Induced Seismic Events—Distribution of Ground Surface Displacements Based on InSAR Methods and Mogi and Yang Models
:1. Introduction
2. Background and Methods
2.1. Mining-Induced Seismicity—Source Mechanism
2.2. The Mogi Model
2.3. The Yang Model (Prolate Spheroid Model)
2.4. DInSAR—Horizontal Displacements
2.5. Tropospheric Delay Effect
2.6. Subsidence Trough Indicators
3. Application Examples
Legnica-Glogow Copper Belt
- Complicated geological and mining conditions, such as fault and fold structures or tectonically disturbed surfaces;
- The deposit depth and its thickness;
- The presence of rocks prone to violent energy releases;
- The intensiveness of drilling and blasting operations using specialized heavy duty machinery.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Due to the relatively small sizes of the subsidence troughs, it was difficult to calculate all the displacement components (N-S, E-W, vertical). In most regions around the globe, SAR data coverage from Sentinel 1A/B satellites is from one or two paths (ascending and descending), and on far fewer occasions from three paths or more. The lack of data from other sources significantly obstructs the calculation of all of the components. As the tremors were local (the trough range was several hundred meters) the Azimuth Pixel Offset or Multiple Aperture Interferometry (MAI) methods did not provide satisfying results.
- The global character of reducing the influence of the troposphere significantly improves the displacement results. Moreover, it does not distort horizontal and vertical displacement values in regions influenced by mining activity/tremors.
- The presented analysis of the tremors demonstrates that they do not generate new subsidence troughs and only rapidly influence the development of already existing troughs.
- We demonstrated that if the source of an induced tremor has an isotropic character, it is possible to effectively model terrain displacements using simple isotropic models such as Mogi and Yang.
- We believe that it is relatively easy to fit the analytical models (Mogi and Yang) to the displacement image resulting from a mining tremor. We can use this as a basis for calculating the theoretical indicators describing the subsidence trough.
- A comparison of the indicators from the models with the actual data allows for a more accurate fitting of the theoretical model. The deformation indicators calculated from DInSAR measurements allow for a detailed observation of the changes that occur on the border of the subsidence trough and that are caused by mining activity and by phenomena related to induced seismicity.
- Determination of short-term trough deformation indices from DInSAR measurements and LOS decomposition is possible. Additionally, due to their large measurement range, indicators can be determined for many profiles that are located in different parts of the subsidence basin. Most importantly, the measurement is remote and does not require expensive and lengthy in-situ works.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Event Location | Date of Event | Maximum Magnitude [M] | Type of Event | Examples in Literature | Examples of SAR Data Usage |
Pawnee, Oklahoma, USA | 3 September 2016 | 5.8 | Water injection | [12] | [13,14,15] |
Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico | 23 August 2011 | 5.3 | Water injection | [16,17] | - |
Bachatsky, Kuzbass, Russia | 18 June 2013 | 6.1 | Mining (coal) | [18] | - |
Rudna, Poland | 15 September 2018 | 4.8 | Mining (copper) | - | [19] |
Saar (Primsmulde), Saarland, Germany | 23 February 2008 | 4.0 | Mining (coal) | [20,21] | - |
Pohang (PX-2), South Korea | 15 November 2017 | 5.5 | Geothermal | [22,23] | - |
Fashing, Texas, USA | 20 October 2011 | 4.8 | Gas extraction | [24] | - |
Selemo and Lesedi pilot pods, Botswana | 3 April 2017 | 6.3 | Coal Bed Methane | [25] | [25] |
Indicator | Equation | Unit | Remarks | |
Vertical | mm | Subsidence | ||
Displacements | Horizontal | mm | Shift | |
Tilt | mm/m | Subsidence effect | ||
Curvature | km | Tilt effect | ||
Strain | mm/m | Shift effect |
Ascending, Path no. 73 | Descending, Path no. 22 | ||||
Date and Time of Event | Strength [M] | Master Date and Time | Slave Date and Time | Master Date and Time | Slave Date and Time |
29 January 2019 12:53:44.3 a.m. | 3.7 | 7 January 2019 04:43:36 p.m. | 10 February 2019 04:43:48 p.m. | 26 January 2019 05:09:02 a.m. | 1 February 2019 05:08:27 a.m. |
26 December 2017 11:15:30.2 a.m. | 3.6 | 23 December 2017 04:42:51 p.m. | 29 December 2017 04:43:33 p.m. | 26 December 2017 05:08:57 a.m. | 1 January 2018 05:08:21 a.m. |
Events location: LGCB region, Poland; type: induced tremors | |||||
7 December 2017 05:42:50.0 a.m. | 3.3 | 23 December 2017 04:42:51 p.m. | 29 December 2017 04:43:33 p.m. | 2 December 2017 05:08:58 a.m. | 8 December 2017 05:08:22 a.m. |
29 November 2016 08:09:41.1 p.m. | 3.4 | 28 November 2016 04:43:19 p.m. | 10 December 2016 04:43:19 p.m. | 19 November 2016 05:08:02 a.m. | 1 December 2016 05:08:01 a.m. |
Coordinates | MT Decomposition | Mechanism | |||||
Date and Time of Event | Lat | Long | Depth | V(Explosive) | DC | CLVD(P-axis) | Plot |
(deg) | (deg) | (km) | (%) | (%) | (%) | ||
29 January 2019 12:53:44 a.m. | 51.5110 | 16.1197 | 0.8 | 32.7 | 8.8 | 58.5 | |
26 December 2017 11:15:30 a.m. | 51.5088 | 16.1065 | 0.7 | 30.3 | 9.1 | 60.5 | |
7 December 2017 05:42:50 a.m. | 51.5008 | 16.1021 | 0.9 | 26.6 | 16.4 | 56.9 | |
29 November 2016 08:09:41 p.m. | 51.5145 | 16.1573 | 0.8 | 26.0 | 21.7 | 52.2 | |
Yang Models | Mogi Model | |||||
29 November 2016 | 7 December 2017 | 29 January 2019 | 26 December 2017 | |||
Parameters | Depth, [km] | 0.8 | 0.9 | 0.8 | Depth, (km) | 0.8 |
Major axis, (km) | 0.24 | 0.19 | 0.33 | Radius (km) | 0.06 | |
Minor axis, (km) | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.04 | , (Pa) | −672 | |
, (Pa) | −282 | −521 | −709 | |||
Strike, (deg) | 33 | 313 | 195 | |||
Plunge, (deg) | 18 | 21 | 7 |
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Milczarek, W.; Kopeć, A.; Głąbicki, D.; Bugajska, N. Induced Seismic Events—Distribution of Ground Surface Displacements Based on InSAR Methods and Mogi and Yang Models. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1451.
Milczarek W, Kopeć A, Głąbicki D, Bugajska N. Induced Seismic Events—Distribution of Ground Surface Displacements Based on InSAR Methods and Mogi and Yang Models. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(8):1451.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMilczarek, Wojciech, Anna Kopeć, Dariusz Głąbicki, and Natalia Bugajska. 2021. "Induced Seismic Events—Distribution of Ground Surface Displacements Based on InSAR Methods and Mogi and Yang Models" Remote Sensing 13, no. 8: 1451.
APA StyleMilczarek, W., Kopeć, A., Głąbicki, D., & Bugajska, N. (2021). Induced Seismic Events—Distribution of Ground Surface Displacements Based on InSAR Methods and Mogi and Yang Models. Remote Sensing, 13(8), 1451.