1. Introduction
With global warming and frequent heavy rains, urban flooding is becoming the serious urban disease in many countries all over the world [
1]. In recent years, many cities in China have experienced different levels of flooding disasters, the long time and deep depth of flooding along with large flooding areas are becoming three critical problems demanding solutions [
1]. Among 672 cities in mainland China, there are 643 cities with flood control tasks, but only 177 cities have reached national flood control standards, accounting for only 27.6%. The urban flooding disaster has become a common concern in China, and the studies on corresponding simulation technologies have attracted widespread attention [
The urban flooding problem arises from three aspects as follows. Firstly, in urban areas, rainwater is mainly removed through the rainwater pipe network system. However, in quite a number of cities, low level drainage standards, poor drainage capacity, aged drainage facilities and intricate drainage pipe networks with unreasonable settings, result in severe ‘intestinal obstruction’. It is difficult to drain logged water out of the system in time, thus aggravating urban flooding. Taking Beijing as an example, the drainage pipe network infrastructure in some areas dates back to Ming Dynasty, it is very difficult to fulfill the requirement of draining excessive flood in modern time. Secondly, the area occupied by impermeable pavements and buildings are increasing with the expansion of urban built-up area, blocking the water which is intended to infiltrate into the underground, thus causing flooding on the Earth’s surface everywhere. Thirdly, the depressions, lakes, and reservoirs, which are functioning as natural water storage facilities, are gradually filled or destroyed artificially for other purposes. It reduces the performance of these storage facilities in storing and delaying flooding, and mitigates the flood diversion function [
Being faced with the above problems, it is challenging to build a modern urban drainage system. Researchers have been dedicated to this filed for over two decades [
6]. “Sponge City” has been proposed for realizing the illusion of “natural storage, natural infiltration and natural purification”, it devotes to building a benign hydrological cycle system and maximizing the storage, infiltration and purification of rainwater in urban areas [
6]. Therefore, the total amount of runoff discharge can be effectively controlled to a low level, and the flood hydrograph with steep rise and fall can be flatted, making to minimizing a series of adverse effects brought about by urbanization. “Sponge City’’ can not only alleviate the urban flooding disaster in the city, but also be pollution-free and economic, thus drawing more and more attention in recent years.
The concept of “Sponge City” comes from the research of the adsorption effect of the city on the surrounding rural population proposed by Australian scholars, which is referred to the next generation of urban stormwater management technique [
7]. The “Sponge City” is also explained as “the low impact development rainwater system construction”. It absorbs, infiltrates, purifies, and stores water in raining period of time, and releases the stored water when necessary. In terms of the design of the “Sponge City”, researchers in the United States proposed the “Low Impact Development (LID)” [
8], which is the stormwater management and non-point source pollution treatment technique developed in late 1990s. It aims to control the runoff and pollution by means of decentralized, small-scale source control, making the development area being close to the natural hydrological cycle pattern as far as possible. LID is a kind of ecological technique which easily realizes urban rainwater collection and utilization. LID facilities mainly include rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavements, vegetative swales, and bio-retention cells.
