Sea Clutter Suppression Method Based on Ocean Dynamics Using the WRF Model
:1. Introduction
- The WRF meteorological model is introduced into the simulation of ocean parameters within a radar detection area. The parameterization scheme of the WRF model is calibrated using measured hydrological data from the radar detection area, ensuring simulation accuracy. This WRF numerical model simulation addresses the inability to grasp real-time changes in the ocean environment characteristics within the radar detection area.
- Based on the simulated ocean dynamic parameters and integrating various sea clutter spectral computation methods, we develop a sea clutter spectrum estimation method based on ocean dynamic parameters. This enables the use of the WRF numerical model to investigate ocean environment parameters and subsequently estimate the sea clutter Doppler spectrum.
- Utilizing the sea clutter Doppler spectrum parameters obtained from ocean dynamic parameter simulations, we design digital filters that match the spectral characteristics of sea clutter. By controlling the filter parameter changes based on simulated real-time sea clutter characteristics, we achieve adaptive optimal filtering, accurately suppressing clutter in radar echoes. The combination of ocean numerical modeling, ocean dynamics, and matched digital filters provides new insights for the development of sea clutter suppression technologies.
2. Methods
2.1. Simulation of Ocean Dynamics Parameters Based on the WRF Model
2.2. Sea Clutter Spectrum Estimation Based on Ocean Dynamics Parameters
2.3. FIR Filter Design
2.4. The Measured Sea Clutter Dataset
2.4.1. X-Band Radar Dataset
2.4.2. IPIX Radar Dataset
3. Results and Dicussion
3.1. WRF Model Simulation Results
3.2. Simulation Results of Sea Clutter Spectrum
3.3. Algorithmic Complexity
3.4. Analysis of Sea Clutter Suppression Results
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Options | Parameter |
Geogrid | D01: 172 × 127 (3 km) D02: 151 × 118 (1 km) D03: 229 × 175 (0.3 km) |
IC BC | ERA5 1-h 0.25 deg feedback = 1 |
Domains | dt = 15 s grid_ratio = 3 time_step_ratio = 3 smooth_option = 0 |
Dynamics | hybrid_opt = 2 w_damping = 0 |
Physics | mp_physics: WSM6 cu_physics: Kain-Fritsch (new Eta) (D01, D02), off (D03) ra_lw_physics: RRTMG ra_sw_physics: RRTMG sf_surface_physics: unified Noah land-surface model |
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Li, G.; Wei, Z.; Chen, Y.; Meng, X.; Zhang, H. Sea Clutter Suppression Method Based on Ocean Dynamics Using the WRF Model. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2025, 13, 224.
Li G, Wei Z, Chen Y, Meng X, Zhang H. Sea Clutter Suppression Method Based on Ocean Dynamics Using the WRF Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2025; 13(2):224.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Guigeng, Zhaoqiang Wei, Yujie Chen, Xiaoxia Meng, and Hao Zhang. 2025. "Sea Clutter Suppression Method Based on Ocean Dynamics Using the WRF Model" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 13, no. 2: 224.
APA StyleLi, G., Wei, Z., Chen, Y., Meng, X., & Zhang, H. (2025). Sea Clutter Suppression Method Based on Ocean Dynamics Using the WRF Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13(2), 224.