An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots
:1. Introduction: Sending Robots to Look at Things
1.1. Why?
- Chemicals and Radiation—both in space and on earth, e.g., nuclear fission/fusion.
- Explosions and Fire—exploring burning buildings, forest fires, rescue scenarios, etc.
- Liquids and Flows—underwater, in sewers, handling strong currents, external pipeline inspection, inspection inside pipelines, etc.
- Wind and Weather—inspecting structures such as buildings, turbines, or oil-rigs, in bad weather, or inspecting meteorological phenomena themselves.
- Pressure and Heat—e.g., from water (deep sea), from earth (deep excavations), from sunlight, as well as from fire.
- Lack of atmosphere—e.g., space exploration, deep sea environments.
- Dangerous flora or fauna—e.g., inspecting hornets’ nests (Inspecting Hornet Nests— (assessed on 28 April 2021)), or areas infected with dangerous microorganisms.
- Inspecting structures for leaks, for corrosion, or for general wear-and-tear;
- Security inspection within restricted areas;
- Monitoring human safety, e.g., an isolated person;
- Conservation tasks and wildlife monitoring (Spotting sharks— (assessed on 28 April 2021)).
1.2. What?
- a variety of construction materials—metal, soft materials, nano-technology, etc.;
- a variety of sensors for inspection—infrared, pressure, lidar, radioactivity, heat, non-destructive testing (NDT) components, etc.;
- a variety of propulsion mechanisms—wings, wheels, propellers, buoyancy, etc.;
- a variety of communication mechanisms—radio, WiFi, speech, etc.; and
- a variety of software components—for deep learning, explanation, planning, decision-making, navigation, etc.
1.3. How?
1.4. Where?
- land (underground)—e.g., tunnel inspections;
- land (surface)—e.g., looking for pot-holes on a road surface;
- land (extra-terrestrial)—e.g., looking for specific minerals on a planet;
- water (surface)—e.g., assessing wind turbine support structures;
- water (sub-surface)—e.g., assessing sea-bed pipelines;
- air—e.g., assessing high oil-rig structures;
- space—e.g., assessing satellite structures;
- in confined/constricted spaces—e.g., assessing internals of pipes;
- in adverse weather conditions—e.g., carrying out inspections of structures in high winds;
- … and so on …
- a range of different dangers that the human, and now the robot, might be exposed to,
- a range of different inspection tasks to be carried out, and
- a range of different requirements we that place on our robots.
1.5. Research Questions and Paper Outline
- RQ1:
- What are the verification and validation challenges for robotic remote inspection systems?
- RQ2:
- What existing verification and validation techniques can we use to tackle the challenges found in answering RQ1?
- RQ3:
- What are some of the remaining challenges not tackled by the existing techniques found in answering RQ2?
2. Verifying and Validating Responsibility: Who or What Is “In Charge”?
2.1. Direct Human Control
2.2. Remote Human Control
- physical testing;
- user validation—asking operators how they find use of the system;
- simulation-based testing (and training);
- formal verification, for example as part of corroborative verification [3].
2.3. Supervised, or Semi-Autonomous, Behaviour
- Traditionally, analytic stability/avoidance proofs for control algorithms based on control theory are used [4].
- More recently, simulation-based testing [5] has been used to develop a virtual prototype, or digital twin, of the unmanned vehicle.
- At later stages in the product development lifecycle, hardware-based techniques such as hardware-in-loop and real-world testing can be used [3]. The latter can be costly, however, and is generally left until the prototype has reached a mature point in its development.
- A central concern when using ground control stations with semi-autonomous systems, such as unmanned aircraft, is what happens if the communication link with the unmanned aircraft is disrupted. In the worst case, the unmanned aircraft could become an ‘uncontrolled missile’. Consequently, it is necessary to have some fallback systems on-board the aircraft to take over and maintain safe operations [8].
- Since safety parameters need to be assigned for the robot or vehicle, there will be a considerable amount of calibration needed to ensure the appropriate levels that retain both effectiveness and safety. This calibration might potentially have to be carried out separately for every new mission.
2.4. Autonomy
- If we have decisional bounds, or a set of prescribed decisions, then we can:
- formally verify that the system always works within these restrictions;
- test a range of scenarios to ensure that the system always works within these restrictions—this might be real physical testing or testing in simulation;
- use runtime verification to monitor whether the system follows these restrictions in practice.
- If we have fully autonomous decision-making, then we can formally verify this process to ensure that the system always tries to make the right decisions and takes the important aspects into account [9]. Note that we can never guarantee what the external effects of any decision will be.
- Once we delegate some (limited) autonomy to the system then new issues come into play. For example, are correct decisions always made, given the information available? Moreover, are these decisions made for the right reasons, i.e., the robot has ‘the best of intentions’? Related to this, what guarantees can we give? Can we formally verify this?
- Particularly concerning the aspects delegated, can the system effectively explain its decisions to humans? This, and the previous issue, rely on whether the decision-making is transparent, which is a basis both for explainability and verifiability.
- How effective and reliable are self-awareness and fault-recognition capabilities? For example, can a robot detect when one of its sensors is working badly? Similarly, given health management procedures, is the robot still able to function? In particular, in spite of failures, can the robot still achieve its aims?
