1. Introduction
In this modern age of technology, modeling uncertainties in engineering, computer sciences, social sciences, medical sciences and economics is growing widely. To tackle such types of problems, classical mathematical methods are not always useful. In 1965, Zadeh [
1], coined the notion of fuzzy set (FS) to handel the uncertainties in every day language. In FS theory, a person who is very sick could have the degree of sickness near to 0.89. On contrary, a person who is having degree of sickness 0.12 indicates that he has nearly recovered from illness. In decision making (DM) and operational research the concept of FS theory was broadly studied since 1965 (see [
However, only the membership function is not always sufficient to describe the complexities in real life problems. In [
7], Atanassov proposed the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) as an extension of FS. Atanassov’s IFS enhanced the idea of FS by allowing the objects non-membership degrees along with the existing membership degrees satisfying the condition that their sum will not exceed 1. Atanassov [
8] introduced the concept of IF-relations on IFSs. Since then, there is a lot of research on IFSs and they have many real-life applications such as optimization in IF-environment [
9], multi-attribute decision making (MADM) [
12]. Feng et al. [
13] introduced lexicographic orders of IF-values and their relationships.
Although, in some real life problems, the sum of membership and non-membership grades of the objects may exceed 1. To eradicate this problem, Yager [
15] extended the concept of IFS to Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS), where the sum of the squares of its membership and non-membership degrees must not exceed 1. Yager’s concept of PFS is also familiar as Atanassov’s IFS of type 2 [
16]. Many scientists have been studied PFS in various aspects (see [
19]). Furthermore, Yager in [
20] generalized the notion of PFS and defined a new concept of q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS). Further research on q-ROFS with significant advances were made in [
22]. Zhang [
23] introduced bipolar FS and relations, and Chen [
24] proposed m-polar FS. Akram [
25] studied m-polar F graphs, theory, methods and applications in DM.
The concepts of FSs, IFSs, PFSs, and q-ROFSs, have a lot of research and applications in real-life. However, these sets have some strict conditions on membership and non-membership grades. In order to relax these strict conditions, Riaz and Hashmi [
26], introduced the novel concept of linear Diophantine fuzzy set (LDFS). A LDFS extended the space of above mentioned sets by adding reference parameters corresponding to the membership and non-membership grades. LDFSs are most suitable mathematical structure in MADM where the decision makers can freely select the grades [
26]. The study of LDFSs is growing rapidly, in recent days. Riaz et al. [
27] established the notions of hybrid models namely, linear Diophantine fuzzy soft rough sets (LDFSRSs), and soft rough linear Diophantine fuzzy sets (SRLDFSs). They have also applied these notions on robust MCDM problem for the selection of sustainable material handling equipment. Recently, Kamaci [
28] extended LDFSs towards various algebraic structures such as groups, rings and fields, and studied some related important properties. Almagrabi [
29] introduced a new approach to q-linear Diophantine fuzzy emergency decision support system for COVID-19.
Binary relations are important and fundamental in different fields of pure and applied sciences to describe the correspondences among various objects. Since there are many real life objects which may not satisfy the bivalent condition and may be related to each other to a certain degree. In 1971, Zadeh [
2] fuzzified the notion of binary relation and introduced the concept of fuzzy relation (F-relation). F-relations play an important role in FS theory and its applications. To model the situations where interactions between elements are more or less strong, F-relations are very useful. FS and FS-relations have a lot of important applications in diverse type of areas, for instance in F modeling, F control and uncertainty reasoning, neural network, data bases, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence (AI), clustering, medicine, economy and MCDM. A detailed study on FSs and F-relations is presented in “Mathematics of fuzziness—Basic issues” by Wang et al. in [
Zadeh’s F-relation provide the degree to which two objects are related to each other. However, in real life, there may some objects which are related to each other to a certain degree but may not. That is, there may be some hesitation or uncertainty about the degree that is assigned to the relationship of the objects. This problem is addressed by Atanassov in [
8] and introduced the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy relation (IF-relation) as an extension of F-relation. IF-relation is basically a pair of F-relations, named as membership and non-membership F-relations, which represents both the negative and positive aspects of the given information. IF-relation is the most effective approach to deal with DM in medical diagnosis. Composition of two IF-relations and some of its properties were studied by [
33]. Further, the concept of IF-equivalence relations waas studied by Hur et al. in [
34]. Naeem et al. presented the novel concepts of Pythagorean
m-polar FSs with applications in MCDM. Molodtsov [
35] introduced soft set theory to deal vague and uncertain real-life problems with the help of parameterizations. Riaz et al., introduced the idea of m-polar neutrosophic sets and m-polar neutrosophic topology with applications to MADM [
The main objective of this paper is to introduce the concept of linear Diophantine fuzzy relation (LDF-relation) as an extension of IF-relation. A second objective of LDF-relation is to address modeling uncertainties in MCDM. Because LDF-relation is more efficient to relax the strict restrictions of IF-relation regarding membership and non-membership grades. Some operations on LDF-relation and their properties are investigated. Additionally, algebraic structures such as semigroup, semiring and hemiring are studied in the set of all LDF-relations. A third objective is to introduce notion of score function of LDF-relation and to analyze the symmetry of the optimal decision and ranking of feasible alternatives. A fourth objective is to develop a new algorithm and present its practical application to MCDM problems based on LDFSs and LDF-relations.
