Change in Extreme Precipitation over North Korea Using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Overview of Procedure
2.2. Study Area
2.3. Climate Change Scenarios
2.4. Generalized Extreme Value
3. Results
3.1. Change in Extreme Precipitation Amount in the Future Period
3.2. Change in Probability Distribution in the Future Period
3.3. Change in Extreme Precipitation at Shared River Basin
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Reference period | 1980–2005 |
F1 | Future1 (2011–2040) |
F2 | Future2 (2041–2070) |
F3 | Future3 (2071–2100) |
RCP | Representative concentration pathway |
AMDP | Annual maximum daily precipitation |
DQM | Detrended quantile mapping |
QDM | Quantile delta mapping |
SD-QDM | Spatial disaggregation/quantile delta mapping |
MMEs | Multimodel ensembles |
NARCCAP | North American regional climate change assessment program |
CORDEX | Coordinated regional climate downscaling experiment |
CMIP | Coupled model intercomparison project |
MLD | Military demarcation line |
IPCC | Intergovernmental panel on climate change |
CV | Coefficient of variation |
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No. | GCM | Resolution (Degrees) | Institution |
1 | CanESM2 | 2.813 × 2.791 | Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis |
2 | CCSM4 | 1.250 × 0.942 | National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA |
3 | CESM1-BGC | 1.250 × 0.942 | |
4 | CESM1-CAM5 | 1.250 × 0.942 | |
5 | CMCC-CM | 0.750 × 0.748 | Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change) |
6 | CMCC-CMS | 1.875 × 1.865 | |
7 | CNRM-CM5 | 1.406 × 1.401 | Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, France |
8 | CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 | 1.875 × 1.865 | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence |
9 | FGOALS-g2 | 2.791 × 2.813 | The National Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Chinese Academy of Sciences |
10 | FGOALS-s2 | 2.813 × 1.659 | |
11 | GFDL-CM3 | 2.500 × 2.000 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA |
12 | GFDL-ESM2G | 2.000 × 2.023 | |
13 | GFDL-ESM2M | 2.500 × 2.023 | |
14 | HadGEM2-AO | 1.875 × 1.250 | Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Change, UK |
15 | HadGEM2-CC | 1.875 × 1.250 | |
16 | INM-CM4 | 2.000 × 1.500 | Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russia |
17 | IPSL-CM5A-LR | 3.750 × 1.895 | Institute Pierre Simon Laplace, France |
18 | IPSL-CM5A-MR | 2.500 × 1.268 | |
19 | IPSL-CM5B-LR | 3.750 × 1.895 | |
20 | MIROC-ESM | 2.813 × 2.791 | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
21 | MIROC-ESM-CHEM | 2.813 × 2.791 | |
22 | MPI-ESM-LR | 1.875 × 1.865 | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany |
23 | MPI-ESM-MR | 1.875 × 1.865 | |
24 | MRI-CGCM3 | 1.125 × 1.122 | Meteorological Research Institute, Japan |
25 | NorESM1-M | 2.500 × 1.895 | Norwegian Climate Centre |
Site Name | Latitude | Longitude | First Year of Observation |
Senbong | 42°19′ N | 130°24′ E | 1973 |
Samjiyon | 41°49′ N | 128°19′ E | 1981 |
Chongjin | 41°47′ N | 129°49′ E | 1973 |
Chunggang | 41°47′ N | 126°53′ E | 1973 |
Hyesan | 41°24′ N | 128°10′ E | 1973 |
Kanggye | 40°58′ N | 126°36′ E | 1973 |
Pungsan | 40°49′ N | 128°09′ E | 1981 |
Kimchaek | 40°40′ N | 129°12′ E | 1973 |
Supung | 40°27′ N | 124°56′ E | 1981 |
Changjin | 40°22′ N | 127°15′ E | 1981 |
Sinuiju | 40°06′ N | 124°23′ E | 1973 |
Kusong | 39°59′ N | 125°15′ E | 1981 |
Huichon | 40°10′ N | 126°15′ E | 1981 |
Hamhung | 39°56′ N | 127°33′ E | 1973 |
Sinpo | 40°02′ N | 128°11′ E | 1981 |
Anju | 39°37′ N | 125°39′ E | 1981 |
Yangdok | 39°10′ N | 126°50′ E | 1981 |
Wonsan | 39°11′ N | 127°26′ E | 1973 |
Pyongyang | 39°02′ N | 125°47′ E | 1973 |
Nampo | 38°43′ N | 125°22′ E | 1981 |
Changjon | 38°44′ N | 128°11′ E | 1981 |
Sariwon | 38°31′ N | 125°46′ E | 1973 |
Singye | 38°30′ N | 126°32′ E | 1981 |
Yongyon | 38°12′ N | 124°53′ E | 1981 |
Haeju | 38°02′ N | 125°42′ E | 1973 |
Kaesong | 37°58′ N | 126°34′ E | 1973 |
Pyonggang | 38°24′ N | 127°18′ E | 1981 |
F1 | F2 | F3 | ||||
RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | |
20.7 | 21.1 | 16.9 | 16.2 | 14.1 | 8.8 | |
Standard Deviation | 1.67 | 2.02 | 3.43 | 2.97 | 2.01 | 2.22 |
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Share and Cite
Kwon, M.; Sung, J.H.; Ahn, J. Change in Extreme Precipitation over North Korea Using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios. Water 2019, 11, 270.
Kwon M, Sung JH, Ahn J. Change in Extreme Precipitation over North Korea Using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios. Water. 2019; 11(2):270.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKwon, Minsung, Jang Hyun Sung, and Jaehyun Ahn. 2019. "Change in Extreme Precipitation over North Korea Using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios" Water 11, no. 2: 270.
APA StyleKwon, M., Sung, J. H., & Ahn, J. (2019). Change in Extreme Precipitation over North Korea Using Multiple Climate Change Scenarios. Water, 11(2), 270.