Federated Learning Attacks Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Gaps, Assumptions, and Evaluation Setups
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- the properties of the attacks, and
- (2)
- the choice of experimental setups used to evaluate the attacks.
- We recognize three research gaps that raise questions about the effectiveness of attacks against specific ML functions (e.g., clustering and ranking) and models (e.g., Recurrent Reural Networks and Autoencoders).
- We highlight three recurring assumptions that limit the applicability of the proposed attacks to real-world deployments. These assumptions are related to the hyper-parameters of the ML model, the fraction of malicious clients, and data distribution.
- We identify six fallacies in the evaluation practices that can cause overestimation of the attacks’ effectiveness. The main fallacies stem from the choice of: datasets, models, and the size of the client population. In addition, we also propose a set of recommendations to mitigate these fallacies.
2. Background
2.1. Neural Networks
2.2. Federated Learning
- The server samples a subset of users clients to participate in the training round;
- The server disseminates the model and training algorithm to the selected clients;
- Clients train the model locally on their own data;
- Clients share (only) the resulting gradients (or model updates) with the server;
- The server aggregates the gradients to derive a new updated global model as follows
2.3. Review Studies
- (1)
- structure the publications dealing with privacy and security FL attacks according to classification schemes, thereby providing a structured overview of the research field,
- (2)
- conduct a quantitative analysis of the publications, highlighting areas of focus and gaps in the literature, and
- (3)
- provide a critical discussion of the applicability of the proposed attacks by taking a closer look at their assumptions and evaluation setups.
2.4. Introduction to Systematic Mapping Studies
- (1)
- providing classification(s) and a taxonomy,
- (2)
- identifying research gaps in the existing literature and possible future research, and
- (3)
- identifying trends and future research directions.
- Define a set of research questions to be answered by the analysis of the study.
- Conduct a search to find the relevant papers.
- Refine the selection of papers by employing inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- Define classification schemes to structure the papers into categories.
- Map the papers to the defined categories.
- Answer the research questions by analyzing the frequency of papers appearing in the defined categories.
3. Method
3.1. Objectives and Research Questions
- What are the research trends in the domain? For this question, we look at the development of the number of papers over years, the communities that conduct the research, and the type of research.
- What are the different types of attacks carried out against FL? We identify the attacks that have been proposed in FL and their properties.
- Which are the evaluation setups commonly used in the literature? We determine common evaluation practices in the field and discuss their implications.
- (1)
- identifying and capturing the research trends, attack types, and evaluation setups in terms of categories and characteristics, and
- (2)
- analyzing the literature and mapping it according to the established categories and characteristics of the respective research trends, attack types, and evaluation setups.
3.2. Search Strategy
- Automatic Search (src2.1 in Figure 3): We conducted the automatic search by relying on several popular search engines, namely, ACM Digital Library, IEEEXplore, Google Scholar, and arXiv. ACM Digital Library and IEEEXplore were considered. as they cover the key research communities (i.e., ML and security communities) and most cited publications from ACM and IEEE computer society. In addition, Google Scholar was used to ensure comprehensive results and avoid any bias towards specific publishers. Furthermore, using arXiv helps to cover the most recent advancements, which are not yet accepted for publication. The keywords to include FL-related terms are: “federated learning” and “collaborative learning”. Additionally, precise keywords related to attacks, namely, “inference attack”, “privacy attack”, and “poisoning attack” were also added to the search. Thereafter, a search string was composed using the updated keywords. This search retrieved all the papers that contain the search string in any part of them, i.e., title, abstract, or body. This in turn might have led to many papers that mention the relevant terms but do not fall within the scope of our study. Such papers werer filtered out in a subsequent step (selection process). The results of the automatic search are shown in Table 1.
- Manual Search (src2.2 in Figure 3): The titles of the papers published in a set of selected journals and conferences were manually reviewed. The journals and conferences were chosen based on the results of the pilot search to cover all the venues where papers on attacks in FL are published. The complete list of sources is shown in Table 2. As a complementary procedure, a number of well-known researchers in the field (e.g., H. Brendan McMahan) were identified, and their publications (on Google Scholar, private webpages, and university webpages) were tracked. The manual search resulted in identifying 20 potentially relevant articles.
