Estimation of Soil Organic Matter in Arid Zones with Coupled Environmental Variables and Spectral Features
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Soil Sample Collection and Analysis
2.3. Spectral Data Processing
2.4. Processing of Environment Variables
2.5. Modeling and Accuracy Verification
3. Results
3.1. Descriptive Statistics of Soil Properties
3.2. Characteristics of Reflection Spectral Curves under Each Auxiliary Variable Classification
3.3. SOM and Standard Error with Each Auxiliary Variable Classification
3.4. Plot of PCA under Each Auxiliary Variable
3.5. Soil SOM Modeling Based on Soil Spectra and Each Auxiliary Variable
3.6. Importance Analysis of Auxiliary Variables in the Model
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Spectral classification exhibited significant differences in grouping reflectance curves and SOM contents, while the differences among other variables were small; therefore, spectral classification better distinguished the reflectance spectral data and maximized the variability of spectral characteristics for different SOM contents.
- The addition of the environmental factor to the spectral variables provided an effective predictive variable for estimation of SOM, which greatly improved the prediction accuracy of the model; the R2 was improved from 0.78 to 0.85.
- Spectral information played an important role in predictions of SOM contents.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Environmental Variables | Vis-NIR Spectroscopy | Spectral Classification |
Land-use/land-cover (LULC) | Vis-NIR | SC1 |
Digital elevation model (DEM) | SC2 | |
World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) | SC3 | |
Soil texture | ||
Soil salinity |
Models | Input Variables |
Model 1 | Vis-NIR |
Model 2 | Vis-NIR, Spectral classification |
Model 3 | DEM, LULC, WRB, Soil salinity, Soil texture |
Model 4 | Vis-NIR, Spectral classification, DEM, LULC, WRB, Soil salinity, Soil texture |
Attributes | Sample Sets | Na | Min | Max | Median | Mean | SD b | CV c (%) |
SOM (g kg−1) | Entire a | 249 | 0.31 | 31.70 | 10.88 | 11.87 | 7.28 | 61.47% |
Calibration | 168 | 0.31 | 31.06 | 11.08 | 11.90 | 7.42 | 62.32% | |
Validation | 83 | 1.07 | 31.70 | 10.82 | 11.80 | 6.99 | 59.24% | |
Salinity (dS m−1) | Entire | 249 | 0.10 | 67.09 | 12.29 | 13.90 | 13.57 | 97.63% |
Models | Lv a | R2 | RMSE b | RPIQ c |
Model 1 | 7 | 0.76 | 4.30 | 2.10 |
Model 2 | 8 | 0.78 | 4.21 | 2.14 |
Model 3 | 1 | 0.39 | 4.29 | 2.10 |
Model 4 | 13 | 0.85 | 3.85 | 2.34 |
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Wang, Z.; Ding, J.; Zhang, Z. Estimation of Soil Organic Matter in Arid Zones with Coupled Environmental Variables and Spectral Features. Sensors 2022, 22, 1194.
Wang Z, Ding J, Zhang Z. Estimation of Soil Organic Matter in Arid Zones with Coupled Environmental Variables and Spectral Features. Sensors. 2022; 22(3):1194.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Zheng, Jianli Ding, and Zipeng Zhang. 2022. "Estimation of Soil Organic Matter in Arid Zones with Coupled Environmental Variables and Spectral Features" Sensors 22, no. 3: 1194.
APA StyleWang, Z., Ding, J., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Estimation of Soil Organic Matter in Arid Zones with Coupled Environmental Variables and Spectral Features. Sensors, 22(3), 1194.