Integrated People and Freight Transportation: A Literature Review
:1. Introduction
- We review terminologies related to IPFT. Terminologies related to IPFT, which is still a new concept, continue to develop. Therefore, we present the terminologies (cargo itching, freight on transit, urban co-modality, crowd-shipping, occasional drivers, crowdsourced delivery among friends, and share a ride) mentioned so far.
- We examine the studies carried out for IPFT in the context of strategic, tactical, and operational decision problems. We also search and classify studies dealing with uncertainty under a separate heading for these three problem dimensions.
- Based on a comprehensive review of existing research, we address the opportunities and challenges of IPFTs. While we evaluate opportunities from an economic, social, and environmental perspective, we address challenges from a PESTEL perspective. We present real studies conducted to provide application examples of the IPFT concept and a user background.
- We present suggestions regarding IPFT for future studies and practitioners. The suggestions aim to eliminate the difficulties identified within the scope of PESTEL and to become widespread. In this context, we suggest promising directions for further research.
2. Terminologies of Integrated People and Freight Transportation (IPFT)
3. Overview of the Literature
3.1. Passenger Transportation
3.2. Freight Transportation
4. Integrated People and Freight Transportation (IPFT)
4.1. Strategic Decision Level (SDL) for IPFT
Uncertainty at SDL for IPFT
4.2. Tactical Decision Level (TDL) for IPFT
Uncertainty at TDL
4.3. Operational Decision Level (ODL) for IPFT
Uncertainty at ODL
5. Applications
6. Opportunities and Challenges
7. Future Research
8. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Derse, O.; Van Woensel, T. Integrated People and Freight Transportation: A Literature Review. Future Transp. 2024, 4, 1142-1160.
Derse O, Van Woensel T. Integrated People and Freight Transportation: A Literature Review. Future Transportation. 2024; 4(4):1142-1160.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDerse, Onur, and Tom Van Woensel. 2024. "Integrated People and Freight Transportation: A Literature Review" Future Transportation 4, no. 4: 1142-1160.
APA StyleDerse, O., & Van Woensel, T. (2024). Integrated People and Freight Transportation: A Literature Review. Future Transportation, 4(4), 1142-1160.