Database & Papers Found | Search String |
Google Scholar: 1.070 | (“federated learning” OR “collaborative learning”) AND (“inference attack” OR “privacy attack” OR “poisoning attack”) |
ACM Digital Library: 49 | |
IEEEXplore: 171 | |
arXiv: 91 |
3.3. Selection Process
- (1)
- applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, and
- (2)
- performing a complementary forward and backward snowballing search.
- (1)
- Papers discuss attacks in FL. These papers include those that introduce novel attacks and papers that review existing attacks.
- (2)
- Papers published between 2016 (the year of coining the term Federated Learning by McMahan et al. [9]) and 2021.
- (1)
- Posters.
- (2)
- Papers about FL that do not cover any attack.
- (3)
- Papers not written in English.
- (4)
- Papers not accessible in full-text.
- (5)
- Duplicate papers.
3.4. Information Extraction and Classification
- (1)
- propose an initial set of classification schemes, and
- (2)
- sort the papers accordingly.
4. Results of the Mapping
4.1. Research Trends
- Solution: Proposes an approach to solve a problem. The approach can be novel or improves on existing ones. The proposed approach should be supported by good arguments or by other means.
- Validation: Investigates the validity of a novel approach that has not yet been “realized”. The validation can be performed through experiments, simulations, mathematical proofs, etc.
- Evaluation: Studies the properties of an existing approach (analyze, assess, and evaluate) to achieve a better understanding of its potential and limitations.
- Philosophical: Provides new insights, a new way of thinking, or a new conceptual view of research.
- Opinion: States the authors’ position towards a specific topic without introducing any research results.
- Experience: Describes the personal experience of the authors in conducting “a practice”.
4.2. Attack Types
- Privacy attacks (inference attacks): These attacks extract information about the training dataset, i.e., user data [30], and fall into three groups based on the obtained information:
- Membership inference: The adversary aims to determine whether a particular individual (or a data record) belongs to the training dataset [48].
- Property inference: The adversary aims to infer features of the training dataset; these features are not intended to be used for the main task of the model [49].
- Model inversion (attribute inference): The adversary aims to infer sensitive features used as input to the model [18].
- Poisoning attacks: These attacks target the model and data integrity. The adversary maliciously alters the model through manipulating the raw data, or the model updates on the user side or as an external eavesdropper. These attacks aim to achieve one of the following goals.
- Model corruption (label-flipping): The adversary corrupts the model to reduce its overall accuracy in its main task. This attack can target specific classes or be untargeted [50].
- Backdoor: The adversary implants a backdoor sub-task in the model while maintaining good accuracy of the main task. This backdoor is used later in the production phase to exploit the model, e.g., by forcing misclassification of a specific input [16].
- Black-box: The adversary can query the model and thus knows the inference result of a particular input. However, it does not observe the model’s parameters [51].
- White-box: The adversary can observe the model’s parameters [25]. This capability typically enables adversaries to carry out more sophisticated attacks.
4.3. Common Evaluation Setups
- Text: CLiPS Stylometry Investigation, Yelp-author, Reddit, Amazon Review, Yahoo Answers.
- Image: MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, LFW, CelebA, AT&T, CIFAR, CH-MNIS, ChestX-ray8, EndAD, EMNIST, Fer-2013, HAM10000, ImageNet, PIPA, SVHN, PubFig, Omniglot, mini-ImageNet, VGG2Face, fMRI, CASIA, Face, CINIC, Breast Histopathology Images.
- Key–value: Purchase, BC Wisconsin, Adult, FourSquare, Human Activity Recognition, Landmine, Texas-100, UNSW-Benign, Parkinson Data, Yelp-health, Bank Marketing, Credit Card, Drive Diagnosis, News Popularity, KDDCup99, DIoT, Criteo.
- Perturbation: This mechanism reduces the information leakage about the clients in FL by applying one of the following perturbation techniques.
- Regularization: While training the model locally on the client’s device, the client can apply regularization techniques such as dropout and batch normalization [59].
- Cryptographic approaches: Exposing the updates of an individual client can lead to severe information leakage about their training data [19]. Several techniques based on cryptography are proposed to mitigate this risk.
- Homomorphic encryption: Users can encrypt their updates with homomorphic encryption before sharing them with the server. Due to the homomorphic property, the server can compute the aggregation of the encrypted updates from all users to obtain an updated and encrypted global model. This model then is shared with the users, who can decrypt it [60].
