Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space
:1. What Are the Opportunities for Measuring FD Offered by New Generation Satellites?
2. What Do Satellites Measure?
3. Do Satellites “See” the Same FD as Field Ecologists?
4. How Can We Address the Scale Challenges?
5. Statistics-Based Data Integration as an Alternative Pathway for Upscaling FD
6. Do We Need to Rethink the Classical Plant FD Concept in a Satellite Era?
7. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Multi-/Hyperspectral | Radar and LiDAR | Thermal Infrared | Fluorescence | ||||||||||
Sentinel-2 | DESIS | PRISMA | GF-5 | Sentinel-1 | PALSAR-2 | Tandem-X | GEDI | ICESat-2 | EcoSTRESS | Landsat 8-TIRS | TROPOMI | FLEX | |
Space Agency | ESA | DLR | ASI | CNSA | ESA | JAXA | DLR | NASA | NASA | NASA | NASA/USGS | ESA | ESA |
Instrument Type | multispectral | hyperspectral | hyperspectral | hyperspectral | C-band SAR | L-band SAR | X-band SAR | LiDAR | LiDAR | Thermal infrared | Thermal infrared | Chlorophyll fluorescence | Chlorophyll fluorescence |
Launch | June 2015 | June 2018 | March 2019 | May 2018 | April 2014 | May 2014 | June 2010 | November 2018 | September 2018 | June 2018 | February 2013 | October 2017 | 2022 |
Bands | 13 | 235 | 240 | 200 | 4 | 4 | 1 | - | - | 6 | 2 | - | - |
Resolution | 10/20/60 m | 30 m | 30 m | 30 m | 10 m | 25 m | 20 m | 25 m | 100 m | 70 m | 100 m | 7 km × 3.5 km | 300 m |
Retrievable variables | Canopy traits, vegetation phenology | Canopy traits | Canopy traits | Canopy traits | Forest cover | Forest cover | Forest height, Forest cover | Forest structure, Forest height, biomass | Forest structure, Forest height, biomass | Canopy temperature, plant water-use-efficiency and transpiration rates | Canopy temperature, plant water-use-efficiency and transpiration rates | Canopy photosynthetic traits and primary productivity | Canopy photosynthetic traits and primary productivity |
Scale Mismatch | Description | Consequences | Potential Solutions |
Spatial | Field ecologists measure traits at the species scale while satellites measure traits at a pixel scale | FD that is computed directly from remote sensing-generated traits images represents inter-pixel variance instead of inter-specific variance | 1. Refining the spatial resolution of satellite sensors; 2. Developing effective algorithms for segmenting pixels into individuals; 3. Applying a multi-scale upscaling strategy from sensors onboard towers, drones, and aircraft to satellite pixels; 4. Collecting ground reference data about the accurate location of different species within an image to help develop a spectral library that can address the biological entity labelling challenge. |
Temporal | Field ecologists usually take trait measurements at certain times of a season while remote sensing has the potential to repeatedly sample traits and community composition across time | Plant FD can vary temporally. Following the common practice of field trait sampling, assume a static plant community that may never have physically existed in reality. By contrast, remote sensing has the potential to provide a phenological view of traits and FD | 1. Conducting repeated and consistent sampling of traits and community composition to provide enough high-quality calibration data for remote sensing; 2. Drone/field-based high throughput phenotyping using image-acquisition systems. |
Vertical | Field ecologists can sample both canopy and sub-canopy species while satellite remote sensing has a limited capability in measuring the vertical profile of canopy spectra | There can be an underrepresentation of sub-canopy species in remote sensing-based trait and FD measurements | Exploring cutting-edge hyperspectral LiDAR to characterize the foliar traits in full 3D |
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Ma, X.; Migliavacca, M.; Wirth, C.; Bohn, F.J.; Huth, A.; Richter, R.; Mahecha, M.D. Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1248.
Ma X, Migliavacca M, Wirth C, Bohn FJ, Huth A, Richter R, Mahecha MD. Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(8):1248.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMa, Xuanlong, Mirco Migliavacca, Christian Wirth, Friedrich J. Bohn, Andreas Huth, Ronny Richter, and Miguel D. Mahecha. 2020. "Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space" Remote Sensing 12, no. 8: 1248.
APA StyleMa, X., Migliavacca, M., Wirth, C., Bohn, F. J., Huth, A., Richter, R., & Mahecha, M. D. (2020). Monitoring Plant Functional Diversity Using the Reflectance and Echo from Space. Remote Sensing, 12(8), 1248.