Enhancing Contrast of Dark Satellite Images Based on Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Clustering and an Enhancement Operator
:1. Introduction
- Introducing a new enhancement operator designed explicitly for dark remote sensing images.
- Providing a new algorithm for modifying the gray level of an image based on clustering.
2. Methodology
2.1. Principle of Using Fuzzy Logic for Image Enhancement
2.2. The Algorithm of Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Grouping
- m: the fuzzy parameter
- C: the number of groups
- N: the number of all data points
- µkj: membership value of the kth pixel of jth cluster
- Xk: the kth data point
- Vj: the center of group j.
- :
- :
Algorithm 1 The standard fuzzy semi-supervised grouping algorithm. | |
Input | Dataset X has group number C, N elements, threshold , the maximum number of loops maxStep > 0, and the matrix of adding membership . |
Output | Matrix U and group centers V. |
1: | t = 0 |
2: | Randomized initialization ; () |
3: | Loop |
4: | ++t |
5: | Calculate (; ) by Formula (5) with or Formula (6) with . |
6: | Calculate () by Formula (4) |
7: | Until t > maxStep or |
3. Proposed Method
- Step 1: Transforming , , according to the operator of the dark image object enhancement (ODIOE) (details in Section 3.1):Therefore:
- Step 2: Clustering SSSFG with the image (, , ) to obtain c clusters with centers Vi (i = 1, …, c) and the member matrix .
- Step 3: Calculating upper bound, lower bound according to each cluster (details in Section 3.2).
- Step 4: Aggregate gray levels from all clusters according to the formula:
- Step 5: Transforming () according to the operator ODIOE (details in Section 3.1):Therefore:
3.1. The Operator of Dark Image Object Enhancement (ODIOE)
- Step 1: Gray level transformation to domain [0, 1] according to the ODIOE as follows:Therefore:
- Step 2: Transforming , , according to the formula:
- ✓
- If g approaches 0, then f(g) approaches 2∗g.
- ✓
- If g approaches 1, then f(g) approaches g.
- ✓
- So, if considering the domain [0, 255], it can be seen that:
- ✓
- If g approaches 0, then f(g) approaches 2∗g.
- ✓
- If g approaches 255, then f(g) approaches g.
- ✓
- Step 3: Transforming , , to domain [0, 255] according to the formula:Therefore:
3.2. Calculating Upper Bound and Lower Bound According to Group
3.3. The Algorithm Based on the Cluster for Enhancing the Image Contrast
- : upper bound of the cluster ith, called up here.
- : upper bound of the cluster ith, called low here.
- : centroid of the cluster ith, called V here.
- Step 1: If g < low then g = low
- Step 2: If g > up then g = up
- Step 3: Calculating d:
- Step 4: Calculating b:
- Step 5: Calculating :
- Step 6: Calculating :
- Step 7: Calculating gray output level:
3.4. Main Contributions and Meaning of the Algorithm
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The development of a novel algorithm that combines fuzzy semi-supervised clustering and an enhancement operator to improve the contrast of dark satellite images.
- The utilization of group enhancement techniques, reducing the variability of pixel intensity values and improving the homogeneity of the enhanced images.
- The development of the RSIECE method, which outperforms the other two approaches (Ying and PGCFDM) in terms of various image quality indices, including the mean index, the standard deviation index, the entropy index, and the IL-NIQE index.
- The development of a method (RSIECE) that also improves the homogeneity of the enhanced images compared to the results of the Ying and PGCFDM methods.