- Secret sharing: Users can encrypt their updates with keys derived from shared secrets. That is, the server needs to aggregate the encrypted updates and thus the shared secrets from a sufficient number of users in order to be able to decrypt the aggregate [45].
- Trusted execution environment (TEE): The aggregation process on the server can be moved into a TEE, such that the executed code can be attested and verified to not leak individual clients’ updates [24].
- Sanitization: This mechanism is proposed to mitigate poisoning attacks. In this respect, two defense mechanisms have been developed in the literature
- Robust aggregation: To limit the impact of malicious updates on the global model, aggregation methods such as trimming the mean and calculating the median [61] are proposed.
- Technology description: We checked whether the authors state clearly which technologies they use to implement their experiments, such as programming languages and libraries.
- Source code availability: We checked whether the source code has been made publicly available.
ID | Paper | Year | Venue | Affiliation | Type of Research | Attack Purpose | Attack Mode | Observation | Access Point |
1 | Hitaj et al. [18] | 2017 | C,R | A | S | MV | A | W | C |
2 | Bagdasaryan et al. [16] | 2018 | C,R | A | S | BD | A | W | C |
3 | Bhagoji et al. [17] | 2018 | W | A,I | S | BD | A | W | C |
4 | Bhagoji et al. [67] | 2019 | C,R | A,I | S | BD | A | W | C |
5 | Wang et al. [25] | 2019 | C,R | A | S | MV | A,P | W | S |
6 | Nasr et al. [27] | 2019 | C,R | A | S | MI | A,P | W,B | C,S |
7 | Zhu et al. [19] | 2019 | C,R | A | S | MV | P | W | C,S,E |
8 | Wang et al. [68] | 2019 | R | A | S | PI | P | W | C |
9 | Melis et al. [69] | 2019 | C,R | A | S | MI,PI | A,P | W | C |
10 | Mao et al. [70] | 2019 | C | A | S | MI,MV | A | W | C |
11 | Liu et al. [71] | 2019 | C,R | A | S | MI | P | W | C |
12 | Sun et al. [72] | 2019 | R | I | E | BD | A | W | C |
13 | Fang et al. [51] | 2019 | R | A | S | MC | A | W,B | C |
14 | Zhang et al. [73] | 2019 | C | A | S | BD | A | W | C |
15 | Mahloujifar et al. [54] | 2019 | C | A | S | BD | A | W | C,S |
16 | Tomsett et al. [74] | 2019 | C | I | S | BD | A | W | C |
17 | Cao et al. [75] | 2019 | C | A | E | BD | A | W | C |
18 | Baruch et al. [76] | 2019 | C,R | A | S | MC,BD | A | W | C |
19 | Fung et al. [77] | 2019 | R | A | S,E | MC,BD | A | B | C |
20 | Zhao et al. [20] | 2020 | R | A | S | MV | P | W | C,S,E |
21 | Wei et al. [78] | 2020 | R | A | E | MV | A | W | C,S,E |
22 | Pustozerova and Mayer [56] | 2020 | W | A | E | MI | P | W | C |
23 | Geiping et al. [79] | 2020 | R | A | S | MV | A,P | W | S,E |
24 | Sun et al. [80] | 2020 | R | A | S | MC | A | W | C |
25 | Nguyen et al. [81] | 2020 | W | A | S | BD | A | B | C |
26 | Chen et al. [63] | 2020 | C,R | A | S | BD | A | W | C |
27 | Song et al. [82] | 2020 | J | A | S | MV | A,P | W | S |
28 | Zhang et al. [21] | 2020 | C | A | S | MI | P | W | C |
29 | Zhang et al. [83] | 2020 | J | A | S | MC,BD | A | W | C |
30 | Tolpegin et al. [50] | 2020 | C,R | A | S | MC | A | W | C |
31 | Luo et al. [52] | 2020 | R | A | S | PI | P | W | C |
32 | Zhu et al. [84] | 2020 | R | A | S | PI | P | W | C,E |
33 | Mo et al. [85] | 2020 | R | A | S | MV | P | W | C |
34 | Wu et al. [86] | 2020 | C | A | S | MV | P | W | C,S,E |
35 | Wang et al. [87] | 2020 | R | A,I | S | MV | P | W | C,S,E |
36 | Xu et al. [88] | 2020 | C | A | E | PI | A,P | W | C |
37 | Chen et al. [89] | 2020 | C | A | E | MI | P | W | C |
38 | Lu et al. [90] | 2020 | R | A,I | E | MI | P | W | E |
39 | Xu et al. [91] | 2020 | C | A | E | MV | A | W | C |
40 | Qian et al. [92] | 2020 | R | A | E | MV | P | W | C,S,E |
41 | Xie et al. [93] | 2020 | C,R | A | E | MC | A,P | B | C |
42 | Wainakh et al. [94] | 2021 | C | A | S | MV | P | B,W | C,S,E |
43 | Shen et al. [95] | 2021 | J | A | E | MV | P | W | C,S |
44 | Enthoven et al. [22] | 2021 | R | A | S | MV | P | W | S |
45 | Fu et al. [96] | 2021 | R | A | S | MV | A,P | W | C |