This manuscript is composed in the following order:
Section 2 contains some basic concepts of FSs, IFSs, LDFSs, F-relation, IF-relations, semigroup, semiring and hemiring.
Section 3 introduces the concept of LDF-relation and some fundamental operations with some significant properties. With the help of these operations and properties, some algebraic structures such as semigroup, semiring and hemiring, in the set of all LDF-relations are introduced.
Section 4 is devoted to constructing an algorithm for DM with a numerical example. Finally,
Section 5 presents the conclusion of this research paper.
3. Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Relation (Ldf-Relation)
We know that the binary relations are just the subsets of the cartesian product of two universes and they play a vital role in both pure and applied sciences. To extend the existing notion of IF-relation, we applied the notion of LDFS [
26] to binary relations which removes the restrictions of IF-relations on membership and non-membership F-relations. In this regard, a new concept of LDF-relation is introduced in the motivation of Riaz and Hashmi’s work [
26] only with the addition of reference parameters corresponding to membership and non-membership F-relations respectively.
Definition 10. A LDF-relation from to is an expression of the following form:where the mappingsare denoting the membership, and non-membership F-relations from to , respectively, and are the corresponding reference parameters to and respectively. These membership and non-membership F-relations satisfy the conditionfor all with . For an LDF-relation from to , we shall usefor the sake of simplicity. The F-relation associated with each LDF-relation 1, where The number is an index (a degree) of hesitation wether and are the relation or not, and is the reference parameter of degree of hesitation. We shall denote the set of all LDF-relations from to by .
By Definition 10, an LDF-relation is simply an LDFS on .
Remark 1.
- (i)
Since every binary relation is a F-relation and every F-relation is an IF-relation with non-zero membership grade and zero non-membership grade. For parametric values , , and , an LDF-relation is a F-relation. For any reference parameters with , an IF-relation satisfies the conditionHence, every IF-relation is also an LDF-relation. However, the converse is not true in general as it is proved in case of LDFSs [26], page 5423. - (ii)
If the reference parameters do not satisfy the condition , then may exceed 1. For instance, if , , and , . It is clear that , and hence .
- (iii)
If , , and , then . Because, then .
- (iv)
The Definition 10 of LDF-relation can be extended to universal sets in similar manners.
In the motivation of the matrix notation of F-relations defined in [
30], the matrix notation of LDF-relations is defined below.
Definition 11. Let be an LDF-relation from to , where , and are finite universes. Consider , , and , , with satisfying for all , where and . Then, an LDF-relation can be represented in the form of four matrices as follows: Or in the form of one matrix as follows:where . Since an LDF-relation is an LDFS on , they have the same set-theoretic operations as LDFSs.
Definition 12. Let , and be two LDF-relations from to . Then,
- (1)
if and only iffor all . - (2)
, wherefor all . - (3)
, wherefor all . - (4)
is an LDF-relation from to , wherefor all . - (5)
Proposition 1. If , , then:
- (i)
- (ii)
Proof. The proof is straightforward in view of Definition 12. □
As an illustration of the Definition 12, we present the following example.
