An Empirical Algorithm for Estimating Agricultural and Riparian Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Ground Measurements of ET. I. Description of Method
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Vegetation Index Approach for Scaling ET by Remote Sensing
1.2. Potential Problems in Applying VI Methods to Arid Zone Plant Communities
1.3. Goal and Objectives
2. Methods
2.1. Site Description
Site | Lat/Lon (o North, o West) | Distance From River (m) | Soil Texture (S-Si-Cl) | Depth to Aquifer (m) | Aquifer Salinity (dS m−1) | Aquifer Temperature (oC) |
Swamp | 33.2754, 114.6873 | 200 | 25-55-20 | 2.35 (0.03) | 3.90 (0.18) | 23.1 (0.3) |
Slitherin | 33.2746, 114.7098 | 750 | 40-45-15 | 3.51 (0.06) | 4.72 (0.48) | 22.5 (0.2) |
Diablo Tower | 33.2659, 114.6992 | 1500 | 50-35-15 | 2.61 (0.06) | 15.49 (0.18) | 22.8 (0.3) |
Diablo Southwest | 33.2663, 114.7002 | 1550 | 90-7-3 | 2.79 (0.06) | 24.0 (0.55) | 22.2 (0.2) |
Diablo East | 33.2687, 114.6895 | 870 | 95-2-3 | 2.40 (0.04) | 7.1 (0.19) | 24.9 (0.2) |
Hot Springs | 33.2783, 114.6924 | 557 | 85-10-5 | 2.36 (0.03) | 5.39 (0.07) | 51.0 (0.5) |
Hayday Farms Alfalfa | 33.4683, 114.6938 | 8,439 | - | 1.81 (0.05) | 1.85 (0.05) | 23.0 (0.35) |
2.2. Sap Flow Measurements
2.3. Scaling ETactual to Whole Plants and Stands of Plants Based on Leaf Area Index
2.4. Measurement of Alfalfa ETactual
2.5. MODIS Data
2.6. Meteorological Data and Other Calculations
2.7. Other Sources of EG and ETactual Data
3. Results
3.1. Meteorological, Soil and Aquifer Conditions at Saltcedar and Alfalfa Sites
3.2. LAPS, fc, EL, and EG of Saltcedar Stands
3.3. Diurnal Variation in EL, GS and EF
3.4. Alfalfa ETactual
3.5. Linear Equations for EGF and EToF Based on EVI*
4. Discussion
4.1. Diurnal Patterns of Saltcedar EL, GS and EF Indicate Stress
4.2. Remote Sensing Algorithm for Scaling ETactual
4.3. Comparison with Other Remote Sensing Methods for ET
4.4. Sources of Error and Uncertainty
5. Conclusions
References and Notes
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Nagler, P.L.; Morino, K.; Murray, R.S.; Osterberg, J.; Glenn, E.P. An Empirical Algorithm for Estimating Agricultural and Riparian Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Ground Measurements of ET. I. Description of Method. Remote Sens. 2009, 1, 1273-1297.
Nagler PL, Morino K, Murray RS, Osterberg J, Glenn EP. An Empirical Algorithm for Estimating Agricultural and Riparian Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Ground Measurements of ET. I. Description of Method. Remote Sensing. 2009; 1(4):1273-1297.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNagler, Pamela L., Kiyomi Morino, R. Scott Murray, John Osterberg, and Edward P. Glenn. 2009. "An Empirical Algorithm for Estimating Agricultural and Riparian Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Ground Measurements of ET. I. Description of Method" Remote Sensing 1, no. 4: 1273-1297.
APA StyleNagler, P. L., Morino, K., Murray, R. S., Osterberg, J., & Glenn, E. P. (2009). An Empirical Algorithm for Estimating Agricultural and Riparian Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Ground Measurements of ET. I. Description of Method. Remote Sensing, 1(4), 1273-1297.