A Distributed and Privacy-Preserving Random Forest Evaluation Scheme with Fine Grained Access Control
:1. Introduction
1.1. Our Contributions
1.2. Related Works
1.3. Organization
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Decision Tree
2.2. Ensemble Learning and Random Forest
2.3. Secret Sharing Scheme
2.4. Distributed BCP Cryptosystem with Threshold Decryption
- Additive homomorphism: If , then can be calculated by
3. Models and Definitions
3.1. System Model
3.1.1. Evaluation Service Providers (ESPs)
3.1.2. Service Requestor (SR)
3.1.3. Results Recipient (RR)
3.2. Threat Model
3.3. Security Requirements
3.3.1. Correctness
3.3.2. Confidentiality
3.3.3. Flexibility
3.3.4. Robustness
4. The Proposed Scheme
4.1. Constructing Blocks
4.1.1. Distributed Multiplication Protocol
Algorithm 1 Distributed multiplication protocol (). |
Input: ESP gives two ciphertexts encrypted with ; ESP own the key sharing share ; Public sharing parameters . Output: ESP obtains .
4.1.2. Distributed Comparison Protocol
Algorithm 2 Distributed comparison protocol (). |
Input: ESP gives two ciphertexts encrypted with ; ESP own the key sharing share ; Public sharing parameters . Output: ESP obtains , We remark that indicates , and indicates .
4.1.3. Distributed Maximum Protocol
Algorithm 3 Distributed maximum protocol (). |
Input: ESP gives two ciphertexts , encrypted with ; ESP own the key sharing share ; Public sharing parameters . Output: ESP obtains the corresponding to the maximum value.
4.1.4. Distributed Maximum_n Protocol
Algorithm 4 Distributed maximum_n protocol (). |
Input: ESP gives some ciphertexts encrypted with ; ESP own the key sharing share ; Public sharing parameters . Output: ESP obtains the corresponding to the maximum value.
4.1.5. Distributed Re-Encryption Protocol
Algorithm 5 Distributed re-encryption protocol (). |
Input: ESP gives a ciphertext encrypted with ; Public key of the assigned user; ESP own the key sharing share ; Public sharing parameters . Output: ESP obtains the re-encrypted ciphertext that can only be decrypted using the user’s private key u.
4.2. Initialization
4.2.1. Model Training
4.2.2. Public Parameters
4.2.3. Cloud Platform Private Key Share and Public Key
4.3. Privacy-Preserving Random Forest Evaluation(PPRE)
5. Security Analyses
5.1. Semantic Security of DTRS
5.2. Security of Multiplication Protocol
5.3. Security of Random Forest Evaluation
6. Efficiency Analyses
6.1. Analyses of Constructing Blocks
6.1.1. Analysis of Computation Complexity
6.1.2. Communication Overheads
6.2. Analysis of Proposed Privacy Preserving Random Forest
6.3. Comparison with Existing Works
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Symbols | Description |
SR | Service requester |
RR | Result recipient |
CP | Cloud platform |
ESPs | Evaluation service providers |
t | Number of servers in the cloud platform |
The key pair of RR | |
The key pair of cloud platform | |
or | Encryption of m under |
ESP’s secret share of | |
Bit length of m | |
Number of elements within | |
The raw data provided by SR | |
Polynomial expression of decision tree | |
The value of the non-terminal node in the tree | |
Distributed comparison protocol | |
Distributed multiplication protocol | |
Distributed maximum protocol | |
Distributed maximum_n protocol | |
Distributed re-encryption protocol |
Setup phase: |
ESPs(CP): |
1. Perform the operations in Section 4.2 Initialization |
2. Obtain a polynomial expression for each decision tree model . |
SR: |
1. Obtain public information from the CP. |
2. Generate data to be evaluated. |
3. Select RR and forward information from the CP to RR |
RR: Generate a public-private key pair and give the public key to SR. |
Phase1 Outsourcing: |
SR encrypts the data with the public key of the CP. Send the ciphertext and RR’s public key to the CP. |
Phase2 Evaluating: |
1. ESPs call to compare the received ciphertext with the value of the corresponding node in its own decision tree to get the result . |
2. ESPs use to compute the category coefficients of its own decision tree polynomials and merges the coefficients of the same categories to obtain . |
3. ESPs select an ESP as the aggregation server and send the computed decision tree polynomial to it. |
Phase3 Aggregating: |
1. After receiving the decision tree polynomials results from all ESPs, ESP aggregates them using the additive homomorphism of DRTS to obtain . |
2. ESP encrypts and calls for sorting to get which corresponds to the maximum . |
3. ESP calls re-encrypts using RR’s public key, and the resulting ciphertext is sent to RR. |
Phase4 Decrypting: |
RR performs decryption of the received ciphertext to obtain the CP’s evaluation of the SR’s data. |
Roles | Protocol | Computations | Communication Overhead |
ESP | |||
ESP | |||
ESP | |||
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Share and Cite
Zhou, Y.; Shen, H.; Zhang, M. A Distributed and Privacy-Preserving Random Forest Evaluation Scheme with Fine Grained Access Control. Symmetry 2022, 14, 415. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14020415
Zhou Y, Shen H, Zhang M. A Distributed and Privacy-Preserving Random Forest Evaluation Scheme with Fine Grained Access Control. Symmetry. 2022; 14(2):415. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14020415
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhou, Yang, Hua Shen, and Mingwu Zhang. 2022. "A Distributed and Privacy-Preserving Random Forest Evaluation Scheme with Fine Grained Access Control" Symmetry 14, no. 2: 415. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14020415
APA StyleZhou, Y., Shen, H., & Zhang, M. (2022). A Distributed and Privacy-Preserving Random Forest Evaluation Scheme with Fine Grained Access Control. Symmetry, 14(2), 415. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14020415