Logistics Village Location with Capacity Planning Problem, an MILP Model Approach
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Method
3.1. Problem Formulation and Assumptions
- Multiple cargo types including agricultural, industrial, mineral, structural, alimentary, and bestial as well as various transportation modes are considered;
- Multiple value-adding services including warehousing, refrigeration, sorting, and packaging are assumed to be implementable in the logistics village;
- Decision variables of the model include logistics village location, cargo volume transported between inside and outside province nodes, transportation mode, capacity of warehousing, refrigeration, sorting, and packaging services;
- Total costs include lifetime costs of facility (road, rail, power, water, etc.) provision (including investment, operations, and maintenance costs), transportation costs and warehousing, refrigeration, sorting and packaging service costs. These costs are annualized over their lifetime period;
- Revenues include revenues generated by providing the aforementioned value-adding services. The model provides a trade-off between these revenues and costs and makes it possible to select a location that best satisfies various stakeholders of the logistics village (i.e., cargo owners, transportation companies, as well as the logistics village investors/owners);
- Qazvin province’s imports and exports are estimated through the lifetime of the logistics village based on various growth models and the most precise forecasts (in terms of relative error in forecasting training data) are applied for each cargo type.
3.2. Mathematical Model
- Pre-process the solution space and determine the feasible region using Geographic Information System (GIS) based overlaying method. This approach lowers the number of variables (in particular integer and binary variables) and constraints of the model;
- Solve the model using the resultant reduced solution space.
4. Results
4.1. Model Inputs
4.2. Feasible Region
- Environmentally protected lands: These areas should be excluded from feasible blocks because of their recognized natural, ecological, or cultural values. Logistics activities might result in environmental pollutions which would be harmful to plant and animal species. Some examples of such lands include national parks, national natural landmarks, and wildlife shelters;
- Land cover constraints: Since the establishment of logistics centers in large land areas would require cutting trees, land cover constraints should be applied to the feasible regions. Wetland swamp, groves, shrubs, and forests are some cases that are not allowed for the establishment of a logistics center;
- Sloped lands: In such cases, excavation and embankment costs require more funding sources. Since logistics centers should be linked to rail network systems, technical constraints of railways should also be considered. Hence, lands with a slope of more than 20% are excluded from the feasible region;
- Seismic risk areas: Main faults and their boundaries are among non-compensatory items in locating problems. The blocks located in seismic risk areas, then, should be removed;
- Flood risk areas: logistics centers play an important role in supply chains and supporting industries, making them vulnerable to floods;
- Environmental boundary of cities: Side effects of logistics center establishments include increased heavy vehicles volume, traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, and traffic safety issues. Therefore, environmental boundary of cities should not be included in the feasible region to avoid the negative impacts of logistics centers;
- Energy lines limits areas: constructions surrounding energy lines (power and gas) are prohibited for safety and security reasons;
- Land use constraints: The establishment of logistics centers on agricultural land would increase infrastructure costs and destroy crops, as well as negatively affect the agriculture sector due to unemployment.
4.3. Model Outputs
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Mode | Export | Import | Total | |||
Tonnage | Share (%) | Tonnage | Share (%) | Tonnage | Share (%) | |
Road | 7,809,626 | 94.45 | 7,820,107 | 97.63 | 15,629,733 | 96.02 |
Rail | 58,094 | 0.70 | 189,267 | 2.37 | 247,361 | 1.52 |
Marine | 400,664 | 4.85 | - | - | 400,664 | 2.46 |
Total | 8,268,384 | 100 | 8,009,374 | 100 | 1,627,758 | 100 |
Symbol | Definition |
Sets and Indices | |
Set of feasible logistics village locations, indexed by . | |
Set of all (feasible and infeasible) nodes located in the province indexed by . | |
Set of provincial border nodes indexed by . | |
Set of origin/destination nodes located out of province indexed by . | |
Set of cargo types indexed by (agricultural, industrial, mineral, structural, alimentary, and bestial). | |
Set of transportation modes indexed by (rail, road). | |
Set of transport link directions indexed by (from/to logistic village, from/to the province). | |
Set of necessary facilities indexed by (rail, road). | |
Set of services provided by the logistics village indexed by (warehousing, sorting, and packaging). | |
Parameters | |
Distance between external nodes (l) and border nodes (b) using transportation mode m. | |
Distance between border nodes (b) and feasible logistics village location node (i) using transportation mode m. | |
Distance between border nodes (b) and all feasible and infeasible nodes (j) using transportation mode m. | |
Distance between feasible logistics village location node (i) and all feasible and infeasible nodes (j) using transportation mode m. | |
Distance between feasible logistics village location node (i) and facility e. | |
Unit cost of transporting cargo type t using transportation mode m (IRR per ton-kilometer). | |
Annualized unit cost of establishment, operation and maintenance of facility e (IRR per kilometer). | |
Unit cost of capacity development for service k (IRR per ton). | |
Demand/supply of all feasible and infeasible nodes (j) for cargo type t in direction d using transportation mode m. | |
Demand/supply of external nodes (l) for cargo type t in direction d using transportation mode m. | |
Coefficient of area needed for service k (per m2). | |
Revenue (value-added) by applying service k on cargo type t (IRR/ ton). | |
Minimum number of grids (area) of the logistics village. | |
A sufficiently large number. | |
Decision Variables | |
Binary variable; = 1 if feasible logistics village location node (i) is selected for logistics village; 0 otherwise. | |
Volume of cargo type t transported from external nodes (l) to border nodes (b) using mode m in direction d. | |
Volume of cargo type t transported from border nodes (b) to feasible logistics village location node (i) using mode m in direction d. | |
Volume of cargo type t transported from feasible logistics village location node (i) to all feasible and infeasible nodes (j) using mode m in direction d. | |
Volume of cargo type t transported from border nodes (b) to all feasible and infeasible nodes (j) using mode m in direction d. | |
Volume of cargo type t receiving service type k at feasible logistics village location node (i). | |
Capacity of service type k at feasible logistics village location node (i). |
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Share and Cite
Baghestani, A.; Abbasi, M.; Rastegar, S.; Mamdoohi, A.R.; Afaghpoor, A.; Saffarzadeh, M. Logistics Village Location with Capacity Planning Problem, an MILP Model Approach. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4633. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054633
Baghestani A, Abbasi M, Rastegar S, Mamdoohi AR, Afaghpoor A, Saffarzadeh M. Logistics Village Location with Capacity Planning Problem, an MILP Model Approach. Sustainability. 2023; 15(5):4633. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054633
Chicago/Turabian StyleBaghestani, Amirhossein, Mohammadhossein Abbasi, Saeed Rastegar, Amir Reza Mamdoohi, Atoosa Afaghpoor, and Mahmoud Saffarzadeh. 2023. "Logistics Village Location with Capacity Planning Problem, an MILP Model Approach" Sustainability 15, no. 5: 4633. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054633
APA StyleBaghestani, A., Abbasi, M., Rastegar, S., Mamdoohi, A. R., Afaghpoor, A., & Saffarzadeh, M. (2023). Logistics Village Location with Capacity Planning Problem, an MILP Model Approach. Sustainability, 15(5), 4633. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054633