1. Introduction
The selection of a numerical method for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) requires consideration of the properties of the equations.
Among the implicit methods for solving ODEs is the implicit version of Euler’s method, which is unconditionally stable and has only first-order accuracy. On the other hand, an integration scheme can be developed for the second-order implicit trapezium rule for rigid systems. In general, having higher-order methods such as the Adams–Moulton is preferable [
1]. However, such procedures have very stringent stability limits when applied to rigid systems. In 1971, Gear developed a special series of implicit schemes with higher stability, using backward derivatives, which became the most widely used method for solving rigid [
2] systems. In addition, Rosenbrock et al. [
3] proposed implicit variants of Runge–Kutta algorithms. These methods present good stability characteristics.
Runge–Kutta methods are very versatile, and their accuracy depends on the order considered, thereby implying a higher number of iterations. Although they require more function evaluations at each step, they are often more accurate than other methods of similar order and are also more stable.
Gear’s methods are more stable for large time steps or difficult problems. The choice of a specific order depends on the properties of the problem to be solved. If high accuracy and stability are required, Runge–Kutta methods usually represent a good choice. When seeking to reduce computational time without high accuracy, the trapezoidal method may be suitable. Gear’s methods can prove useful for stiff or unstable problems.
Runge–Kutta methods are used by Octave 9.2.0, a well-known open-source software. The trapezoidal method and the Gear methods are used in NGSpice 43, an open-source software used in circuit design.
Another strategy to consider is multistep, or multistep methods, which store information from previous steps to more effectively obtain the solution, and provide tools to implement adaptive step-size control [
4]. A variety of adaptive step-size strategies are used to reach a solution. However, this does not imply the use of small steps for transients and large steps for others, as the step size also depends on stability requirements.
A further reason for using implicit methods is that solving dynamic problems involves matrix inversion when the solution in one step depends strongly on the solution from the previous step.
The explicit method calculates the solution at a given point using information known at previous points, meaning it is a faster and more stable method [
5], since only the inversion of the diagonal of the matrix is calculated in an explicit analysis [
After this enumeration of the procedures, some additional definitions should be introduced prior to analyzing the mistakes made by the procedures.
The numerical solution of ODEs involves two types of error: truncation and rounding. The former arises from the nature of the techniques used to approximate the function values. The latter is due to the limited number of significant figures that a computer can process. In turn, truncation errors are composed of a local truncation error (LTE) and a propagated truncation error, with the local one being related to the applied step size. The spread comes from the approximations produced during the previous steps [
Butcher, J.C. and Johnston, P.B. [
7] proposed to estimate the LTE through the use of a generalization of the Ceschino and Kuntzmann method so that the solutions obtained in successive steps together with the derivatives then used to approximate the LTE.
Fraysse, F. et al. [
8] sought to estimate the local truncation error of partial differential equations using finite difference or finite volume methods on structured and unstructured grids. In that work, they approximated the local truncation error using the
estimation procedure, which aims to compare the residuals on a sequence of meshes with different spacing.
Haris et al. [
9] reviewed different articles on different methodologies for solving fluid mechanics and heat transfer problems. As a conclusion, they presented a table with the advantages and disadvantages of the different calculation methods. The chosen methods were the Finite Difference Method (FDM), the finite volume method (FVM), and the Boundary Element Method (BEM).
Jankowska, M.A. [
10] and Jankowska et al. [
11] focused on obtaining the approximate error using the Crank–Nicolson method, applied to heat conduction problems with mixed boundary conditions, concluding that if they approximate the extremes of the intervals of the error terms, then the exact solution belongs to the appropriate interval solutions, obtaining inaccurate initial data errors, representation errors, and rounding errors. Nakao, M.T. [
12] described the state of the art of validated numerical computations for solutions of differential equations and partial differential equations.
The article [
13] focused on analyzing the sensitivity of three systems of different complexity and nonlinearity to the variation in time step sizes. The authors proposed a simple model of LTE increase in chaotic systems.
The complex-step (CS) approximation uses an imaginary number as the step size to calculate the first derivative without subtractive cancellations in the formula. These have been found to significantly affect the accuracy of calculations in Finite Difference Methods. The author Chun, J. [
14] described a method for sensitivity analysis, reliability assessment, and reliability-based design optimization for structures. Thus, the proposed method can select a very small step size for the first derivative to minimize truncation errors while achieving accuracy within machine precision. That approach integrates the complex step approximation into the FORM routine to calculate sensitivity and assess reliability. The proposed RBDO method was tested on structural optimization problems across a range of statistical variations, demonstrating that performance benefits can be achieved whilst satisfying precise probabilistic constraints.
In [
15], the authors solved this issue by making use of the construction of accurate and efficient discrete schemes on nonuniform and dynamic meshes in time and space. Their results showed the accumulation rate of interpolation and projection errors arising from the motion of the grid points. They also presented the results of computational experiments with which they confirmed the accuracy of the theoretical error estimates.