- The demonstration of the potential of the RSIECE algorithm as a valuable tool for improving the quality of satellite images.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Loca. | Input | Ying Method | PGCFDM Method | RSIECE Algorithm |
1 | CaoPhong (598 × 505) | ||||
2 | DaBac (769 × 640) | ||||
3 | KimBoi (672 × 640) | ||||
4 | KySon (363 × 648) | ||||
5 | LacSon (703 × 648) | ||||
6 | LacThuy (633 × 647) | ||||
7 | LuongSon (614 × 648) | ||||
8 | MaiChau (799 × 648) | ||||
9 | TXHB (378 × 648) | ||||
10 | YenThuy (478 × 648) |
No. | Location | Input | Ying Method | PGCFDM Method | RSIECE Algorithm |
1 | CaoPhong | 149.52 | 175.52 | 159.74 | 186.39 |
2 | DaBac | 155.61 | 176.41 | 163.30 | 187.17 |
3 | KimBoi | 125.20 | 158.29 | 138.76 | 167.90 |
4 | KySon | 146.77 | 169.95 | 154.09 | 188.18 |
5 | LacSon | 126.81 | 160.77 | 137.10 | 170.85 |
6 | LacThuy | 157.11 | 176.30 | 167.42 | 181.34 |
7 | LuongSon | 171.82 | 191.05 | 180.83 | 194.48 |
8 | MaiChau | 129.48 | 153.59 | 140.62 | 156.71 |
9 | TXHB | 148.63 | 172.59 | 158.46 | 174.14 |
10 | YenThuy | 160.94 | 172.81 | 171.10 | 171.84 |
No. | Location | Input | Ying Method | PGCFDM Method | RSIECE Algorithm |
1 | CaoPhong | 112.14 | 85.13 | 101.90 | 76.81 |
2 | DaBac | 115.03 | 91.29 | 106.43 | 84.86 |
3 | KimBoi | 112.19 | 84.34 | 101.07 | 79.36 |
4 | KySon | 115.19 | 90.83 | 107.82 | 76.02 |
5 | LacSon | 111.12 | 82.85 | 103.28 | 79.02 |
6 | LacThuy | 114.81 | 92.68 | 103.16 | 93.74 |
7 | LuongSon | 101.09 | 78.26 | 90.62 | 82.29 |
8 | MaiChau | 115.43 | 94.77 | 105.37 | 94.30 |
9 | TXHB | 114.81 | 89.49 | 104.66 | 90.00 |
10 | YenThuy | 106.41 | 97.45 | 97.62 | 97.61 |
No. | Location | Input | Ying Method | PGCFDM Method | RSIECE Algorithm |
1 | CaoPhong | 2.50 | 3.01 | 2.68 | 3.03 |
2 | DaBac | 2.16 | 2.63 | 2.35 | 2.83 |
3 | KimBoi | 2.82 | 3.40 | 3.06 | 3.48 |
4 | KySon | 2.36 | 2.94 | 2.49 | 3.04 |
5 | LacSon | 2.95 | 3.48 | 3.11 | 3.60 |
6 | LacThuy | 2.19 | 2.70 | 2.39 | 2.86 |
7 | LuongSon | 2.39 | 2.78 | 2.47 | 2.85 |
8 | MaiChau | 2.94 | 3.35 | 3.32 | 3.44 |
9 | TXHB | 2.40 | 2.97 | 2.59 | 2.87 |
10 | YenThuy | 3.32 | 3.66 | 3.73 | 3.42 |
No. | Location | Input | Ying Method | PGCFDM Method | RSIECE Algorithm |
1 | CaoPhong | 37.10 | 33.83 | 34.16 | 27.04 |
2 | DaBac | 37.06 | 30.54 | 30.82 | 26.14 |
3 | KimBoi | 35.33 | 29.76 | 32.80 | 27.50 |
4 | KySon | 41.08 | 37.24 | 38.04 | 36.95 |
5 | LacSon | 34.62 | 30.43 | 31.25 | 27.32 |
6 | LacThuy | 34.19 | 30.59 | 33.44 | 28.90 |
7 | LuongSon | 32.69 | 30.38 | 32.24 | 29.53 |
8 | MaiChau | 24.84 | 24.87 | 24.87 | 22.69 |
9 | TXHB | 38.65 | 32.90 | 34.52 | 31.25 |
10 | YenThuy | 37.19 | 34.03 | 34.09 | 34.03 |
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Share and Cite
Trung, N.T.; Le, X.-H.; Tuan, T.M. Enhancing Contrast of Dark Satellite Images Based on Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Clustering and an Enhancement Operator. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1645. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15061645
Trung NT, Le X-H, Tuan TM. Enhancing Contrast of Dark Satellite Images Based on Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Clustering and an Enhancement Operator. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(6):1645. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15061645
Chicago/Turabian StyleTrung, Nguyen Tu, Xuan-Hien Le, and Tran Manh Tuan. 2023. "Enhancing Contrast of Dark Satellite Images Based on Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Clustering and an Enhancement Operator" Remote Sensing 15, no. 6: 1645. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15061645
APA StyleTrung, N. T., Le, X.-H., & Tuan, T. M. (2023). Enhancing Contrast of Dark Satellite Images Based on Fuzzy Semi-Supervised Clustering and an Enhancement Operator. Remote Sensing, 15(6), 1645. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15061645