A Feature Selection Model for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on PSO, GWO, FFA and GA Algorithms
:1. Introduction
- Identify the optimal feature set that is in the UNSW-NB15 dataset. The present study aimed to do that based on the PSO, GWO, FFA and GA algorithms;
- Propose a filtering-based feature selection model for the NIDS. The present study aimed to do that based on the PSO, GWO, FFA and GA algorithms. It aimed to do that to reduce the number of the selected features;
- Determine the best combination between the PSO, GWO, FFA and GA algorithms. The present study aimed to determine that to filter the selected features that improve the performance of the detection mechanism.
2. Related Works
3. The Proposed Model
3.1. The Pre-Processing Stage
- A
- The removal of the labels: Each feature in the original UNSW-NB15 dataset has a label. Removing those labels is important in order to adapt the dataset with the EvoloPy-FS environment;
- B
- Removing Features: The original UNSW-NB15 dataset has 45 features. Two features of those features are class labels (attack cat and label). The attack cat cannot be considered as a feature. Thus, it is important to delete it. Deleting it is important because the main objective sought from this work is represented in reducing the features;
- C
- Label encoding: Some labels in the dataset—e.g., protocol, state and service type—are given string values. Therefore, it is very significant to have those values encoded into numerical values;
- D
- Data binarization: The numerical data in the dataset are in various ranges. During the training process, these data provide the classifier with a variety of challenges in order to compensate for such variations. Therefore, the values in each feature must be standardized. Thus, the least value in each one of the features should be 0. However, the maximum value should be 1. It makes the classifier more homogeneous. It preserves the difference between the values of each feature.
3.2. The Selection of Features Based on the Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms
3.2.1. GA Features Selection
3.2.2. PSO Features Selection
3.2.3. GWO Features Selection
- (1)
- Tracking the prey and chasing and approaching it;
- (2)
- Pursuing the prey and encircling and harassing it to stop its movement;
- (3)
- Launching an attack against the prey being attacked. The algorithm mimics the whole described hierarchy and group hunting procedures. It mimics those procedures to solve complex engineering problems.
3.2.4. FFA Features Selection
- (a)
- Regarding all the fireflies, they are unisex;
- (b)
- The brightness of the fireflies is proportional to their attractiveness;
- (c)
- The firefly’s brightness is determined and influenced by the environment of the objective functions. In terms of the maximization problem, the brightness may be proportional to the value of the objective function.
3.3. Feature Selection Model Based on MI
- Selected feature set based on PSO (S1);
- Selected feature set based on GWO (S2);
- Selected feature set based on FFA (S3);
- Selected feature set based on GA (S4).
3.4. Machine Learning Classifiers
3.4.1. SVM Classifier
3.4.2. J48 (C4.5 Decision Tree) Classifier
4. Dataset Description
5. Performance Evaluation Metrics
6. Results and Discussion
6.1. Selected Feature Experiments Results
6.2. Experimental Evaluation Results
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Rule Number | Rules | Output |