Example 1. Let , and . The LDF-relations and from to are defined in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. After simple calculations, the union is obtained in the Table 3. Their intersection is given in Table 4. Further, LDF-relation from to is calculated in Table 5. In addition, is presented in Table 6. Proposition 2. With the same notations as in Definition 12, the following properties hold:
- (1)
implies that .
- (2)
- (3)
- (4)
Proof. The proof is very easy in view of Definition 12. □
Definition 13. In , we denote and define full LDF-relation, and null LDF-relation as follows:where, As a direct consequence of the Definition 12 and , and Definition 13, we get the following result.
Proposition 3. Let . Then, the following properties hold:
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- (4)
- (5)
- (6)
- (7)
- (8)
- (9)
- (10)
The above Proposition 3 is very important which yields to the following algebraic structure (see Corollary 1).
Corollary 1. The pairs and are idempotent, commutative monoids with identity elements , and , respectively.
The next result is very important which gives rise to some other algebraic structures.
Proposition 4. With the same notations as in above Proposition 3, the following assertions hold:
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
If , and , imply that .
- (4)
If , and , then .
Proof. Let
. Then,
In the similar manners, it can be prove that
In addition,
, and
is a distributive lattice [
38], where
The proof is similar to the proof of . and can easily be proved by using Definition 12 , . □
From Proposition 4, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 2. The set is the following algebraic structures:
- (1)
Commutative semiring with identity element , and zero element .
- (2)
Commutative semiring with identity element , and zero element .
The above Corollary 2 gives rise to the following result.
Corollary 3. The set is hemiring with zero element .
In the motivation of the composition of F-relations [
30], we define the composition of two LDF-relations and study some of its important properties in the sequel of this manuscript.
Definition 14. Let be an LDF-relation from to , and be an LDF-relation from to . We denote and define their composition as follows:where,andfor all . Proposition 5. With the same notations as in Definition 14, we have .
Proof. First, we prove that
. Since
, then
. So,
This proves that
. Now, to prove that
for all
. Since
, for all
, and
for all
. It follows that:
. Then, by using the Definition 14,
(see Equations (
3) and (
4)). This proves Equation (
2). Hence,
. □
Theorem 1. With the same assumptions as in the above Proposition 5, the following assertion hold: Proof. Let
. According to the Definition 12
, and Definition 14,
Similarly, it can be proved that
. In addition,
Similar proof for
. This completes the proof. □
Theorem 2. If , and such that . Then,
- (1)
- (2)
Proof. The proof is straightforward in view of Definition 12 and 14.
From we have, . □
Theorem 3. If , and with , then: Proof. This proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2 . □
The following Theorem 4, informs us that LDF-relations satisfies the associative laws with respect to the composition defined in Definition 14.
Theorem 4. Let , , and . Then: Proof. Let
. Then, by Definition 14
. Now, let
. According to the Definition 14,
Similar proof for
. Thus proof is complete. □
In the following two results, the distributive laws of union and intersection over composition are proved.
Theorem 5. Let , and . Then, the following properties hold:
- (1)
- (2)
Proof. Let
. From Definition 14 and 12,
In a similar way, it can be proved that Furthermore, since and is a distributive lattice. Therefore, and . can be proved by following the same pattern. This completes the proof. □
Theorem 6. Let , and . Then, the following properties hold:
- (1)
- (2)
Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 5. □
Theorem 4, 5, and 5 giving rise the following algebraic structures.
Corollary 4. The triplet is:
- (1)
semiring with identity element and zero element .
- (2)
hemiring with zero element .
Now we define the concept of an equivalence LDF-relation. Let us assume that
is an LDF-relation on a
Definition 15. The LDF-relation is called reflexive, if:for all . If
, where
denotes the number of elements, and
. Then
is reflexive, if:
Definition 16. The LDF-relation is called symmetric, if:for all . Since a relation is symmetric, if and only if its matrix is the same as its transpose. So,
is symmetric, if and only if,
Definition 17. The LDF-relation is called transitive, if , that is, Definition 18. The LDF-relation is said to be an equivalence LDF-relation, if is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
For illustration, we construct the following Example.
Example 2. Let . Consider an relation on as follows: Then, it can be easily seen that is an equivalence LDF-relation.