2.2.1. Patch-Noobj Framework
To adapt the adversarial patch to the scale change of an aircraft and make the aircraft vanish from the view of an object detector, we propose an attack method named Patch-Noobj. The framework structure of Patch-Noobj is shown in
Figure 1. Patch-Noobj consists of two parts: a patch applier and a detector. The patch applier is responsible for attaching the adversarial patches to aircraft of different sizes, while the detector utilizes a complete object detection process and is responsible for iterative updates of the adversarial patches via the loss function.
First, before an image is input to the object detector, we define the target-ground truth of the aircraft that needs to attach the adversarial patch and the untarget-ground truth of the object that does not need to attach the adversarial patch. The target-ground truth is used to calculate the scaling of the adversarial patch and construct the mask to determine where to attach the adversarial patch. The untarget-ground truth is used to calculate the loss for optimization of the adversarial patch. Both of these ground truths are similar to the ground truth of the bounding box in object detection, and they all assume the form [x, y, w, h]. Second, we input the image into the patch applier and randomly initialize a fixed-size adversarial patch. We calculate the scaling of the adversarial patch, construct a mask according to the target ground truth and attach the scaled adversarial patch to the aircraft in the image according to the mask. Last, we input adversarial examples with the adversarial patches into the detector, calculate the loss between the detector’s output and the untarget-ground-truth based on the loss function, and iteratively update the adversarial patch by optimizing the loss.
2.2.2. Patch Applier
Patch Applier is the first component in Patch-Noobj; its task is to attach an adversarial patch on the objects that need to be attacked. In principle, the attack methods for generating a locally visible adversarial patch and a globally invisible adversarial perturbation add a perturbation to a clean image, but they differ in the way that they add the perturbation. The method of generating an adversarial patch replaces pixels in a local region of the clean image with the adversarial patch to achieve placement of the adversarial patch, while the method of generating a global perturbation directly adds pixels of the adversarial perturbation to the clean image.
In addition, in Patch-Noobj, the patch applier excepts attachment of the adversarial patch, the most important function of which is to realize the adaptive scaling of the adversarial patch so that the adversarial patch can adapt to aircraft of different sizes.
In this section, we focus on how to implement the adversarial patch adaptive scaling strategy in the patch applier. The placement of the adversarial patch will be described in
Section 2.2.4.
Adaptive Scale. Compared with objects in natural images, the scale of aircraft in RSIs varies greatly. To adapt to the scale variation of aircraft in RSIs so that aircraft of different sizes have adversarial patches of different sizes, we adaptively scale the width and height of the initial adversarial patch according to the size of the attacked aircraft. We ensure that the scaled adversarial patch does not cover the entire aircraft when scaling the adversarial patch.
To scale the adversarial patch, first, we define a fixed size adversarial patch, e.g., 30 × 30 and 40 × 40. Second, we calculate the scaling ratio according to the size of the aircraft and size of the adversarial patch and scale the initial adversarial patch according to this ratio. The scaling ratio of the width and height of the adversarial patch is calculated as shown in Equations (
1) and (
2), where
is a scaling factor;
w and
h are the width and height, respectively, of the object; and
are the width and height, respectively, of the adversarial patch.
2.2.3. Detector
The detector is the second component in Patch-Noobj; its task is to perform the complete object detection process. It calculates the loss based on its own output and ground truth to update the pixel values of the adversarial patch by backpropagation.
In this section, we discuss the detection process of the currently popular Faster R-CNN and YOLOv3 detectors, and discuss how to set an optimization goal to iteratively update the pixel values of the adversarial patch according to the detection process of YOLOv3 so that the aircraft can evade detection by the object detector.