46 | Shejwalkar et al. [23] | 2021 | R | A,I | S | MC | A | B,W | C |
47 | Wainakh et al. [97] | 2021 | R | A | S | MV | P | B,W | C,S,E |
48 | Shejwalkar et al. [98] | 2021 | R | A | S | MC | A | W | C |
Reported | Unreported | |
Python | 23 (48%) | - |
PyTorch | 18 (38%) | |
Public source code | 8 (16%) | |
Total | 25 (52%) | 23 (48%) |
ID | Paper | Target Model | Num. of Datasets | Countermeasures | Public Code | Python | Libraries |
1 | Hitaj et al. [18] | CNN | 2 | NU | ✗ | ✗ | t7 |
3 | Bagdasaryan et al. [16] | CNN,RNN | 2 | AD,NU,RA | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
3 | Bhagoji et al. [17] | CNN | 1 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
4 | Bhagoji et al. [67] | CNN,MLP | 2 | RA | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
5 | Wang et al. [25] | CNN | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
6 | Nasr et al. [27] | CNN,MLP | 3 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
7 | Zhu et al. [19] | CNN,AE | 4 | NU,RU,SS,HE | ✓ | ✓ | pt |
8 | Wang et al. [68] | CNN,MLP | 4 | RU,Reg | ✗ | ✓ | pt,sk |
9 | Melis et al. [69] | CNN | 7 | RU,Reg,NU | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
10 | Mao et al. [70] | CNN,DNN | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
11 | Liu et al. [71] | CNN,AE | 3 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
12 | Sun et al. [72] | CNN | 1 | NU,Reg | ✓ | ✓ | tf,tff |
13 | Fang et al. [51] | LR,CNN,DNN | 4 | AD | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
14 | Zhang et al. [73] | CNN | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
15 | Mahloujifar et al. [54] | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
16 | Tomsett et al. [74] | CNN | 1 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
17 | Cao et al. [75] | CNN | 1 | RA | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
18 | Baruch et al. [76] | CNN,MLP | 2 | AD,RA | ✓ | ✓ | pt |
19 | Fung et al. [77] | CNN | 4 | AD,RA | ✗ | ✓ | sk |
20 | Zhao et al. [20] | CNN | 3 | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | pt |
21 | Wei et al. [78] | CNN,MLP | 5 | NU,Reg | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
22 | Pustozerova and Mayer [56] | MLP | 1 | NU | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
23 | Geiping et al. [79] | CNN | 3 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
24 | Sun et al. [80] | CNN | 4 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
25 | Nguyen et al. [81] | RNN | 3 | NU,AD,Reg | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
26 | Chen et al. [63] | CNN | 2 | AD | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
27 | Song et al. [82] | CNN | 2 | HE,RA,RU,TEE | ✗ | ✓ | kr |
28 | Zhang et al. [21] | ✗ | 1 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt,kr,tf,sk |
29 | Zhang et al. [83] | CNN | 3 | AD | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
30 | Tolpegin et al. [50] | CNN,DNN | 2 | AD | ✓ | ✓ | pt |
31 | Luo et al. [52] | LR,DT,RF,MLP | 4 | NU,Reg | ✗ | ✓ | pt,sk |
32 | Zhu et al. [84] | CNN,DNN | 2 | TEE | ✓ | ✓ | pt |
33 | Mo et al. [85] | CNN,DNN | 3 | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | pt,th |
34 | Wu et al. [86] | CNN | 3 | NU,RU | ✗ | ✓ | tf |
35 | Wang et al. [87] | CNN,DNN | 4 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
36 | Xu et al. [88] | CNN | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
37 | Chen et al. [89] | CNN | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt,kr,tf |
38 | Lu et al. [90] | MLP | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
39 | Xu et al. [91] | LR,MLP | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | kr,tf,tff,f |
40 | Qian et al. [92] | CNN,MLP | 6 | NU | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
41 | Xie et al. [93] | CNN | 1 | RA | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
42 | Wainakh et al. [94] | CNN | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | pt |
