Sustainable Hydrogen Production from Plastic Waste: Optimizing Pyrolysis for a Circular Economy
:1. Introduction
Plastic Waste as a Hydrogen Source
2. Methodology
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- The process operates under steady-state conditions and isothermal;
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- The char produced includes only plastic residue;
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- The gaseous products comprise light hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, butane and butylene.
Validation of Model
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effect of Reforming Temperature
3.2. Effect of Steam–Plastic Ratio
3.3. Effect of Temperature and Steam–Plastic Ratio
3.4. Effect of Pressure and Steam–Plastic Ratio
3.5. Hydrogen Yield Optimization
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Polymer | Monomer | Repeat Unit/Segment | Repeat Unit ID |
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) | C2H4 | Ethylene-R | ETH |
Polypropylene (PP) | C3H6 | Propylene-R | PP-SEG |
Polystyrene (PS) | C8H8 | Styrene-R | STY |
Compound Name | Compound Formula/Component ID |
1-Nonene | C9H18 |
Nonane | C9H20 |
1-Decene | C10H20 |
Decane | C10H22 |
1-Undecene | C11H22 |
Undecane | C11H24 |
1-Dodecene | C12H24 |
Dodecane | C12H26 |
1-Tridecene | C13H28 |
Tridecane | C13H28 |
1-Tetradecene | C14H28 |
Tetradecane | C14H30 |
1-Pentadecene | C15H30 |
Pentadecane | C15H32 |
Hexadecane | C16H34 |
1-Heptadecene | C17H34 |
1-Nonadecene | C19H38 |
Eicosane | C20H42 |
Heneicosane | C16H34 |
Docosane | C22H46 |
Tricosane | C23H48 |
Tetracosane | C24H50 |
N-Tetracosanol-1 | C24H50O |
4,6-Dimethyldodecane | 3:5-D-01 |
Compound Name | Chemical Formula | Component ID |
Pentane | C5H12 | N-PEN-01 |
Cyclopropane,1,2-dimethyl-, cis- | C5H10 | 1:2-C-01 |
Pentane, 2-methyl- | C6H12 | 2-MET-01 |
1-Pentene, 2-methyl- | C6H14 | 2-MET-02 |
2-Pentene, 4-methyl-, (z) | C6H12 | 4-MET-01 |
Isopropenylcyclopropane | C6H10 | 2-CYC-01 |
1,3-Pentadiene, 2-methyl-,(E) | C6H10 | TRANS-01 |
1-Pentene, 2,4-dimethyl- | C6H10 | 2:4-D-01 |
2-Pentene, 3-ethyl- | C7H14 | 3-ETH-01 |
2,4-Dimethyl 1,4-pentadiene | C7H12 | (E)-2-01 |
Pentane, 2-bromo-2-methyl- | C6H13BR | PENTA-01 |
Hexane, 3-methyl- | C7H16 | 3-MET-01 |
2-Pentanone | C5H10O | METHY-01 |
1-Hexene, 2-methyl- | C7H14 | 2-MET-03 |
Heptane, 4-methyl- | C8H18 | 4-MET-02 |
Cyclohexane, 1,3,5-trimethyl- | C9H18 | CIS-1-01 |
2,4-Dimethyl-1-heptene | C9H18 | 2:6-D-01 |
Cyclohexane,1,3,5- | C9H18 | 1-TRA-01 |
C10-C13 |
Compound Name | Chemical Formula | Component ID |
Benzene | C6H6 | C6H6 |
Toluene | C7H8 | C7H8 |
Ethylbenzene | C8H10 | C8H10 |
Styrene | C8H8 | STYRENE |
Alpha-methylstyrene | C9H10 | C9H10 |
Indene | C9H8 | C9H8 |
Naphthalene | C10H8 | C10H8 |