Faster R-CNN. Faster R-CNN is a two-stage detection algorithm. The first stage is to propose regions (rectangular regions) by deep fully convolutional network. The second stage is a Fast R-CNN detector that uses the proposed regions. In the first stage, the Faster R-CNN uses the deep fully convolutional network for feature extraction, and then the region proposal network (RPN) obtains a series of rectangular object proposals based on the feature map of the last convolutional layer. In the second stage, the rectangular object proposals generated by RPN are input to Fast R-CNN detector for classification and bounding box regression [
YOLOv3. YOLOv3 is a one-stage detection algorithm that reconstructs object detection as a single regression problem and obtains the object’s bounding box coordinates and class probabilities in one step. YOLOv3 mainly divides the input image into
grids, and object detection is performed inside these grids [
Each grid is responsible for predicting
B bounding boxes and the object confidence of these
B bounding boxes. The bounding box (bbox) is used to locate the detected object; it contains four values:
w, and
represents the coordinates of the center point of the bbox relative to the boundary of the grid cell.
w and
h represent the relative width and height, respectively, of the bbox relative to the whole image. The object confidence indicates whether the bbox contains the object. If no object exists in the bbox, the object confidence should be zero; otherwise, the object confidence should be equal to the intersection over union (IOU) between the predicted bounding box and the ground truth. Each grid cell is also responsible for predicting the class probability of the category to which the object in the grid belongs. The class probability indicates the probability that the object belongs to each category given the presence of the object in the grid cell. When inferencing, YOLOv3 multiplies the object confidence and class probability as the class confidence of each object in the bounding box [
In summary, we discover that object confidence is in a more important position among the bounding box, object confidence, and class probability. If the object confidence is low, even if the bbox correctly locates the object and the class probability correctly classifies the object, the detected object will still be filtered.
Optimization Goal. The detection process of YOLOv3 reflects whether a bounding box contains a real target is determined by the object confidence. Therefore, to attack an object detector and disguise an aircraft, we only need to filter the bounding boxes containing the aircraft by reducing the object confidence to zero as much as possible.
In the training process of YOLOv3, whether a detector can accurately predict the object confidence of the bounding box is determined by the optimization of the confidence loss (
). If the
is optimized by decreasing the object confidence, then the real existing object in the bounding box will eventually disappear.
consists of two parts: the first part is the loss of the bounding box that contains the object, and the second part is the loss of the bounding box that does not contain the object.
is calculated as shown in Equation (
3), where
are constructed based on the ground truth;
indicates whether the jth bounding box predictor of the ith grid is responsible for predicting the object; and
indicates whether the
i-th grid contains the object.
In summary, to make
optimize the adversarial patch to reduce the object confidence of the bounding box captaining the aircraft, we can intuitively consider converting
so that the bounding box predictor that is originally responsible for predicting the aircraft changes its function to being not responsible for prediction. All the
that corresponds to the bounding box predictor that is originally responsible for predicting the aircraft are changed to zero so that the object confidence approaches zero in the optimization process. Both
are constructed based on the ground truth. Thus, to implement this above mentioned idea, we need to process the input ground truth, filter the ground truth of the aircraft (target-ground-truth) and input only the ground truth of the nonaircraft (untarget-ground-truth) for loss calculation. To ensure that the optimizer prefers to generate adversarial patches with smooth color transitions in the optimization process, we calculate the total variation
of the generated adversarial patches, as shown in Equation (
4), where
P denotes an adversarial patch. Therefore, in our attack method, the optimization goal consists of two parts:
, which are combined to form the total loss function. The total loss function is as shown in Equation (
5), where
is a hyperparameter.
2.2.4. Attach Patch and Optimize Patch
To achieve the camouflage of the aircraft (let the adversarial patch replace the camouflage net), the two most important steps are the placement of the adversarial patch and the optimization of the adversarial patch. The placement of the adversarial patch involves the construction of a mask according to the location of the object to locate, and its optimization involves the use of a gradient descent algorithm to achieve iteratively according to the loss function.
Assume that
x denotes the original image,
denotes the object detector, that
m denotes a constructed binary mask that is 1 at the placement position of the adversarial patch and 0 at the remaining positions, and that
p denotes the adversarial patch. The placement and optimization of the adversarial patch can be represented by Equation (
6), where ⊙ denotes the Hadamard product (element product),
t denotes the target class to be attacked, and
denotes the loss function, which is shown in Equation (