | 192.4534 | 193.65 | 187.543 | 182.565 | 179.534 | 159.6234 | |
Illumination Power Consumption | Minimum | 1.85654 | 1.65445 | 1.854 | 1.59557 | 1.7564 | 1.6784 | 1.1785 |
Maximum | 6.5334 | 6.8324 | 7.213 | 7.5684 | 6.9856 | 6.3905 | 5.16575 | |
Average | 4.2554 | 4.155644 | 3.754 | 4.1456 | 4.3913 | 4.1845 | 3.2167 | |
Total | 195.3545 | 172.3546 | 196.43 | 184.6741 | 177.653 | 183.597 | 152.5198 | |
Air Quality Power Consumption | Minimum | 2.3243 | 1.63445 | 1.8567 | 2.03478 | 1.7859 | 1.6819 | 1.1798 |
Maximum | 7.9433 | 7.5465 | 7.6456 | 8.1206 | 6.8423 | 7.1165 | 5.2344 | |
Average | 5.57654 | 5.12544 | 4.3246 | 5.1408 | 4.8948 | 5.2109 | 3.1155 | |
Total | 249.8548 | 237.2546 | 218.34 | 227.5213 | 229.643 | 231.934 | 197.4466 | |
Total Power Consumption | Minimum | 5.84535 | 7.435462 | 7.4356 | 6.9445 | 6.4786 | 6.7659 | 4.3453 |
Maximum | 14.4537 | 28.3456 | 23.546 | 16.8976 | 17.7812 | 20.376 | 13.8335 | |
Average | 11.3432 | 13.3456 | 12.423 | 11.5987 | 12.1987 | 13.238 | 9.6687 | |
Total | 589.453 | 561.6376 | 594.56 | 577.534 | 568.385 | 571.431 | 523.3853 | |
Comfort Index | Minimum | 0.94321 | 0.94534 | 0.9356 | 0.94768 | 0.94987 | 0.94167 | 0.95734 |
Maximum | 0.97435 | 0.96435 | 0.96435 | 0.96843 | 0.96871 | 0.96731 | 0.9873 | |
Average | 0.95564 | 0.95767 | 0.9534 | 0.95165 | 0.9590 | 0.94956 | 0.9658 |
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Share and Cite
Wahid, F.; Fayaz, M.; Aljarbouh, A.; Mir, M.; Aamir, M.; Imran. Energy Consumption Optimization and User Comfort Maximization in Smart Buildings Using a Hybrid of the Firefly and Genetic Algorithms. Energies 2020, 13, 4363.
Wahid F, Fayaz M, Aljarbouh A, Mir M, Aamir M, Imran. Energy Consumption Optimization and User Comfort Maximization in Smart Buildings Using a Hybrid of the Firefly and Genetic Algorithms. Energies. 2020; 13(17):4363.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWahid, Fazli, Muhammad Fayaz, Ayman Aljarbouh, Masood Mir, Muhammad Aamir, and Imran. 2020. "Energy Consumption Optimization and User Comfort Maximization in Smart Buildings Using a Hybrid of the Firefly and Genetic Algorithms" Energies 13, no. 17: 4363.
APA StyleWahid, F., Fayaz, M., Aljarbouh, A., Mir, M., Aamir, M., & Imran. (2020). Energy Consumption Optimization and User Comfort Maximization in Smart Buildings Using a Hybrid of the Firefly and Genetic Algorithms. Energies, 13(17), 4363.