In-the-Wild Affect Analysis of Children with ASD Using Heart Rate
:1. Introduction
- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that presents a wearable emotion recognition technique using heart rate information as the primary signal from a smart bracelet to classify the emotions of participants with ASD in real time.
- The dataset compiled for this study contains face videos and heart rate data collected in an in-the-wild set-up where the participants interact with an avatar to code a robot.
- A semi-automated heart rate data annotation technique based on facial expression recognition is presented.
- The performance of a raw HR-signal-based emotion classification algorithm is compared with a classification approach based on features extracted from HR signals using discrete wavelet transform.
- The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a comparable performance to state-of-the-art HR-based emotion recognition techniques, despite being conducted in an uncontrolled setting rather than a controlled lab environment.
2. Related Work
3. Methods
3.1. Subject Information
3.2. Interaction of Children with Avatar
3.3. Semi-Automated Emotion Annotation Process
3.4. Feature Extraction
- represents heart rate at time t.
- n corresponds to the length of the time window.
Discrete Wavelet Transform
3.5. Emotion Recognition
4. Results and Discussion
Comparison with Related Studies
5. Conclusions
6. Limitations and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
FER | Facial expression recognition |
HR | Heart rate |
DWT | Discrete wavelet transform |
KNN | K-nearest neighbors |
RF | Random forest |
SVM | Support vector machine |
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Ref. | Related Work | Signal Type | Subject Number | Stimulation Materials | Performance |
[39] | Grossard et al. | Video | 36 | Imitation of facial expressions of an avatar presented on the screen | Accuracy: 66.43% (neutral, happy, sad, angry) |
[32] | Coco et al. | Video | 5 | Video | Entropy score: (happiness: 1776, fear: 1574, sadness: 1644) |
[40] | Marinoiu et al. | Body posture videos | 7 | Robot-assisted therapy sessions | RMSE: (valence: 0.099, arousal: 0.107) |
[41] | Kumar et al. | Gesture videos | 10 | Unknown | F-Measure: (angry: 95.1%, fear: 99.1%, happy: 95.1%, neutral: 99.5%, sad: 93.7%) |
[28] | Liu et al. | Skin conductance | 4 | Computer tasks | Accuracy: 82% |
[42] | Sarabadani et al. | Respiration | 15 | Images | Accuracy: (low/positive vs. low/negative: 84.5% and high/positive vs. high negative: 78.1%) |
[43] | Rusli et al. | Temperature (thermal imaging) | 23 | Video | Accuracy: 88% |
P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | P7 | P8 | P9 |
828 s | 846 s | 786 s | 540 s | 660 s | 480 s | 583 s | 611 s | 779 s |
Features | SVM | RF | KNN |
DWT features | 39.8% | 35.7% | 33.4% |
HR signal | 38.1% | 31.9% | 36.7% |
Features | Average Precision | Average Recall | F1 Score |
DWT features | 0.399 | 0.397 | 0.398 |
HR signal | 0.382 | 0.381 | 0.381 |
Author | Participants | Stimuli | Classifer | No. Classes | Accuracy |
Shu et al. [15] | 25 | China Emotional Video Stimuli (CEVS) | Gradient boosting decision tree | 3 | 84% |
Bulagang et al. [16] | 20 | Virtual reality (VR) 360° videos | SVM, KNN, RF | 4 | 100% for intra-subject and 46.7% for inter-subject |
Nguyen et al. [14] | 5 | Android application | SVM | 3 | 79% |
Ours | 9 | Real-time interaction with avatar | SVM, KNN, RF | 3 | 100% for intra-subject and 39.8% for inter-subject |
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Share and Cite
Ali, K.; Shah, S.; Hughes, C.E. In-the-Wild Affect Analysis of Children with ASD Using Heart Rate. Sensors 2023, 23, 6572.
Ali K, Shah S, Hughes CE. In-the-Wild Affect Analysis of Children with ASD Using Heart Rate. Sensors. 2023; 23(14):6572.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAli, Kamran, Sachin Shah, and Charles E. Hughes. 2023. "In-the-Wild Affect Analysis of Children with ASD Using Heart Rate" Sensors 23, no. 14: 6572.
APA StyleAli, K., Shah, S., & Hughes, C. E. (2023). In-the-Wild Affect Analysis of Children with ASD Using Heart Rate. Sensors, 23(14), 6572.