R1 | S {f: f ∈ (S1∩S2)} | S5 |
R2 | S {f: f ∈ ((S1∩S3)} | S6 |
R3 | S {f: f ∈ ((S1∩S4)} | S7 |
R4 | S {f: f ∈ ((S2∩S3)} | S8 |
R5 | S {f: f ∈ ((S2∩S4)} | S9 |
R6 | S {f: f ∈ ((S3∩S4)} | S10 |
R7 | S {f: f ∈ ((S1∩S2∩S3)} | S11 |
R8 | S {f: f ∈ ((S1∩S2∩S4)} | S12 |
R9 | S {f: f ∈ ((S1∩S3∩S4)} | S13 |
R10 | S {f: f ∈ ((S2∩S3∩S4)} | S14 |
R11 | S {f: f ∈ ((S1∩S2∩S3∩S4)} | S15 |
R12 | S {f: f ∈ ((S11∩S12∩S13∩S14)} | S16 |
R13 | S {f: f ∈ ((S5∩S6∩S7∩S8∩S9∩S10)} | S17 |
Feature No | Feature Name | Feature No | Feature Name | Feature No | Feature Name |
1 | id | 16 | dloss | 31 | response_body_len |
2 | dur | 17 | sinpkt | 32 | ct_srv_src |
3 | proto | 18 | dinpkt | 33 | ct_state_ttl |
4 | service | 19 | sjit | 34 | ct_dst_ltm |
5 | state | 20 | djit | 35 | ct_src_dport_ltm |
6 | spkts | 21 | swin | 36 | ct_dst_sport_ltm |
7 | dpkts | 22 | stcpb | 37 | ct_dst_src_ltm |
8 | sbytes | 23 | dtcpb | 38 | is_ftp_login |
9 | dbytes | 24 | dwin | 39 | ct_ftp_cmd |
10 | rate | 25 | tcprtt | 40 | ct_flw_http_mthd |
11 | sttl | 26 | synack | 41 | ct_src_ltm |
12 | dttl | 27 | ackdat | 42 | ct_srv_dst |
13 | sload | 28 | smean | 43 | is_sm_ips_ports |
14 | dload | 29 | dmean | 44 | attack_cat |
15 | sloss | 30 | trans_depth | 45 | label |
Predicted | |||
Normal | Attack | ||
Actual | Normal | a (TP) | b (FN) |
Attack | c (FP) | d (TN) |
Rule | Select Features | Features Number |
PSO | f2,f4,f5,f7,f11,f12,f16,f17,f18,f19,f20,f22,f23,f24 f25,f26,f28,f30,f31,f33,f34,f39,f40,f41,f43 | 25 |
GWO | f1,f4,f5,f6,f9,f13,f16,f17,f22,f23,f26,f28,f29,f35, f36, f37,f38,f40,f41,f43 | 20 |
FFA | f1, f2, f3,f6,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12,f13,f16,f19,f26,f28, f31,32, f34,f35,f37,f41,f43 | 21 |
GA | f1,f2,f3,f4,f6,f7,f8,f9,f11,f16,f21,f24,f25,f27,f28 f32,f34,f35,f37,f39,f41,f42,f43 | 23 |
(R1) PSO∩ GWO | f4,f5,f16,f17,f22,f23,f26,f28,f35,f40,f41,f43 | 12 |
(R2) PSO∩FFA | f2,f11,f12,f16,f19,f26,f28,f31,f35,f41,43 | 11 |
(R3) PSO∩GA | f2,f4,f7,f11,f16,f24,f25,f28,f35,f39,41,f43 | 12 |
(R4) GWO∩FFA | f1,f6,f9,f13,f16,f26,f28,f35,f37,f41,f43 | 11 |
(R5) GWO∩GA | f1,f4,f6,f9,f16,f28,f35,f37,f41,f43 | 10 |
(R6) FFA∩GA | f1,f2,f3,f6,f8,f9,f11,f16,f28,f32,f34,f35,f37,f41,f43 | 15 |
(R7) PSO∩GWO∩FFA | f16,f26,f28,f35,f42,f43 | 6 |
(R8) PSO∩GWO∩GA | f4,f16,f28,f35,f41,f43 | 6 |
(R9) PSO∩FFA∩GA | f2,f11,f16,f28,f35,f41,f43 | 7 |
(R10) GWO∩FFA∩GA | f1,f6,f9,f16,f28,f38,f37,f41,f43 | 9 |
(R11) PSO∩GWO∩FFA∩GA | f16,f28,f35,f41,f43 | 5 |
(R12) (PSO∩GWO∩FFA)∪ (PSO∩GWO∩GA) ∪ (PSO∩ FFA ∩GA)∪ (GWO∩FFA ∩GA) | f1,f2,f4,f6,f9,f11,f16,f26,f28,f35,f37,f41,f43 | 13 |
(R13) (PSO∩GWO)∪(PSO∩FFA)∪ (PSO∩GA)∪(GWO∩FFA)∪ (GWO∩GA)∪(FFA∩GA) | f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f11,f12,f13,f16,f17 f19,f22,f23,f24,f25,f26,f28,f31,f32 f34,f35,f37,f39,f40,41,f43 | 30 |
Rule | TPR | FNR | FPR | TNR | Accuracy | Precision | Sensitivity | F-Measure |
All | 63.99% | 36.01% | 4.57% | 95.42% | 81.29% | 91.94% | 63.98% | 75.46% |
PSO | 80.844% | 19.156% | 2.817% | 97.183% | 89.013% | 96.107% | 80.844% | 87.817% |
GWO | 93.797% | 6.203% | 20.952% | 79.048% | 85.676% | 78.513% | 93.797% | 85.477% |
FFA | 96.586% | 3.414% | 22.592% | 77.408% | 86.037% | 77.764% | 96.586% | 86.159% |
GA | 96.700% | 3.300% | 21.164% | 78.836% | 86.874% | 78.892% | 96.700% | 86.893% |
R1 | 81.097% | 18.903% | 22.331% | 77.669% | 79.210% | 74.774% | 81.097% | 77.807% |
R2 | 93.854% | 6.146% | 24.307% | 75.693% | 83.854% | 75.912% | 93.854% | 83.935% |
