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中国农业科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 39-50 .doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2010.01.005

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇




  1. (扬州大学农学院/江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/农业部长江中下游作物生理生态与栽培重点开放实验室)
  • 收稿日期:2009-04-09 修回日期:2009-07-18 出版日期:2010-01-10 发布日期:2010-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 张洪程

Differences in Nitrogen Absorption and Use Efficiency in Rice Genotypes with Different Yield Performance

YIN Chun-yuan, ZHANG Qing, WEI Hai-yan, ZHANG Hong-cheng, DAI Qi-gen, HUO Zhong-yang, XU Ke, MA Qun, HANG Jie, ZHANG Sheng-fei

  1. (扬州大学农学院/江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/农业部长江中下游作物生理生态与栽培重点开放实验室)
  • Received:2009-04-09 Revised:2009-07-18 Online:2010-01-10 Published:2010-01-10
  • Contact: ZHANG Hong-cheng


【目的】明确不同产量基因型水稻氮素营养吸收、利用差异。【方法】采用大田试验,以长江中下游地区5种生育期类型中相对高产和低产的20个粳稻品种为材料,研究施氮量为225 kg?hm-2水平下两种产量类型水稻的产量、氮素积累量、氮素吸收速率和氮素利用效率的差异及其之间的相互关系。【结果】随着生育期的延长,高产水稻类型的平均产量分别比低产类型高31.62%、31.94%、39.47%、26.21%和21.82%;氮素生育期累积量和氮素利用率随着生育期的延长呈逐渐增加的趋势,高产类型明显高于低产类型;氮素阶段性积累量和阶段性吸收速率的变化为:移栽至拔节和拔节至抽穗阶段为高产类型高于低产类型;抽穗至成熟阶段部分基因型表现为低产类型高于高产类型,但差异不大。相关分析表明,水稻产量与氮素积累量、氮素利用率呈显著或极显著正相关,与各阶段的氮素吸收速率亦呈正相关关系,其中移栽至拔节阶段达极显著水平,其余阶段未达显著水平。【结论】相对于低产基因型水稻,高产基因型在各个生育阶段的氮素积累量、抽穗前的氮素吸收速率及氮素利用效率均较高。可见,高产与提高氮素的积累和利用在品种本身的改良上可得到统一。

关键词: 水稻, 氮素累积量, 氮素吸收速率, 氮素利用率, 基因型, 产量类型


【Objective】 The objective of this study was to identify the differences in N absorption and use efficiency in rice genotypes with different yield performances. 【Method】 A field experiment was conducted with 20 rice genotypes(10 high-yielding and 10 low-yielding performance) selected from 108 rice genotypes including early (125-135 d, growth duration), medium (136-145 d) and late-maturing (146-155 d) medium japonica and early (156-165 d) and medium-maturing (166-175 d) late japonica rice under 225 kg?hm-2 N fertilizer application in 2006 and 2007 on the farm of Yangzhou University, Jiangsu province, China. Yield, N accumulation, N uptake rate, N use efficiency and their relationship were analyzed. 【Result】 The results showed that the mean yields of high-yielding rice genotypes were 31.6%, 31.94%, 39.47%, 26.21%,and 21.82% higher than those of low-yielding rice genotypes, respectively, with the extension of the growth duration. N accumulation and use efficiency increased with the extension of the growth duration, and which of high-yielding genotypes was significantly higher than those of low-yielding genotypes. N accumulation and uptake rate of high-yielding genotypes were higher than those of low-yielding during the growth phases from transplanting to elongation and from elongation to heading, while it showed a reversed trend during the growth phase from heading to maturing for some genotypes. Correlation analysis indicated that there existed significant or highly significant positive correlations between yield and N accumulation, N use efficiency, N uptake rate during the growth phase from transplanting to elongation.【Conclusion】 Compared with the low-yielding rice genotypes, N accumulation in various growing stages, N uptake rate before heading and N use efficiency of high-yielding rice genotypes were higher. It was obvious that high yield and increasing N accumulation and use efficiency could be coordinated development on improving genotype.

Key words: rice, N accumulation, N uptake rate, N use efficiency, genotype, yield performance