43 | Shen et al. [95] | CNN,MLP | 4 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
44 | Enthoven et al. [22] | CNN,MLP | 2 | ✗ | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
45 | Fu et al. [96] | CNN,MLP | 6 | NU,RU | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
46 | Shejwalkar et al. [23] | CNN,MLP | 3 | RU,RA | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
47 | Wainakh et al. [97] | CNN | 4 | NU,RU | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
48 | Shejwalkar et al. [98] | CNN,MLP | 4 | RA | ✗ | ? | ✗ |
5. Discussion
5.1. Main Research Gaps
5.2. Assumption Issues
5.3. Fallacies in Evaluation Setups
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AE | Autoencoder |
CIFG | Coupled Input and Forget Gate |
CL | Collaborative learning |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
DNN | Deconvolutional Neural Network |
DOSN | Decentralized Online Social Network |
DP | Differential Privacy |
DT | decision tree |
FL | Federated learning |
HFL | Hierarchical federated learning |
IID | Independent and Identically Distributed |
IoT | Internet of Things |
LR | logistic regression |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
ML | Machine learning |
MLP | Multilayer Perceptron |
NN | Neural Network |
OSN | Online Social Network |
RF | random forest |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network |
SLR | systematic literature review |
SMS | systematic mapping study |
TEE | Trusted execution environment |
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Journal | Name | Publisher * |
TOPS | Transactions on Privacy and Security | ACM |
TIFS | Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | IEEE |
Conference | Name | Publisher * |
S&P | Symposium on Security and Privacy | IEEE |
CCS | Conference on Computer and Communications Security | ACM |
USENIX Security | USENIX Security Symposium | USENIX |
PETS | Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium | Sciendo |
EuroS&P | European Symposium on Security and Privacy | IEEE |
NDSS | Network and Distributed System Security Symposium | Internet Society |
CSF | Computer Security Foundations Symposium | IEEE |
ACSAC | Annual Computer Security Applications Conference | ACM |
ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | Springer |
NeurIPS | Neural Information Processing Systems | Curran Associates |
ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning | PMLR |
ICLR | International Conference on Learning Representations | OpenReview.net |
InfoCom | International Conference on Computer Communications | IEEE |
AISTATS | Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | - |
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Wainakh, A.; Zimmer, E.; Subedi, S.; Keim, J.; Grube, T.; Karuppayah, S.; Sanchez Guinea, A.; Mühlhäuser, M. Federated Learning Attacks Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Gaps, Assumptions, and Evaluation Setups. Sensors 2023, 23, 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23010031
Wainakh A, Zimmer E, Subedi S, Keim J, Grube T, Karuppayah S, Sanchez Guinea A, Mühlhäuser M. Federated Learning Attacks Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Gaps, Assumptions, and Evaluation Setups. Sensors. 2023; 23(1):31. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23010031
Chicago/Turabian StyleWainakh, Aidmar, Ephraim Zimmer, Sandeep Subedi, Jens Keim, Tim Grube, Shankar Karuppayah, Alejandro Sanchez Guinea, and Max Mühlhäuser. 2023. "Federated Learning Attacks Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Gaps, Assumptions, and Evaluation Setups" Sensors 23, no. 1: 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23010031
APA StyleWainakh, A., Zimmer, E., Subedi, S., Keim, J., Grube, T., Karuppayah, S., Sanchez Guinea, A., & Mühlhäuser, M. (2023). Federated Learning Attacks Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Gaps, Assumptions, and Evaluation Setups. Sensors, 23(1), 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23010031