- How is privacy dealt with, for example ensuring that personal data is not revealed to the wrong people? What guarantees (verification) can we provide for this aspect [10]?
- Finally, is the locus of responsibility clear? Who is in charge, the robot or the person, and who or what is to blame if things go wrong? Again, verification (and validation) is needed for these crucial issues.
2.5. Summary
3. Component Reliability: What, When, and Why It Works?
- a single control or state estimation system,
- a neural network, or
- a symbolic AI system.
3.1. Controller or State Estimation System
- Simulation-based testing and user validation are also frequently used in this aspect.
- Analytic proofs regarding control are dependent on mathematical models of (probably unknown) environments—in the case of distant (and even hazardous) environments, we are not at all sure exactly how accurate these models are. Consequently, while we know that ‘all mathematical models are wrong’, we are not sure exactly how wrong!
- Formal methods can quickly become intractable without severe abstractions/ approximations concerning the practical environment. Further, there can be a significant number of false positives or false negatives, when considering such abstraction techniques.
- Simulation-based testing and user validation may not be able to identify all ‘corner’ cases.
3.2. Neural Networks and Sub-Symbolic AI
- Formal verification methods usually involve not only high computational complexity but also large state space due to the size of neural networks.
- Software testing methods require extra effort to make sense of the testing results. For example, it needs to clarify the relation between coverage rate and the satisfiability of a property.
- Statistical methods can only achieve statistical results and may be subject to the risks of ignoring corner cases.
3.3. Symbolic AI and Logical Reasoning
- Model checking: the Model Checking Agent Programming Languages (MCAPL) project [58] includes the Gwendolen [59] programming language for programming BDI-based agents, and the Agent JavaPathFinder (AJPF) [60] program model checker for verifying Gwendolen agent programs; MCMAS [61] and MCK [46] are two symbolic model checkers for multi-agent systems based on ordered binary decision diagrams.
- Runtime verification: in [65] runtime verification is used to validate the abstract environment model of agent systems at runtime, that were previously verified offline by a program model checker; DecAMon [66] is an algorithm for decentralised monitoring of communication in multi-agent systems via agent interaction protocols.
- Testing: in [67], it was shown that BDI agent programs are more difficult to test than procedural programs of equivalent size, and conclude that their findings motivate the use of formal methods for the verification of agent systems.
- Symbolic AI methods can be inflexible and require significant knowledge engineering effort to produce, when compared to learning based approaches, although this same effort enables tracability from implemented program features back to user requirements.
- Model-based verification techniques have significant state space explosion problems, which are exacerbated in the verification of agents because of the increased complexity required in their reasoning cycle.
3.4. Summary
4. System Reliability: Putting It All Together
4.1. Architectures
- specification of the behaviour of an individual module;
- specification of the linkage between, and communications to, other modules;
- flexibility in exchanging modules (reconfigurability, etc.);
- security, reliability, and real-time efficiency of modular interactions;
- etc.
4.2. Physical Testing
4.3. Laboratory Testing
- Nuclear—we might set up irradiation and obstacles, and expose our robot to both,
- Water—we might set up a laboratory tank with (erratic) water flows and test our robot within this, and
- Space—we might utilise a desert landscape as an approximation for a lunar or Martian surface.
- the design of experiments,
- the fidelity of the lab model of the real environment, and
- the ways in which additional failures/constraints can be represent, e.g., vision system failure.
- We must be clear about the details of this gap. What aspects do we simulate well; what elements are less realistic; which ones do we not even represent?
- We must also be precise about failures that might occur in the real environment and whether these can occur in the lab-based system. And, if not, are these to be modelled/simulated? For example, radiation might affect a particular sensor in a strange way, gradually degrading its capabilities. We can introduce software to simulate this aspect in a laboratory setting.
- Given the above explorations relating to the gap between real and laboratory environments, we can have an estimate of all of the elements of the environment to be covered. Then, experiments can be designed that address many, though probably not all, issues. This aspect of experimental design and coverage of the issues, is both complex and important.
4.4. Simulation-Based Testing
- V&V techniques such as simulation-based testing are non-exhaustive, meaning that it is not possible to examine every permutation of a scenario. Therefore a key issue is ensuring that the simulations that have been performed are likely to have captured erroneous behaviour. This can be done by examining cases in which the system is operated at the limits of its capabilities, for example, the ambient environmental conditions, e.g., wind speed, air density, temperature. These conditions can then be tested physically to validate the simulation results.
- No simulation, no matter how complex, is a perfect representation of reality. This means that all of the models used need to be validated using physical data to mitigate the differences. However, some degree of inaccuracy needs to be accepted.
- Many of the issues relevant here also appear in the section on laboratory-based testing. In particular, assessing and understanding the gap between the simulation and the real world is again crucial, as is the development of experiments [83].
- However, the computational framework that these simulations sit in allows us to verify in a more extensive way. While replication of individual experiments in labs, or in the real-world, can be difficult this replication is straightforward in software based systems. Similarly, running many experiments can be time-consuming in labs and real test environments. But, with simulations, we can utilise high-performance computing, often large parallel compute servers, to run huge numbers of tests and experiments. And, while the coverage aspects and experimental design both remain important, the use of HPC allows us to employ brute-force techniques, for example assessing billions of randomly varied scenarios.
