Limitations of Boulder Detection in Shallow Water Habitats Using High-Resolution Sidescan Sonar Images
:1. Introduction
- (a)
- What SSS image resolution is required to quantify stones and boulders in shallow water areas?
- (b)
- How do range settings influence the detection quality of individual stones and boulders in high-resolution SSS images?
Regional Setting
2. Methods
3. Results
3.1. Study Area
3.2. Effect of Resolution
3.3. Effect of the Range
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters/Classes | Low-Resolution | Medium-Resolution | High-Resolution |
transmit power | 210 dB re 1μPa @ 1m | 210 dB re 1μPa @ 1m | 210 dB re 1μPa @ 1m |
frequency | 450 kHz chirp | 1 MHz chirp | 1 MHz chirp |
pulse length | 400 μs | 100 μs | 100 μs |
ping rate | 14 Hz | 23 Hz | 43 Hz |
horizontal beam width | 0.8° | 0.3° | 0.3° |
vertical beam width | 60° | 60° | 60° |
selected range | 50 m | 35 m | 10 m |
average survey speed | 2.3 m/s | 1.0 m/s | 1.0 m/s |
heading | 294° | 058° | 060° |
average resolution | 0.2 m/pixel | 0.1 m/pixel | 0.04 m/pixel |
merged images | - | - | 5 images merged |
SSS Class | Frequency | Resolution | Minimum Detection Size | Detection Numbers |
Low resolution | 450 kHz | 0.2 m/pixel | 0.4 m | 109 |
Medium resolution | 1 MHz | 0.1 m/pixel | 0.2 m | 384 |
High resolution | 1 MHz | 0.04 m/pixel | 0.08 m | 649 |
Numbers of Boulders for Each Minimum Detection Size | |||||
0.4 m | 0.2 m | 0.08 m | Boulder Counts | Calculated Surface Area | |
low resolution | 109 | - | - | 109 | 41 m2 |
medium resolution | 109 | 275 | - | 384 | 67 m2 |
high resolution | 109 | 275 | 265 | 649 | 71 m2 |
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Share and Cite
von Rönn, G.A.; Schwarzer, K.; Reimers, H.-C.; Winter, C. Limitations of Boulder Detection in Shallow Water Habitats Using High-Resolution Sidescan Sonar Images. Geosciences 2019, 9, 390.
von Rönn GA, Schwarzer K, Reimers H-C, Winter C. Limitations of Boulder Detection in Shallow Water Habitats Using High-Resolution Sidescan Sonar Images. Geosciences. 2019; 9(9):390.
Chicago/Turabian Stylevon Rönn, Gitta Ann, Klaus Schwarzer, Hans-Christian Reimers, and Christian Winter. 2019. "Limitations of Boulder Detection in Shallow Water Habitats Using High-Resolution Sidescan Sonar Images" Geosciences 9, no. 9: 390.
APA Stylevon Rönn, G. A., Schwarzer, K., Reimers, H.-C., & Winter, C. (2019). Limitations of Boulder Detection in Shallow Water Habitats Using High-Resolution Sidescan Sonar Images. Geosciences, 9(9), 390.