The article by Sowa, M. [
16] performed analyses using SubIval (the subinterval-based method for fractional derivative computations in initial value problems), where the solution is treated with a time-step size adaptive solver; the author derived the formula for a local truncation error. A general form for a system of linear equations was given for the class of problems considered.
Rong, X and Niu, R. [
17] compared the performance of different Smoothed Finite Element Models (S-FEM) with the standard Finite Element (FEM) in transient heat transfer problems using explicit temporal integration, comparing the errors made by the methods in the different cases they analyzed.
Stuart, A.M. and Humpries, A.R. [
18] presented the challenges of numerical stability in different types of problems. In addition, they stressed the importance of developing theoretical and practical tools for assessing the quality of numerical methods, with emphasis on error control, error propagation, error tolerances, estimated error, and step size selection error.
Zeeshan et al. [
19] investigated the flow of a nanofluid between two infinite horizontal rotating channels, where they calculated the error estimation and residual error to verify the stability and confirm the mathematical model. Ji, Y. and Xing, Y. [
20] focused this study on the development of highly accurate and efficient time integration methods for solving transient problems. They calculated rounding errors and truncation errors but they did not provide a detailed error analysis. Their focus on accuracy, stability, and efficiency suggested a significant reduction in numerical errors compared with traditional methods.
Wang, Y.X. and Wen, J.M. [
21] focused on the development of an accurate and efficient model to simulate the dynamics of Gear systems. They introduced the calculation of dynamic transmission error (DTE), errors in Runge–Kutta methods, and propagated errors. They also presented truncation errors in Gear’s methods.
The Network Simulation Method (NSM) represents the terms of a differential equation by means of elements of an electrical circuit. The software used obtains the equations governing the circuit and solves them using conventional numerical methods. The advantage of this method consists in applying techniques prior to the application of the numerical method, based on experience in the handling of electrical circuits, in order to accelerate convergence.
The present article analyzes the errors of the NSM applied to the van der Pol equation, which exhibits chaotic behavior. The NSM allows the use of implicit numerical methods, such as the trapezoidal method and Gear’s method.
2. Error Analysis in Implicit Methods
A generalized expression of the explicit and implicit Euler methods is
If the method is implicit.
p is unity, the method is called one-step, and otherwise, it is called multistep. A more general expression of Equation (
1) for the multistep methods is [
is the value assigned by the numerical method to the function at time
s is the number of steps of the method, and
is the derivative of
y with respect to
In this article, we focus on two types of methods: the trapezoidal and the Gear or backward differentiation formula (BDF).
The one-step trapezoidal rule,
, is obtained from Equation (
2) for
Let be the exact value of the function at and .
Applying Taylor’s development on
The local truncation error is defined as
From Equations (
3) and (
Taking into account the fact that
The BDFs are obtained using the following expression [
The BDF for
is defined as
If everything is divided by
we have
This expression is included in the general formula expressed in Equation (
The Taylor development to relate the function value at
Substituting this development in Equation (
For the system to be consistent,
This allows us to clear and as a function of s. We can also obtain , and .
Using Equations (
13) and (
This term is similar to that used by Nagel [
When the order of the method increases, i.e., s increases, then it is verified that the LTE decreases. However, in general, the stability of polynomial methods decreases as the order decreases.
3. Methodology
The NSM is used as a procedure for the analysis and simulation of different physical problems that are previously described mathematically. The procedure has two clearly differentiated parts:
Solving physical problems requires a great deal of knowledge of analytical or numerical calculus. It must be taken into account that physical phenomena can be described by differential equations, equations in partial derivatives, linear or nonlinear. Most of these equations have no analytical solution, with few exceptions and with great simplifications. Therein lies the power of the NSM, since an analogy is established between the equations that define the physical problem with the constitutive equations of electrical circuits. In this way, a formal equivalence is reached between the physical problem and the circuit created according to the NSM. Time remains a continuous variable in the model design.
In applications of the inverse problem, where part of the solution is known and the values of the input parameters are missing, Zueco has successfully applied the NSM [
26]. Some examples include the field of two-dimensional elasticity, such as by Morales et al. [
27]; in oxidation, by Sanchez et al. [
28]; and in mass and heat transfer by a hydromagnetic fluid over surfaces, such as carried out by Rubio et al. [
29]. To conclude this list of works carried out with the NSM, it is worth mentioning the work of González et al. on the solidification of a drop of ceramic material in the process of surface coatings [
The starting point of the NSM is always the mathematical model of a certain process, a set of space–time partial derivative equations (PDEs) that define it. The NSM sets up the problem as a network model that it uses to solve circuit analysis methods. The circuit will be created, and a specific program will be used to solve this circuit equivalent to the physical problem. The NSM is a powerful numerical tool; thus, there is no need for any transformation in the equation system in order to help the convergence.
The network model is the format given to the mathematical model so that it can be used as input to the circuit analysis program, NGSpice; see [
It should be noted that solving circuits by computer involves solving the equations numerically, which may lead to the conclusion that MESIR is ultimately a numerical method.