4.5. Heterogeneous Verification
4.6. Corroborative V&V
4.7. Scalable Verification
4.8. Runtime Verification
4.9. Summary
5. Properties and Requirements
5.1. Safety
- In nuclear decommissioning, for example, a new hazard could involve the robot damaging vital infrastructure because of an incorrect decision or incorrect classification of sensor input, where a trained human is less likely to make these mistakes. Damaging this infrastructure could pose a hazard to other humans in the facility.
- Once we consider the example of a rover exploring a distant planet, then the risk is less to other humans but to the rover itself. Damage to the rover could mean mission failure, with damaged hardware remaining on the planet potentially making future missions more difficult. Proposals for the next steps in space exploration involve collaborations between astronauts and robots (e.g., ESA’s ‘moon village’ vision ( (accessed on 28 April 2021)) so an autonomous rover could conceivably be patrolling on another planet where humans are living. In this case, a collision between the rover and the habitat could have safety-critical implications.
- sensor failure (e.g., environment not correctly detected),
- software failure (e.g., learning algorithm recognises environment incorrectly), or
- hardware failure (e.g., slippage due to tyres not being replaced).
5.2. Security
- The need for fast message passing amongst autonomous robots in certain scenarios tends to result in a lack of message encryption which leaves these systems vulnerable to attackers.
- Machine learning components can be particularly vulnerable to attackers. For example, in a deep learning vision system, an attacker may flash it with images leading it to incorrectly identify an obstacle or another robot, potentially causing a collision. (See Section 3.2.)
5.3. Ethics and Transparency
- We can also use either formal verification or testing techniques to examine specific scenarios to check that the system makes the correct decisions in those specific scenarios [121].
- We can potentially use formal techniques to ensure that transparency mechanisms store and report accurate information. The appropriate use of architectures (Section 4), ensuring that key decisions are made by symbolic AI components and so are much more amenable to explanations, are crucial.
- All ethical theories have ‘pathological’ edge cases where the decisions are considered unethical by most people. Furthermore, when encoding the information to be used in ethical reasoning it is important to consider carefully whose opinion about this information is sought and avoid bias in the implemented ethics.
- Transparency mechanisms can prove opaque to users and, conversely, can also instill a false sense of confidence in the system [122].
5.4. Responsibility and Trust
- Socio-cognitive research lends validation techniques to exploring trust in HRI by considering how humans will react in given scenarios. For example, humans utilise a Theory of Mind (ToM) to understand the intentions and goals of others, with trust associated with a person’s ability to make mental state inferences [129]. By extraction, an exploration of how humans develop a suitable mental model of robot capability can be used to approximate how much information a robot should be relaying to an operator to maintain their trust [130].
- While we know that a basis of trust is essential to the adoption of robotic systems, we do not yet know the answers to fundamental questions which would ensure this, including what is the best way to interact with robotics in specific situations?
- Trust research requires interdisciplinary effort, to take ideas from fundamental human science over to engineering design to produce optimal HRI systems. Further, the different dimensions of trust (e.g., dispositional and situational, etc.) are currently under-researched within human-non-human agent interactions. Combined, this makes the property and requirement of a trustworthy system a huge endeavour that will not be resolved by a single team.
5.5. Energy and Sustainability
5.6. Summary
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model Checking | Theorem Proving | Runtime Verification | Automated Verification | Software Testing | Other | |
Controller | — | — | (1) [17] | — | (1) [16] | (5) [12,13,14,15,17] |
Sub-Symbolic AI | — | (1) [22] | — | (5) [23,24,25,26,31] | (4) [27,28,29] | (1) [30] |
Symbolic AI | (4) [46,58,59,60,61] | (2) [62,63,64] | (2) [65,66] | — | (1) [67] | — |
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Fisher, M.; Cardoso, R.C.; Collins, E.C.; Dadswell, C.; Dennis, L.A.; Dixon, C.; Farrell, M.; Ferrando, A.; Huang, X.; Jump, M.; et al. An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots. Robotics 2021, 10, 67.
Fisher M, Cardoso RC, Collins EC, Dadswell C, Dennis LA, Dixon C, Farrell M, Ferrando A, Huang X, Jump M, et al. An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots. Robotics. 2021; 10(2):67.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFisher, Michael, Rafael C. Cardoso, Emily C. Collins, Christopher Dadswell, Louise A. Dennis, Clare Dixon, Marie Farrell, Angelo Ferrando, Xiaowei Huang, Mike Jump, and et al. 2021. "An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots" Robotics 10, no. 2: 67.
APA StyleFisher, M., Cardoso, R. C., Collins, E. C., Dadswell, C., Dennis, L. A., Dixon, C., Farrell, M., Ferrando, A., Huang, X., Jump, M., Kourtis, G., Lisitsa, A., Luckcuck, M., Luo, S., Page, V., Papacchini, F., & Webster, M. (2021). An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots. Robotics, 10(2), 67.