Detection-Response Task—Uses and Limitations
:1. Introduction
2. Detection-Response Task
2.1. Factors Influencing the Response Time
2.2. DRT Versions and Types of Stimuli
2.3. Choosing the Right DRT Version (Relationship between the DRT Version and the Secondary Task)
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- visual-manual tasks: typical interaction with in-vehicle infotainment systems (IVIS) where the information is shown visually and the device is operated manually (e.g., head-down or head-up displays operated through a touchscreen or various buttons and levers in the cockpit);
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- pure cognitive tasks: in-vehicle tasks where information is presented auditorily and responses are given vocally (e.g., navigation device operated through speech commands or simple phone conversations based on hands-free systems).
2.4. Response to the Stimulus
2.5. DRT Intrusiveness
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- psychophysical response (i.e., pupil dilation),
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- driving performance (i.e., acceleration and lane deviation/departure), and
- -
- secondary task performance (i.e., performance of the secondary cognitive task, success rate and task completion times).
- driving
- driving and a cognitive task (n-back task)
- driving and RDRT
- driving and RDRT, and a cognitive task (n-back task)
- driving and TDRT
- driving and TDRT, and a cognitive task (n-back task)
- driving and ADRT
- driving and ADRT, and a cognitive task (n-back task).
2.5.1. DRT Intrusiveness on Driving Performance
2.5.2. DRT Intrusiveness on Secondary Task Performance
3. Alternative Methods for the Assessment of Driver’ Cognitive Distraction
4. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Consecutive Order of Digits | ||||||||||
Stimuli | 3 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 8 | 9 |
Response | - | - | 3 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 1 |
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Stojmenova, K.; Sodnik, J. Detection-Response Task—Uses and Limitations. Sensors 2018, 18, 594.
Stojmenova K, Sodnik J. Detection-Response Task—Uses and Limitations. Sensors. 2018; 18(2):594.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStojmenova, Kristina, and Jaka Sodnik. 2018. "Detection-Response Task—Uses and Limitations" Sensors 18, no. 2: 594.
APA StyleStojmenova, K., & Sodnik, J. (2018). Detection-Response Task—Uses and Limitations. Sensors, 18(2), 594.