Global Revisit Interval Analysis of Landsat-8 -9 and Sentinel-2A -2B Data for Terrestrial Monitoring
:1. Introduction
2. Data
2.1. Orbit Swath Information
2.2. Daytime Surface Observation Metadata Records for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A -2B
2.3. Surface Reflectance Observations for Landsat-8
3. Material and Methods
3.1. Global Average Revisit Intervals for Combination of Landsat-8/9 and Sentinel-2A/2B
3.2. Global Number of Observation Maps for the Daytime Surface Observations of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A -2B
4. Results
4.1. Global Average Revisit Intervals for Combination of Landsat-8/9 and Sentinel-2A/2B
4.2. Global Number of Observations for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A -2B
4.3. Global Cloud-Weighted Number of Observations for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A -2B
4.4. Comparison of Cloud-Weighted Number of Observations over Three Selected Locations for the Year 2018
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Landsat-8 Landsat-9 | Sentinel-2A Sentinel-2B | Landsat-8 Landsat-9 Sentinel-2A Sentinel-2B | |
Mean Total | 6.042 | 3.795 | 2.277 |
Median Total | 7.999 | 3.667 | 2.342 |
Most Frequent Total Value | 8.000 (31.7%) | 5.000 (29.0%) | 3.076 (7.3%) |
2nd Most Frequent | 3.967 | 3.333 | 2.342 |
Total Value | (13.3%) | (13.6%) | (4.2%) |
3rd Most Frequent | 3.999 | 2.486 | 1.525 |
Total Value | (2.8%) | (0.2%) | (1.8%) |
Location | Number of Observations | Number of Cloud-Weighted Observations | Number of Clear Views | Accuracy |
Algeria (30.0° N, 0.0°) | 46 | 42.45 | 43 | 98.7% |
Brazil (3.138° S, 62.180° W) | 23 | 9.81 | 9 | 91.0% |
Sweden (56.842° N, 15.057° E) | 44 | 18.93 | 16 | 81.7% |
Acquisition Date | Path | Row | Cloud Condition | Acquisition Date | Path | Row | Cloud Condition |
2018-01-01 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-07-03 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-01-08 | 197 | 39 | High confidence | 2018-07-12 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-01-17 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-07-19 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-01-24 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-07-28 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-02-02 | 196 | 39 | High confidence | 2018-08-04 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-02-09 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-08-13 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-02-18 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-08-20 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-02-25 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-08-29 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-03-06 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-09-05 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-03-13 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-09-14 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-03-22 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-09-21 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-03-29 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-09-30 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-04-07 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-10-07 | 197 | 39 | High confidence |
2018-04-14 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-10-16 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-04-23 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-10-23 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-04-30 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-11-01 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-05-09 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-11-08 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-05-16 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-11-17 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-05-25 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-11-24 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-06-01 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-12-03 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-06-10 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-12-10 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
2018-06-17 | 197 | 39 | Clear | 2018-12-19 | 196 | 39 | Clear |
2018-06-26 | 196 | 39 | Clear | 2018-12-26 | 197 | 39 | Clear |
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Li, J.; Chen, B. Global Revisit Interval Analysis of Landsat-8 -9 and Sentinel-2A -2B Data for Terrestrial Monitoring. Sensors 2020, 20, 6631.
Li J, Chen B. Global Revisit Interval Analysis of Landsat-8 -9 and Sentinel-2A -2B Data for Terrestrial Monitoring. Sensors. 2020; 20(22):6631.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Jian, and Baozhang Chen. 2020. "Global Revisit Interval Analysis of Landsat-8 -9 and Sentinel-2A -2B Data for Terrestrial Monitoring" Sensors 20, no. 22: 6631.
APA StyleLi, J., & Chen, B. (2020). Global Revisit Interval Analysis of Landsat-8 -9 and Sentinel-2A -2B Data for Terrestrial Monitoring. Sensors, 20(22), 6631.