Convolution-Based Encoding of Depth Images for Transfer Learning in RGB-D Scene Classification
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Scene Classification Using Features Extracted
2.2. Scene Classification Using Neural Networks
2.3. Scene Recognition Using RGB-D Images
2.4. Class Balancing
3. Benchmark Dataset
4. Architecture of the Proposed Method
4.1. VGG Convolutional Network
Network with Two Convolutional Paths
4.2. Data Augmentation Module
Data Augmentation Method
4.3. Depth Encoding Module
Implementing Encoding Filters Using a Convolutional Layer
4.4. SMOTE Oversampling and Fine-Tuning of Dense Layers
- Step 1.
- Train RGBD CNN using the augmented training set.
- Step 2.
- Using the trained network, extract a feature vector for each sample in the training set to create a feature dataset.
- Step 3.
- Apply SMOTE oversampling on the feature dataset to create a balanced feature set.
- Step 4.
- Create a new neural network consisting of only dense layers matching the dense layers of RGBD CNN. Copy the weights from the trained RGBD CNN to the new network.
- Step 5.
- Train the newly created network using the balance feature set.
- Step 6.
- Copy the weights from the new network to the dense layers of the trained RGBD CNN.
5. Experimental Setup
5.1. Dataset for Training and Validation
5.2. Ablation Study on VGG16-PlacesNet Configurations for Transfer Learning
5.3. Implementation of the Depth Encoding Module
6. Experimental Results and Analysis
- RGBD CNN with HHA: This set of experiments used the benchmark dataset without data augmentation. Depth images were encoded using HHA encoding. Hence the CBE encoding module was not used and the three channel HHA encoded images are given as input to the first layer of RGBD CNN
- RGBD CNN with HHA + DA: This set of experiments used a setup similar to the one in setup 1. However, the training dataset with data augmentation was used for training.
- RGBD CNN with CBE: RGBD CNN with added CBE layer was used in this setup. Dataset without data augmentation was used for training.
- RGBD CNN with CBE + DA: Network architecture in this setup is similar to the one in setup 3, i.e., RGBD CNN with added CBE layer. Dataset with data augmentation was used for training
- RGBD CNN with CBE + DA + SMOTE: This setup used RGBD CNN with added CBE layer and data augmentation and class balancing using SMOTE.
6.1. Experimental Results with Data Augmentation and Convolution-Based Encoding
6.1.1. Data Augmentation
6.1.2. Convolution-Based Encoding
6.2. Experimental Results with Oversampling
6.3. Comparison with Existing Methods
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sl. No. | Class Label | Numbers of Images |
1 | bathroom | 624 |
2 | bedroom | 1084 |
3 | classroom | 1023 |
4 | computer_room | 179 |
5 | conference_room | 290 |
6 | corridor | 373 |
7 | dining_area | 397 |
8 | dining_room | 200 |
9 | discussion_area | 201 |
10 | furniture_store | 965 |
11 | home_office | 169 |
12 | kitchen | 498 |
13 | lab | 258 |
14 | lecture_theatre | 176 |
15 | library | 381 |
16 | living_room | 524 |
17 | office | 1046 |
18 | rest_space | 924 |
19 | study_space | 192 |
Network Configuration | Classification Accuracy | |
Without DA | With DA | |
RGBD CNN with HHA | 54.7% | 57.3 |
RGBD CNN with CBE | 55.07% | 58.3 |
RGBD CNN with CBE + SMOTE | 59.05% |
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Gopalapillai, R.; Gupta, D.; Zakariah, M.; Alotaibi, Y.A. Convolution-Based Encoding of Depth Images for Transfer Learning in RGB-D Scene Classification. Sensors 2021, 21, 7950.
Gopalapillai R, Gupta D, Zakariah M, Alotaibi YA. Convolution-Based Encoding of Depth Images for Transfer Learning in RGB-D Scene Classification. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):7950.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGopalapillai, Radhakrishnan, Deepa Gupta, Mohammed Zakariah, and Yousef Ajami Alotaibi. 2021. "Convolution-Based Encoding of Depth Images for Transfer Learning in RGB-D Scene Classification" Sensors 21, no. 23: 7950.
APA StyleGopalapillai, R., Gupta, D., Zakariah, M., & Alotaibi, Y. A. (2021). Convolution-Based Encoding of Depth Images for Transfer Learning in RGB-D Scene Classification. Sensors, 21(23), 7950.