LID facilities have been deployed in many application scenarios across developed districts and countries. In the United States, the application of LID facilities has given rise to many ecological construction theories and methods such as green roads, green communities, etc. [
9]. In Australia, LID technique is known as water-sensitive urban design [
10]. In the UK, the application of LID technique in urban drainage system facilitates the implementation of a sustainable urban drainage system [
11]. In Canada, LID technique is combined with site design to form optimal site design [
12] and protective design [
13]. In New Zealand, the application of LID technique is called low impact urban design and development [
14]. With the rapid development and extensive application of computer technique, the related simulation techniques are becoming more mature. The SWMM (storm water management model) is a commonly used drainage system model, which is often used to simulate and evaluate floods of urban areas. The control module of LID has been added to quantify the results of LID simulation in the current version of SWMM (SWMM5.1) [
15]. Debusk [
16] found that biological-retention could reduce surface runoff by 97% to 99% through the practical research. Qin et al. [
17] conducted SWMM simulation of different types of rainfall in Guang-Ming New District, Shenzhen, China, and found that LID caused greater reduction rate of runoff for short-duration rainfall compared to long-duration rainfall. Chui et al. [
18] analyzed the cost of different LID types and found that the design scheme was influenced by many factors such as peak flow reduction targets and rainfall types. Rushton [
19] used rain gardens and impermeable pavements to reduce the runoff in the study area by about 30%. Cipolla et al. [
20] conducted a long-term hydrological simulation experiment of green roofs through SWMM, the results confirmed that green roofs function well in restoring natural water. Martin-Mikle et al. [
21] developed the LID sitting framework on the 666-km
2 watershed area, they found that priority sites of LID facilities can lessen the negative effects of urbanization. These studies are mainly focus on the overall system. However, analysis on local ponding regions has seldom been addressed in the literature, yet. [
In this study, four LID scenarios (① no LID technique. ② LID technique based on infiltration. ③ LID technique based on water storage. ④ LID technique based on the combination of infiltration and water storage) are set up to analyze hydrological characteristics in various rainfall conditions. Concretely, the paper focused on: (1) SWMM model construction and validation by Comprehensive Runoff Coefficient (CRC) method; (2) the design of four LID scenarios; (3) evaluation of four LID scenarios in runoff reduction and peak reduction; (4) the influence of various LID scenarios on local ponding regions; and (5) hydrological characteristics of various LID scenarios under different rainfall amounts. The results of this study can provide some technical support for the construction of drainage systems in urban areas.
4. Results
4.1. Rainfall–Runoff Relationship of Various LID Scenarios
Figure 5 shows the relationship between rainfall and runoff under different LID scenarios. In the rainfall duration of 120 min, the base time of runoff concentration is about 240 min; in the rainfall duration of 180 min, the base time of runoff concentration is about 360 min. It can be seen that the peak time of rainfall is roughly the same as the peak time of flow with slightly delay. The reason is that the underlying surface always has water storage units and other facilities with the function of storing and infiltrating water.
Table 9 and
Table 10 show the reduction rate of peak flow and flood volume with various types of LID, respectively.
In the above rainfall–runoff diagrams, the surface runoff hydrograph of the Base case and LID_Storage almost coincide. When the rainfall duration is 120 min, the return periods are 1a, 3a, 5a, the reduction rates of peak flow in LID_Combination scenario are 32.44, 30.63, and 30.25%, respectively; and when the rainfall duration is 180 min, the reduction rates are 32.51, 30.38, and 30.01%. It shows that with a certain rainfall duration, the reduction rate of the peak flow is weaker when the rainfall intensity is greater. For the case with different rainfall durations but the same rainfall return period, the reduction rate of peak flow caused by infiltration will be slightly weakened in 180 min compared with 120 min. When the rainfall duration is 120 min, the return periods are 1a, 3a, 5a, the reduction rates of flood volume in LID_Combination scenario are 31.80, 31.24, and 31.15%, respectively; and when the rainfall duration is 180 min, the reduction rates are 3.77, 31.27, and 31.16%. It shows that the reduction rate of the flood volume is weaker when the rainfall intensity is greater. Among the 18 results, the maximum reduction rate of peak flow can reach up to 32.51% (T = 180 min, 1a, LID_Combination), the minimum is only 1.39% (T = 180 min, 5a, LID_Storage). The maximum reduction rate of total flood volume can reach up to 31.8% (T = 120 min, 1a, LID_Combination), the minimum is only 1.26%. In general, the efficiency of runoff reduction is ranked as follows: LID_Combination > LID_Infiltrate > LID_Storage > Base case. Xie et al. [
27] have similar results in Nanshan village’s research, with the maximum reduction rate of peak flow 100% (T = 180 min, 0.33a, LID_Combination), the minimum of 8.19% (T = 180 min, 5a, LID_Grassed Swale); and the maximum reduction rate of total flood volume 100% (T = 180 min, 0.33a, LID_Combination), the minimum of 6.47% (T = 180 min, 5a, LID_Grassed Swale).