In the present article, we studied the evolution of the local truncation error (LTE) committed in the Network Simulation Method (NSM) in the solution of an equation with chaotic characteristics. More extensive research should be carried out in order to check the validity of the conclusion from the results of the van der Pol equation in other chaotic systems, but that is not within the scope of this work. This paper is focused on a deep analysis of this equation, which is a good representation of dynamic systems, rather than the analysis of several dynamic models. Despite the large number of articles devoted to NSM applications, error analysis has yet to be applied to the method. The conclusion of this work will be very interesting for complex mechanical systems such as brakes or any mechanical transmission that supports nonlinear stresses.
The NSM is particularly interesting for application in certain examples of nonlinear differential equations with sensitivity dependence on initial conditions, as is the case for chaotic ones. The van der Pol equation is one such example and is considered in this paper, as are some Newton equations; see [
In order to have a reference with which to compare the results obtained, we consider a simple system that does not present chaotic behavior: the determination of the voltage at a node of an alternating current circuit such as the one represented in
Figure 1. In
Figure 2 shows the time evolution of node 2. This consists of a voltage generator, whose amplitude is defined by a sine function of maximum value 1 and a frequency of 1 mHz, resistors of 1000
, and a capacitor of 1 mF initially discharged. The node used to determine the error is 2.
The equation associated with the circuit is
The differential equation of the van der Pol oscillator with a sinusoidal excitation force is
is the typical value in the literature,
is the amplitude, and
For a detailed treatment of the Equation (
21), see the work of McMurran and Tattersall [
Figure 3 shows the circuit whose equations are equivalent to Equation (
Figure 4 and
Figure 5 detail the solution obtained by means of the NSM, showing its chaotic character.
The error to be plotted in the following section was calculated using Equation (
2). This formula allows the LTE to be calculated. Since the values used in this equation are derived from a computer calculation, they contain rounding errors.
4. Results and Discussion
In the analysis of the LTE at the node of the AC circuit, the following methods were used: trapezoidal and Gear of orders two to five. The step sizes range from to 0.1.
The selection command for the step size NGSpice sets up the maximum, although the selection method of the step size is always adaptive.
The figures are somewhat similar, so it is recommended to choose a method of order no higher than 3.
Figure 14 provides the calculation times, while
Figure 15 shows an enlargement of the left part of the graph. The computation time worsens as the order of the method increases. These figures show that the calculation time is less sensitive to the reduction in the step size in the trapezoidal method and the Gear method of order three.
Figure 6 shows a transient during the first two milliseconds. From this transient onwards, the error manifests a periodicity with a period of 1 ms. This period coincides with that of the circuit’s power supply. This figure shows that for
h , the error is negligible.
Figure 7, an enlargement, details the complexity of the oscillations. The positive part is followed by equal but negative values. Comparing
Figure 2 and
Figure 7a, a synchronization between the maximum values is seen. Thus, when the amplitude of the solution reaches a positive peak value, the LTE reaches a negative peak value. The maxima within the cycle reduce their values, and the number of oscillations decreases as h decreases.
The plots in
Figure 7 contain curves with two types of pulses, an isolated pulse and clusters of pulses. The pulse clusters are associated with maximum LTE values. From
, the clusters become a plateau, with isolated pulses remaining. At this point, the maximum LTE is associated with the isolated pulses. Until these isolated pulses disappear as
h decreases, the LTE value does not decrease.
From a practical point of view, the most important aspect is to shorten the maximum error values, which occur during the first 2 ms, thereby providing a criterion for the selection of the h value.
Figure 8,
Figure 9,
Figure 10,
Figure 11,
Figure 12 and
Figure 13 show a periodicity similar to the trapezoidal, with some variation in the amplitude of the maxima. The period coincides with the error period of the trapezoidal method. These maxima are smaller in the Gear method of order two. Zooming in,
Figure 9 shows that the thin traces show high-frequency oscillations.
The plots in
Figure 9 present curves with two types of pulses: an isolated pulse, and clusters of these, similar to those in
Figure 7. The pulse clusters are associated with maximum values of LTE, as can be seen in
Figure 8a–d. From
, the clusters disappear and the pulses remain isolated. At that point, the maximum LTE is associated with the isolated pulses. Until these isolated pulses disappear as
h decreases, the LTE value does not decrease.
Upon comparing
Figure 7 and
Figure 9, we can see that the appearance of the pulse clusters is different.
Figure 22 shows the calculation times. The calculation time is obtained from a command in NGSpice, which provides all the resources, such as total analysis time in
16a shows pulses at the same instant as a rapid change in the value of the solution of the van der Pol equation. The same pattern can be observed in the rest of the figures.
The plots in
Figure 17 show curves with only pulse clusters. The pulse clusters are associated with maximum LTE values. From
, the clusters become isolated pulses. At that point, a reduced LTE value can be assured.
The plots in
Figure 19 show curves with only pulse clusters. The pulse clusters are associated with maximum LTE values. From
, the clusters become isolated pulses. At that point, a reduced LTE value can be assured.
Figure 17 and
Figure 19 are compared, we see that the appearance of the pulse clusters is different.