R3 | 94.124% | 5.876% | 24.307% | 75.693% | 83.976% | 75.965% | 94.124% | 84.075% |
R4 | 94.314% | 5.686% | 24.307% | 75.693% | 84.061% | 76.001% | 94.314% | 84.173% |
R5 | 94.314% | 5.686% | 23.204% | 76.796% | 84.668% | 76.838% | 94.314% | 84.684% |
R6 | 94.314% | 5.686% | 22.984% | 77.016% | 84.790% | 77.008% | 94.314% | 84.786% |
R7 | 86.481% | 13.519% | 24.537% | 75.463% | 80.415% | 74.205% | 86.481% | 79.874% |
R8 | 86.349% | 13.651% | 26.681% | 73.319% | 79.175% | 72.539% | 86.349% | 78.844% |
R9 | 86.349% | 13.651% | 26.681% | 73.319% | 79.175% | 72.539% | 86.349% | 78.844% |
R10 | 96.549% | 3.451% | 25.410% | 74.590% | 84.458% | 75.617% | 96.549% | 84.810% |
R11 | 89.051% | 10.949% | 26.681% | 73.319% | 80.389% | 73.148% | 89.051% | 80.320% |
R12 | 97.127% | 2.873% | 16.587% | 83.413% | 89.576% | 82.697% | 97.127% | 89.333% |
R13 | 97.141% | 2.859% | 14.950% | 85.050% | 90.484% | 84.136% | 97.141% | 90.172% |
Rules | TPR | FNR | FPR | TNR | Accuracy | Precision | Sensitivity | F-Measure |
All | 63.965% | 36.035% | 4.809% | 95.191% | 81.158% | 91.566% | 63.965% | 75.316% |
PSO | 79.562% | 20.438% | 2.596% | 97.404% | 89.152% | 96.345% | 79.562% | 87.153% |
GWO | 93.570% | 6.430% | 22.931% | 77.069% | 84.485% | 76.908% | 93.570% | 84.425% |
FFA | 95.235% | 4.765% | 22.592% | 77.408% | 85.429% | 77.519% | 95.235% | 85.469% |
GA | 96.970% | 3.030% | 22.270% | 77.730% | 86.387% | 78.079% | 96.970% | 86.505% |
R1 | 80.827% | 19.173% | 23.265% | 76.735% | 78.576% | 74.774% | 80.827% | 77.248% |
R2 | 93.884% | 6.116% | 24.994% | 75.006% | 83.388% | 74.998% | 93.884% | 83.385% |
R3 | 94.154% | 5.846% | 24.994% | 75.006% | 83.508% | 75.052% | 94.154% | 83.525% |
R4 | 94.154% | 5.846% | 24.562% | 75.438% | 83.748% | 75.377% | 94.154% | 83.726% |
R5 | 94.154% | 5.846% | 24.346% | 75.654% | 83.868% | 75.540% | 94.154% | 83.826% |
R6 | 94.154% | 5.846% | 24.130% | 75.870% | 83.988% | 75.705% | 94.154% | 83.927% |
R7 | 86.751% | 13.249% | 24.978% | 75.022% | 80.293% | 73.923% | 86.751% | 79.825% |
R8 | 86.403% | 13.597% | 26.902% | 73.098% | 79.077% | 72.387% | 86.403% | 78.776% |
R9 | 86.403% | 13.597% | 26.902% | 73.098% | 79.077% | 72.387% | 86.403% | 78.776% |
R10 | 96.278% | 3.722% | 25.631% | 74.369% | 84.215% | 75.405% | 96.278% | 84.573% |
R11 | 88.781% | 11.219% | 26.902% | 73.098% | 80.146% | 72.926% | 88.781% | 80.077% |
R12 | 96.586% | 3.414% | 16.587% | 83.413% | 89.333% | 82.617% | 96.586% | 89.058% |
R13 | 96.870% | 3.130% | 15.391% | 84.609% | 90.119% | 83.706% | 96.870% | 89.808% |
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Almomani, O. A Feature Selection Model for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on PSO, GWO, FFA and GA Algorithms. Symmetry 2020, 12, 1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12061046
Almomani O. A Feature Selection Model for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on PSO, GWO, FFA and GA Algorithms. Symmetry. 2020; 12(6):1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12061046
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlmomani, Omar. 2020. "A Feature Selection Model for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on PSO, GWO, FFA and GA Algorithms" Symmetry 12, no. 6: 1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12061046
APA StyleAlmomani, O. (2020). A Feature Selection Model for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on PSO, GWO, FFA and GA Algorithms. Symmetry, 12(6), 1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12061046