In a word, the peak flow decreases gradually with the shorter rainfall duration and weaker rainfall intensity. The flood hydrograph is characteristic of the rapid rise and mitigatory recession with decreased flood volume and prolonged flood duration. Results in the study suggest that infiltration facilities reduce the surface runoff greatly while storage facilities have little effect on it. Retention tanks are more likely to mitigate flooding in local regions and the size of water storage facilities are not large enough. However, infiltration facilities usually consist of a series of porous structures connected to the outside air, allow rainwater to be infiltrated directly and reduce surface runoff at the source.
4.2. Influences of Various Types of LID on Local Ponding Regions
There have been few studies on local nodes, this paper analyzes and discusses nodes with flood, so as to improve the reliability of the conclusion. Since node 47 (junction node) and node 52 (junction node) are two nodes with the longer ponding time and more ponding depth in Base case, they are selected as typical ponding nodes for analysis and discussion, as shown in
Figure 1b. Influences of different types of LID on local ponding regions are shown in
Figure 6 and
Figure 7, respectively.
We determined the ponding area based on the DEM (digital elevation model) and questionnaires given to local residents. The ponding area at node 47 is 734 m2, and at node 52 is 7850 m2. It can be seen that for ponding water at node 47, ponding depth curves of Base case coincide with LID_Storage, and ponding depth curves of LID_Infiltrate are obviously lower than that of the base case. Ponding time varies greatly with different rainfall patterns. When the rainfall durations are 120 min and 180 min, the minimum ponding time at node 47 are 29.4 min, 31.8 min (1a, LID_Infiltration); the maximum ponding time are 201 min and 212.4 min (5a, base case), respectively. When the rainfall duration is 120 min and return periods are 1a, 3a, and 5a, reduction rates of water ponding time at node 47 are 73.1, 55.7, and 53.1%, respectively. When rainfall lasts for 180 min, reduction rates are 72.3, 57.3, and 54.5% respectively. As for ponding water at node 52, ponding depth curves of base case coincide with LID_Infiltrate. The ponding depth curve of LID_Storage is obviously lower than that of the base case. When there are storage facilities, there is no ponding water at node 52.
Infiltration facilities are more effective in flood reduction at node 47, storage facilities mitigate floods dramatically at node 52, and storage facilities perform much better in local regions than infiltration facilities. The flood hydrograph in LID_Infiltrate scenario is characterized by the rapid rise and recession at node 47, but there is a more mitigatory flood hydrograph in LID_Storage scenario at node 52. As the rainfall intensity decreases and rainfall duration increases, peak time is delayed. The ponding time becomes longer with increasing rainfall intensity, and the reduction rate of ponding time is smaller with increasing rainfall intensity.
4.3. Characteristics of Hydrology under Different Rainfall Amounts
The hydrological characteristics of different types of LID facilities under different rainfall amounts are shown in
Figure 8. Curves of the base case basically coincide with LID_Storage, LID_Infiltrate basically coincide with LID_Combinarion. Infiltration facilities have a greater reduction effect on runoff as the total amount of rainfall increases.
Runoff reduction varies greatly with rainfall amounts. When the rainfall amount is 47.06 mm, the maximum reduction of flood volume during the continuous rainfall–runoff process (240 min) is 24,470 m
3. When the rainfall amount is 89.18 mm, the maximum reduction of flood volume can reach 57,850 m
3 during the continuous rainfall–runoff process (360 min). When the rainfall amount is 47.06 mm, the maximum reduction of peak flow is 9.24 m
3/s. When the rainfall amount is 89.18 mm, the maximum reduction of peak flow is 19.2 m
3/s. When the rainfall amount is 47.06 mm, the maximum reduction time is 13.48 h. When the rainfall amount is 89.18 mm, the maximum reduction time can reach 57.26 h. As shown in
Figure 8a–c. Under all the LID designs, runoff reduction gradually increases with the increasing rainfall amount, peak reduction becomes stable when rainfall amount reaches about 81.8 mm. As shown in
Figure 8d. In general, maximum reduction rates are ranked as follows: flood volume > ponding time > peak flow.