Magnetizing the Cosmic Web during Reionization
:1. Introduction
2. Outline of the Physical Mechanism
3. Resulting Magnetic Fields
4. Average Magnetic Energy Density Seeded in the IGM
- First, along the lines outlined in Section 2, we considered an isolated source and a gas inhomogeneity in its vicinity. We then condensed all the details into a simpler and more tractable version of the results we obtained in [53]. We then derived an efficient expression for the magnetic energy density associated with any cloud of mass m at a given distance D of the ionizing source.
- Second, we summed up the contributions of all the clouds surrounding the source. For this, we needed to estimate the distribution of such baryonic clouds, which we did by considering their underlying DM halos. Using the PS formalism, we obtained that the source, contained in a DM halo of mass M, contributes to the magnetization of the IGM by injecting a magnetic energy density
- Third, we considered the full cosmological context, as illustrated in the right panel of Figure 3. The energy density generated around each source must be integrated over the distribution of DM halos containing the sources. However, ionized bubbles of individual sources start to overlap toward the end of the epoch of reionization. Since the mechanism outlined in Section 2 takes place only in the neutral IGM, the efficiency of magnetic field generation actually decreases as reionization proceeds. Hence, we weighed the contribution of all sources by a factor (where is the volume filling factor of ionized bubbles at redshift z) when summing them up in order to reduce the generated magnetic field energy as time increases according to the ionization of the IGM. We thus estimated the mean physical magnetic energy density generated by photoionizations during the epoch or reionization as
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Among the possible contributions is the resistive mechanism suggested in [76], in which temperature inhomogeneities of the IGM are responsible for spatial variations of the resistivity that induce rotational electric fields thanks to cosmic ray driven return currents. |
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Langer, M.; Durrive, J.-B. Magnetizing the Cosmic Web during Reionization. Galaxies 2018, 6, 124.
Langer M, Durrive J-B. Magnetizing the Cosmic Web during Reionization. Galaxies. 2018; 6(4):124.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLanger, Mathieu, and Jean-Baptiste Durrive. 2018. "Magnetizing the Cosmic Web during Reionization" Galaxies 6, no. 4: 124.
APA StyleLanger, M., & Durrive, J.-B. (2018). Magnetizing the Cosmic Web during Reionization. Galaxies, 6(4), 124.