1,2 Diphenylethane (bibenzyl) | C14H14 | C14H14 |
2,4-Diphenyl-1-butene | C16H16 | C16H16 |
(E)-Stilbene | C14H12 | C14H12 |
1-Phenylnaphthalene | C16H12 | C16H12 |
o-Terphenyl | C18H14 | C18H14 |
2-methylphenanthrene | C15H12 | C15H12 |
2-phenylnaphthalene | C16H12 | BETA-01 |
m-Terphenyl | C18H14 | M-TER-01 |
p-Terphenyl | C18H14 | P-TER-01 |
1,3,5-Triphenylcyclohexane | C27H30 | C27H3-01 |
Compound Name | Chemical Formula | Component ID |
Hydrogen | H2 | H2 |
Methane | CH4 | C1 |
Ethane | C2H6 | C2 |
Ethene/ethylene | C2H4 | C2H4 |
Propane | C3H8 | C3 |
Propene/propylene | C3H6 | C3H6 |
Butane | C4H10 | C4 |
Isobutylene | C4H8 | ISOBU-01 |
Polymer | Chemical Formula | MWN | MWW | PDI | SFRAC |
HDPE | (C2H4)n | 125,000 | - | 2 | 1 |
PP | (C3H6)n | 54,000 | 127,000 | - | 1 |
PS | (C8H8)n | 98,100 | 111,800 | - | 1 |
Reaction | Pre-Exponential Factor (1/s) | Activation Energy (kcal/mol) |
Random scission | 9.00 × 1016 | 89.7 |
H-abstraction | 2.75 × 108 | 11.2 |
H-shift | 1.00 × 1010 | 18.3 |
Mid-chain beta scission | 5.35 × 1014 | 28.9 |
Depolymerization | 1.29 × 1012 | 28.4 |
Termination by disproportion | 1.10 × 1010 | 2.3 |
Termination by combination | 1.10 × 1011 | 2.3 |
Reaction | Pre-Exponential Factor (1/s) | Activation Energy (kcal/mol) |
Random scission | 7.00 × 1016 | 82 |
H-abstraction | 1.00 × 108 | 10.5 |
H-shift | 5.00 × 106 | 18.5 |
Mid-chain beta scission | 9.40 × 1014 | 28.1 |
Depolymerization | 5.40 × 1013 | 28 |
Termination by disproportion | 1.10 × 1010 | 2.3 |
Termination by combination | 1.10 × 1011 | 2.3 |
Reaction | Pre-Exponential Factor (1/s) | Activation Energy (kcal/mol) |
Random scission | 5.00 × 1017 | 67.3 |
H-abstraction | 2.10 × 106 | 10.5 |
H-shift | 5.00 × 106 | 10.5 |
Mid-chain beta scission | 4.10 × 1012 | 28.1 |
Depolymerization | 2.10 × 1012 | 24.7 |
Termination by disproportion | 5.50 × 109 | 2.3 |
Termination by combination | 1.10 × 1011 | 2.3 |
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Medaiyese, F.J.; Nasriani, H.R.; Khan, K.; Khajenoori, L. Sustainable Hydrogen Production from Plastic Waste: Optimizing Pyrolysis for a Circular Economy. Hydrogen 2025, 6, 15.
Medaiyese FJ, Nasriani HR, Khan K, Khajenoori L. Sustainable Hydrogen Production from Plastic Waste: Optimizing Pyrolysis for a Circular Economy. Hydrogen. 2025; 6(1):15.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMedaiyese, Fiyinfoluwa Joan, Hamid Reza Nasriani, Khalid Khan, and Leila Khajenoori. 2025. "Sustainable Hydrogen Production from Plastic Waste: Optimizing Pyrolysis for a Circular Economy" Hydrogen 6, no. 1: 15.
APA StyleMedaiyese, F. J., Nasriani, H. R., Khan, K., & Khajenoori, L. (2025). Sustainable Hydrogen Production from Plastic Waste: Optimizing Pyrolysis for a Circular Economy. Hydrogen, 6(1), 15.